Saturday, December 31, 2005
Happy New Year
Just wondering how many of you really do go out on New Year's Eve and party. Today is my son's 23 rd birthday - I know what I was doing 23 years ago!
I am intending that 2006 brings balance to the planet and peace is felt within for many. To your health, healing and happiness
----- - Happy New Year!
Auld Lang Syne
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
and days of auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we'll take a cup of kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
and days of auld lang syne?
And here's a hand, my trusty friend
And gie's a hand o' thine
We'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet
For auld lang syne
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
"Big Lies" - Who told the worst political untruth of 2005?
From their I ventured into another blog site and read about the Milgram-Experiment in:
Then I read a comment by Signs -of -the and they actually had some interesting suggestions for new government policy.
Quote: "The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it" -Albert Einstein
Awaken from the dream........:-)
The comment below followed the article on "Big Lies." Comment: It's a strangely schizophrenic state for the United States to be in: on one side, you have Bush, Cheney and the gang loudly proclaiming "their reality," and on the other, you have more and more mainstream media outlets loudly proclaiming that Bush, Cheney, and the whole White House gang are out and out liars.
Two years ago, almost NONE of the mainstream media sources were calling Bush and Cheney liars; that was the purview of the alternative news sites and bloggers. But the issues have grown so large, so frightening that even the moderates and former Bush supporters are joining the general clamor for something to be done.
There's a problem, however, as Eleanor Clift points out above:
"The polls show that a majority of Americans no longer trust this team, which is why Bush and Cheney are hitting back hard at their critics. ... We have no mechanism to deal with a president who has lost the trust and confidence of the American people and has three years remaining in office. Impeachment is a nonissue; it’s not going to happen with Republicans in control of the House and Senate."
Recent polls (uncooked ones, that is) show that over 80 % of the American People want Bush impeached. But, as we pointed out a day or so ago, that's not the answer. If you impeache Bush, you get Cheney, if you impeach Cheney, you get Hastert, if you impeach Hastert, you get Stevens.
What we need is a way to get rid of an entire government.
The problem seems to be that our Founding Fathers did not include in their deliberations, any situation such as the United States is faced with today: a gang that has fixed elections, assassinated opposition, blackmailed and stacked the Congress to pass laws that essentially create a dictatorship.
Some other democratic governments have made provisions for just such contingencies. Typically, when parliaments vote 'no confidence,' or where it fails to vote confidence, a government must either: 1. resign, or 2. seek a parliamentary dissolution and request a General Election. We think that such provisions still leave something to be desired in that there is no way to factor in the voice of the people
In view of the situation, we here at Signs do have an idea. Since it is now obvious that 80 % or more of the American people want Bush OUT, it is not very likely that any of them will be voting Republican in the next congressional elections. If a Republican majority is returned to Congress, we can then be almost certain of vote rigging. So, the thing to do first is deluge all state governments with demands for voting systems that have a paper trail to ensure that no more elections are stolen.
Then, the people must put their energy into demanding new legislation. This legislation should be a bill introduced in Congress to the effect that a petition of citizens can invoke a national referendum of confidence/no confidence. Such a referendum will be 1 person = 1 vote, no "electoral college," no steps between the will of the people and the representatives of the people. If the will of the people is "no confidence" in the reigning government, they must all resign and a new election will be held. There ought to also be new legislation regarding elections, election financing, Congressional perks and power brokering.
So, here are some general ideas:
Government Should Be In The Hands Of Those Who Wish To Serve And Who Are Qualified By A Thorough Psychological Testing Program As Well As Extensive Background Investigation by something equivalent to a Grand Jury. Governing powers should certainly never be in the hands of those who are evaluated according to "electability" in terms of looks, or budget. Government should be made undesirable to those who seek money and power. Honor and the High Regard of the People should be the main rewards of statesmanship. Therefore, the following should be enacted as Constitutional Amendments:
A. Outlaw Expensive Political Campaigns. The Top Five qualified candidates should be given equal media representation gratis so that each can clearly state their positions and platforms. Money must be divorced from power in a Democracy.
B. Outlaw Lobbying And Special Interest Groups. Each Act Of Legislation should be clearly written so that all people can understand it,and no bills should be "conglomerates" where an unpopoular measure can be piggy-backed on a popular one.
C. All Elected Officials should be elected by Majority Vote of the People only. The Electoral College needs to be dismantled.
D. Salaries Of Elected Officials should reflect an average of the incomes of their constituents. In this way, they will have a better idea of how everybody else lives and will be more motivated to solve the problems of the people they serve.
Legislators and government officials should be provided with simple apartments, paid for by the government, where they can live while performing government functions if they must live away from their normal homes while doing so. Expensive residences, parties, cars, trips, and other so-called perks must be outlawed. Entertainment for visiting heads of state from other countries can be handled via special programs for same.
E. Outlaw Honorariums, Speaking Fees, Consulting Fees, Gifts etc, for elected officials while in office. If they can't live on their salaries, how do the expect anyone else to do so?
Such measures as the above are simple and would quickly result in social adjustments relating to government. With individual riches and power eliminated from the government equation, only those who truly seek to serve will be motivated to run for government office.
Naturally it is to be expected that great resistance to such ideas will issue from those possessing great wealth and power. The wealthy and powerful control not only the government, but also religions, social customs and social institutions. They have access to very clever theoreticians who invent very clever theories to justify everything they do. The result of these machinations can be seen all around us today. Never before has humanity been so precariously balanced on the edge of a chasm of fire, from which no one will emerge if we fall in.
Popular Theory holds that, while concentrated wealth may seem unfair, it is "good for economic prosperity." A couple of con-artists once made an Emperor a New set of clothes, too.
We believe in prosperity and comfort and freedom from want for all. Indeed, those who are more industrious and ambitious will naturally have more than others: that is the nature of a free market. We have no issues with that. However, we believe that those individuals who are less "equal" in terms of intellect or ambition, but who are still the majority of humanity, should be able to establish and maintain a basically comfortable and fulfilling lifestyle. The people who are content flipping burgers and collecting the trash should be able to live without stress, too.
Since our current major problems are actually Economic, we think immediate measures must be taken. These measures are based on the ideas of Dr. Ravi Batra, Professor Of Economics at Southern Methodist University.
A. Enact taxation in proportion to benefits received from the government. Since "Defense Of Our Way Of Life" is the Primary Benefit we receive, and is the major part of the Federal Budget, those who have the most to protect should pay the most taxes for that service.
Those who have accumulated great wealth in the United States have been vigorously protected at great expense of life limb by the common people from the time of The Revolutionary War until the present. That is to say, that the wealthy have been protected at the expense of the poor and middle classes and yet, the poor and middle classes are getting poorer and less able to survive while the rich are getting richer and sending more of the sons of the poor and middle classes off to die to enable the rich to get richer. For this reason, such a Wealth Tax should be retroactive when possible.
This Tax should be imposed on net worth including Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate, Precious Metals, Paintings Etc. An Exemption of an amount to equal twice the average cost of living in a given region should be allowed for everyone for personal and living expenses. The next double amount of the average cost of living would be taxed at 2%, the third at 3%, the fourth at 4%, and so on up to 10% of everything above 10 times double the average cost of living.
As can easily be seen, this would instantly remove the tax burden from the poor and Middle Classes entirely.
This Tax Rate would also generate revenues amounting to well over $300 Billion, based on $15 Trillion in total wealth.
This tax would apply to all foreign investors as well. This money should be used to immediately balance the Federal Budget. At the same time, government spending must be frozen and capital controls against moving money out of the country enacted.
Several things would result from this plan.
1. The tax would only fall on those who could afford to pay.
2. It would stimulate those of wealth to divest themselves of speculative paper and invest in actual industry. REAL jobs would be created and expanded.
B. Financial Institutions Must Be Regulated, and not by themselves as is the current situation with the so-called "Fed."
C. Charge Foreign Countries For Defense. It is cheaper for foreign governments to pay the U.S. than to establish and maintain their own standing armies. That is one of the reasons the U.S. has so many military bases all over the world. Ten years agoa, as much as $290. billion of the U.S. Defense Budget was spent on defense abroad. Today, that figure is so unbelievable that the U.S. is in imminent danger of economic collapse.
Following WW II, America offered a sefense umbrella to impoverished allies. At that time it was the world's largest banker. Those surpluses have declined turning America into the world's largest debtor. We can no longer compete in world trade because of our defense spending. Charging 1 To 2 percent of other nation's GNP for defense would bring in hundreds of millions annually. It can be said that the Iraq War is being fought on behalf of Israel, therefore, Israel should pay for it. Any wealthy individuals in the U.S. holding dual Israeli/American citizenship ought to pay double the Wealth Tax: once for the U.S. and once for Israel.
If other countries imposed a wealth tax as well, they would easily be able to bring their books into balance. But, as we have noted above, it is the wealthy who have risen to power on the blood, sweat and tears of the common man with the predictable result of today's embarrassing situation of the U.S. being stuck for the next three years with a president and administration that over 80% of the people do not want. It is the "love of money" for its own sake that has brought this evil on America.
In closing we would like to say: We believe in government of the people, by the people, and for the people - and we desire to see that it does not perish from the Earth!
Piercing through the Veil (Illusions)
The proposition that Dr. Hawkins presents in this book is "…the human mind is like a computer terminal connected to a giant database. The database is human consciousness itself… with its roots in the common consciousness of all mankind. …The unlimited information contained in the database has now been shown to be readily available to anyone in a few seconds, at any time and in any place."
In other words, Dr. Hawkins presents a method, using "kinesiological testing", to get an accurate answer to any question (except predicting the future) with a "yes or no; true or false" answer by accessing the sum total of human experience.
Kinesiological testing is a simple procedure relating to the mind-body connection that can be performed by two people. With his research assistants, Dr. Hawkins has performed thousands of tests of the reliability of the procedure. I invite you to read about it and try it for yourself.
Using this method, Dr. Hawkins has made a logarithmic scale ranking of different levels of consciousness, from shame (20) to courage (200) to enlightenment (700 – 1,000).
According to Dr. Hawkins, effectiveness of activity from the higher states of consciousness is based on power, the influence of good or leadership. The effectiveness of activity from the lower states of consciousness is based on force.
I have often used his, "Map of Consciousness", as a tool in assessing the different levels that one may be vibrating at. There are patterns very distinct at each level of awareness. Just knowing that different levels of awareness are in fact real, it helps one to move out of judgment and more into compassion toward others as they experience their version of reality from a different level or point of view.
This morning I happened to read this article, and found it correlates to perhaps another understanding of the levels one may observe in not only themselves, but in others.
Piercing through the veils, often reflects piercing through the layers of the heart.
From the December 2001 Idaho Observer:
Slavery and the eight veils
by Don Harkins
Over the last several years I have evolved and discarded several theories in an attempt to explain why it is that most people cannot see truth -- even when it smacks them in the face. Those of us who can see “the conspiracy” have participated in countless conversations amongst ourselves that address the frustration of most peoples' inability to comprehend the extremely well-documented arguments which we use to describe the process of our collective enslavement and exploitation. The most common explanation to be arrived at is that most people just “don't want to see” what is really going on.
Extremely evil men and women who make up the world's power-elite have cleverly cultivated a virtual pasture so grass green that few people seldom, if ever, bother to look up from where they are grazing long enough to notice the brightly colored tags stapled to their ears.
The same people who cannot see their enslavement for the pasture grass have a tendency to view as insane “conspiracy theorists” those of us who can see the past the farm and into the parlor of his feudal lordship's castle.
Finally, I understand why.
It's not that those who don't see that their freedom is vanishing under the leadership of the power-elite “don't want to see it” -- they simply can't see what is happening to them because of the unpierced veils that block their view.
All human endeavors are a filtration process. Sports is one of the best examples. We play specific sports until we get kicked off the playground. The pro athletes we pay big bucks to watch just never got kicked off the playground. Where millions of kids play little league each spring, they are filtered out until there are about 50 guys who go to the World Series in October.
Behind the first veil: There are over six billion people on the planet. Most of them live and die without having seriously contemplated anything other than what it takes to keep their lives together. Ninety percent of all humanity will live and die without having pierced the first veil.
The first veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the first veil and find the world of politics. We will vote, be active and have an opinion. Our opinions are shaped by the physical world around us; we have a tendency to accept that government officials, network media personalities and other “experts” are voices of authority. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the second veil.
The second veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the second veil to explore the world of history, the relationship between man and government and the meaning of self-government through constitutional and common law. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the third veil.
The third veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the third veil to find that the resources of the world, including people, are controlled by extremely wealthy and powerful families whose incorporated old world assets have, with modern extortion strategies, become the foundation upon which the world's economy is currently indebted. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the fourth veil.
The fourth veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the fourth veil to discover the Illuminati, Freemasonry and the other secret societies. These societies use symbols and perform ceremonies that perpetuate the generational transfers of arcane knowledge that is used to keep the ordinary people in political, economic and spiritual bondage to the oldest bloodlines on earth. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the fifth veil.
The fifth veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the fifth veil to learn that the secret societies are so far advanced technologically that time travel and interstellar communications have no boundaries and controlling the actions of people is what their members do as offhandedly as we tell our children when they must go to bed. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the sixth veil.
The sixth veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the sixth veil where the dragons and lizards and aliens we thought were the fictional monsters of childhood literature are real and are the controlling forces behind the secret societies. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without piercing the seventh veil.
The seventh veil: I do not know what is behind the seventh veil. I think it is where your soul is evolved to the point you can exist on earth and be the man Ghandi was, or the woman Peace Pilgrim was-people so enlightened they brighten the world around them no matter what.
The eighth veil? Piercing the eighth veil probably reveals God and the pure energy that is the life force in all living things-which are, I think, one and the same.
If my math is accurate there are only about 60,000 people on the planet who have pierced the sixth veil. The irony here is too incredible: Those who are stuck behind veils one through five have little choice but to view the people who have pierced the veils beyond them as insane. With each veil pierced, exponentially shrinking numbers of increasingly enlightened people are deemed insane by exponentially increasing masses of decreasingly enlightened people.
Adding to the irony, the harder a “sixth or better veiler” tries to explain what he is able to see to those who can't, the more insane he appears to them.
Our enemy, the state
Behind the first two veils we find the great majority of people on the planet. They are tools of the state: Second veilers are the gullible voters whose ignorance justify the actions of politicians who send first veilers off to die in foreign lands as cannon fodder -- their combined stations in life are to believe that the self-serving machinations of the power-elite are matters of national security worth dying for.
Third, fourth, fifth and sixth veilers are of increasing liability to the state because of their decreasing ability to be used as tools to consolidate power and wealth of the many into the hands of the power-elite. It is common for these people to sacrifice more of their relationships with friends and family, their professional careers and personal freedom with each veil they pierce.
Albert Jay Nock (1870-1945), author of “Our Enemy, the State” (1935), explained what happens to those who find the seventh and eighth veils: “What was the best that the state could find to do with an actual Socrates and an actual Jesus when it had them? Merely to poison one and crucify the other, for no reason but that they were too intolerably embarrassing to be allowed to live any longer.”
And so now we know that it's not that our countrymen are so committed to their lives that, “they don't want to see,” the mechanisms of their enslavement and exploitation. They simply “can't see” it as surely as I cannot see what's on the other side of a closed curtain.
The purpose of this essay is threefold: To help the handful of people in the latter veils to understand why the masses have little choice but to interpret their clarity as insanity; 2. To help people behind the first two veils understand that living, breathing and thinking are just the beginning and; 3. Show people that the greatest adventure of our life is behind the next veil because that is just one less veil between ourselves and God.
The Idaho Observer
P.O. Box 457
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869Phone: 208-255-2307
Email: observer@coldreams.comWeb:
Saturday, December 24, 2005
The Dance of 12:12
The Dance of 12:12 has been Initiated for this Current Cycle
By Daniel Jacob - ReconnectionsDec 23, 2005, 21:14
The dance of 12:12 has been initiated for this current cycle. The Mystical Marriage has begun. The Shadow Dance of the Solstice (12:21) is underway. This is the time of year where POLARITY DANCE PARTNERS, of every shape, size, and classification.........stand face to face......wearing for each other their darkest reflections.
The STANDING STILL SUN..........which is the literal meaning for the term "Winter Solstice"..........symbolizes humanity's darkest hours, which come just before our brightest dawn.
There are definitive and logical reasons why this time of year tends to bring forth deep emotions, internal despair, and domestic trauma. It is the time (usually 3 or 4 days) where the gyroscope of our external momentum winds down completely---preparing us for the illumination of new ideas, new goals, and the BIRTH of our Magical Child.
The traditional celebratory rituals and customs of this season were originated, in many COUNTERACT the shock of this energetic STAND STILL. As the sun stops, our social world COMES ALIVE. During our shortest days, and our darkest times (energetically)......we purpose to surround ourselves with LIGHTS, SINGING, and EXPRESSIONS OF LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER. As our planetary boat energetically leans in one direction, our collective heart deliberately leans in the opposite direction.
All of this is preparation for the appearance of FIRST LIGHT, which comes on December 25. This is far more pervasive than that which comes from Christian Tradition. It spans many cultures and communities, carrying a myriad of meanings and symbolism.
This year, the numerology for that day is 12 (3) + 25 (7) =10 = 1.
The year numerology is 2005, which reduces down to a 7, which is the number of Planetary Completion (7 chakras, 7 days of the week, etc).
The cycles and systems of seven, maintaining and focusing the Planet Earth will interface directly with that ONENESS of which we have all been speaking.
In one of their latest transmissions to us, the Reconnections refer to this period as "The Birth of the Planetary Oneself Community."
This is a time on our planet when the concept of EXPLICIT COMMUNITY (that which is deliberate and outward in its expression, which is initiated through deliberate intent and regulated through political structuring) seems to be at its lowest ebb.........a time when humanity seems most disillustioned by its leaders and its political systems.
In one of their earlier transmissions, the Reconnections put it this way:
"A huge chunk of humanity has suddenly let go of the notion that answers to societal problems can find lasting resolution through collective outward deliberations and agreements. They cannot. All involvement in what you call "politics" is, at its root, a form of conspiracy. Though this latter expression is often upon your lips today, it surely is not new.
And the same dynamic applies whether you are negotiating with human ambassadors and politicians, or with Ascended Masters, who you feel are energizing "the peace movement to end all peace movements." The results will be the same. Enduring relief does not come through separation-based agreements. Or, if it does, it brings with it something you will probably need to address later. Are you familiar with the phrase "today's solution is tomorrow's problem?"
Through involvement in politics, you create a space called "society," where you form agreements with "them" (whoever "they" are).....that each of you will subjugate your spontaneous, authentic, in-the-moment behavior to a set protocol of expression (or repression)---to the end that you may live peacefully within a fabricated, postured environment that looks good, sounds good, but inevitably ends up feeling quite empty and sad.
You cannot resolve personal unrest and disappointment by focusing outside yourself. You only delay the inevitable moment when you must finally examine your own inner void and seek your own answers.
To realize that there is ONLY ONE......regardless of that One's various masks and faces, smiles, tears, or overt actions the beginning of a new world, right then and there. And it only takes One, for that is all there really is, or ever was!
As this One begins to own each "other" one, and another, and another, as self......continually expanding his or her identity....and sentience of self---an innate force of personal homeostasis begins to take over. It isn't a "negotiated peace" at all. It is now, and always was inbred. Natural. Quite efficient, really.
In a Reconnected World, as in an aware, functional human body......the instinct for self-preservation always ends up reigning supreme. All AS One, One AS All. Every man for himself. But friends......what a "self" ye all are! Focus! Realize! Relax into it! You'll be amazed."
Now comes the new birth of IMPLICIT COMMUNITY.........Family of the Heart......which has its home in the heart and soul of every man, woman, and child. Through belief in Universal Oneness, the Multiverse, and our time-honored Metaphysical Cornerstone called: "You create your own reality".......humanity is about to collectively turn ourselves INSIDE OUT. Many individuals have been living this truth for years, but now SOCIETY, as a ready to step into this principle.
The CHRIST is born.......within each of us. We become our own NEO.........."The One".........who is Gatekeeper for our individualized universe of perception. As life goes on all about us......our newly activated Oneself Perceptual Software also begins to come online........ framing and highlighting EXACTLY what it is we need to see, feel, enact, and celebrate........wrapping it all in a firm belief that "This is ME. It's all ME."
The Oneself Planetary Community is our WORLD WITHIN, which has power to shift and adjust our WORLD WITHOUT.
It is a Locus of Perception, where each of us stands at a junction of vertical and horizontal, positive and negative, male and female, light and dark. This realization of Oneness becomes a TOUCHSTONE, a RESET BUTTON, which can return everything and everyone into a SINGULAR TONE of Beingness, Oneself Awareness........just before we dance off again into our infinite expressions of variance and diversity.
May the arrival of December 25, 2005 (the great 1 and 7 conjunction) bring you an abiding sense of confidence, internal vision, and personal joy!
Solaris Homily! (Peace, Love, Fellowship).
Christmas Eve and Thinking Peace
It's Christmas Eve Day and I have a few minutes to sit and reflect on this day and tomorrow. As we wind down another year of tremendous changes, one can only wonder what 2006 will birth. It is my hope that the hearts and minds will be opened further and conflicts will be settled in a more peaceful and enlightened manner.
I happened to find this article this morning written by John Dear, and thought it was something worth pondering.
Christmas Tree Picture taken by friends Alex and Cody in Melbourne, 2005
John Dear is a Jesuit priest, peace activist, and the author/editor of 20 books on peace and nonviolence, including most recently “The Questions of Jesus” and “Living Peace,” both published by Doubleday. He is the coordinator of Pax Christi New Mexico. For information, see:
Published on Saturday, December 24, 2005 by
“Peace on Earth” Means “No More War”
by John Dear
The story goes that when the nonviolent Jesus was born into abject poverty to homeless refugees on the outskirts of a brutal empire, angels appeared in the sky to impoverished shepherds singing, “Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth!” That child grew up to become, in Gandhi’s words, “the greatest nonviolent resister in the history of the world,” and was subsequently executed by the empire for his insistence on justice.
This weekend, as tens of millions of Christians across the country celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace, the U.S. wages war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Colombia and elsewhere; crushes the hungry, homeless, elderly, imprisoned and refugee; and maintains the world’s ultimate terrorist threat--its nuclear arsenal.
Like Herod, Pilate and their soldiers, we have rejected the angels’ call for “peace on earth.” When Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and their warmaking supporters celebrate Christmas, they mock Christ and his steadfast nonviolence, and carry on the massacre of the innocents.
If the angels are correct, then Christmas requires us to welcome God’s gift of peace
on earth. In such a time, that means we have to work for an end to war. Christmas calls us to become like Christ--people of active, creative, steadfast nonviolence who give our lives in resistance to empire and war.
In pursuit of this Christmas gift, a group of us met this week with Bill Richardson, the Governor of New Mexico, and asked him to dismantle our nuclear weapons and disarm Los Alamos, the birthplace of the bomb. In this day and age, it is surprising that any elected official would meet and listen to anti-war activists. Yet Richardson asked to begin a public dialogue with us about nuclear disarmament. We take this as a sign of hope, even as we continue our protests at Los Alamos.
When Gandhi was asked one Christmas day for his thoughts about Christmas, he spoke about the connection between the wood of the crib--Christ’s poverty--and the wood of the cross--Christ’s nonviolent resistance to evil. He said Christmas summons us to the same lifelong nonviolence. It has social, economic, and political implications. I think, like Gandhi, that we have to make those connections and pursue those implications. Here are a few of them.
First, Christmas celebrates the birth of a life of perfect nonviolence and calls us to become people of active nonviolence. Christmas invites us to practice the vulnerable, disarming simplicity of children, to live the disarmed life in solidarity with the children of the world, and to spend our lives in resistance to empire. It summons us to study, teach, practice and experiment with creative nonviolence that we too might live the life of nonviolence which Jesus exemplified so that one day peace might reign one earth.
Second, Christmas demonstrates that God sides with the poor, becomes one with the poor, and walks among the poor. God does not side with the rulers, the rich or the powerful, but with the homeless, the hungry and the refugees. Christmas puts poverty front and center and demands that we work to abolish poverty itself so that every human being has food, clothing, housing, healthcare, education, employment and a lifetime of peace.
Third, since Christmas illustrates how God sides with the poor in order to liberate the oppressed from poverty and injustice, it calls us to reject greed, give away our money and possessions to those in need, and also live in solidarity with the disenfranchised.
Fourth, Christmas pushes us to stand on the margins of society, where we will find God. Christmas announces that every human being is a beloved son and daughter of the God of love. Every human life is beautiful in the eyes of God, since God has become one of us. From now on, we reject exclusivity, racism, sexism, and discrimination of any kind, and embrace everyone as equal. We stand on the margins with the excluded, the marginalized, the outsiders and outcasts. From there, we envision a new reconciled humanity.
Fifth, as Gandhi pointed out, there is a straight line from the crib to the cross. Christ practiced steadfast nonviolent resistance to imperial injustice and was brutally executed. That bloody outcome is crucial to the story, and calls us to work for the abolition of the death penalty so that Christ will never be crucified again and the killing stops once and for all.
Sixth, since the birth of Christ means that every human life is beloved by God, that all human beings are God’s children, we have to treat every human being on the planet as our very own sister and brother which means we must oppose war and work for the abolition of war itself. In particular, we denounce Bush’s war on Iraq, demand that the troops return home, and call for reparations and nonviolent solutions to the horrors we have brought upon the people of the Middle East.
Seventh, if the angels celebrate the coming of “peace on earth,” that means they are environmentalists. We too have to protect the earth, oppose its destruction, defend God’s creatures and the universe, and help make the earth a place of peace for every life form.
Eighth, Christmas means working for the abolition of nuclear weapons. These weapons are idolatrous and blasphemous. Their very existence insults the God of peace and mocks the nonviolent Jesus. We can’t celebrate Christmas and at the same time work at Los Alamos, Livermore Labs, the Nevada Test Site, or the Pentagon, or be silent while this work goes on We must reject this love or death and destruction, and pursue life, the God of life, and a new world without nuclear weapons.
Ninth, Christmas calls us individually to prepare for the gift of peace on earth. It invites us to welcome peace in our hearts and our personal lives, and learn to be at peace with ourselves, with God, with our families, friends, neighbors, and local communities, and with the whole world.
Finally, Christmas invites us to be human in an inhuman time. The scandal of the story is that God wants to become human and show us how to be human. We, on the other hand, want to play God, to be powerful, in charge, in control, to dominate the world. Perhaps the best way to celebrate Christmas and welcome the beautiful gift of peace on earth is simply to be human, despite the callous inhumanity around us, and to trust that our modest, vulnerable humanity--our nonviolence, compassion and love--like the humanity of the child in the crib, will one day bear good fruit and sow the seeds of peace on earth.
Monday, December 19, 2005
10 Things You Can Do To Create Peace
This movie was worth watching this morning.
As we think it - we create it. Wishing all of you PEACE!
Sunday, December 18, 2005
It's Time to Wake Up
This picture came in last night through an email. What caught my attention was the subject line that said, "Wake up Santa, it's almost Time." My first thought was, "This exemplifies a large segment of humanity - many sleeping souls who still have not awakened and remembered who they are."
Have you gotten your Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz today? (ZPE -Zero Point Experiment)
We now see squabbling and fighting over the correct usage of words/slogans spoken at this time of year. When the Santa energy in each one awakens from their slumber, it really doesn't matter whether we say "Merry Christmas, Xmas, or Happy Holidays." One will know and feel the under lying theme is just "LOVE." This vibration is felt in Merry, Mary, Christ, X-out of box, Happy and Holi (Holy). Time is running out folks to put these differences aside. It's time to stop this non-sense and come back to our real senses!
Today's highlight on AOL had the caption: "War on Christmas Comes to Wal Mart."
(SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Dec. 18) - A group of religious protesters demonstrated outside a Wal-Mart superstore Saturday, hoping to turn away customers by calling attention to the retailer's decision to use "Happy Holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas" in its seasonal advertising.
But even shoppers who agreed with the protesters weren't willing to interrupt their quest for holiday deals.)
One person in the article said, "He believes in Christ and doesn't like the use of Xmas."
"Christmas" is often abbreviated to Xmas, possibly because the letter X resembles the Greek letter (Chi), which is the first letter of Christ's name as spelled in Greek. From my landing pad and point of view, the word "Christ" is an energetic signature - a vibration that resonates within the being and encompasses and embraces all people, all cultures, all customs, and knows we are all ONE. The "Christ" vibration, in my humble opinion, wouldn't think to picket at a Wal Mart over the slogan "Happy Holidays." Is it just me, or does it seem like people are getting more absurd? :-)
When the remembrance of the Santa (Christ) vibration is truly ignited and one remembers their own Divinity or Holy Spirit, it will be a very "Happy Holiday" (Holy, Wholness) day of the Me in Merry Christ Ma S (Mary)!
So long sad times
Go long bad times
We are rid of you at last
Howdy gay times
Cloudy gray times
You are now a thing of the past
Happy days are here again
The skies above are clear again
So let’s sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again
Altogether shout it now
There’s no one
Who can doubt it now
So let’s tell the world about it now
Happy days are here again
Your cares and troubles are gone
There’ll be no more from now on
From now on...
Happy days are here again
The skies above are here again
So, let’s sing a song of cheer again
Happy times
Happy nights
Happy days
Are here again!
"Whatever Happened To Peace On Earth?"
By Rep. Dennis Kucinich, AlterNet. Posted December 30, 2004.
Willie Nelson's song does not confuse peace with passivity or promote acquiescence to violence in the guise of championing democracy.
Peace on Earth and goodwill toward ...? Last year at this holiday time, Willie Nelson was sitting at the kitchen table with his wife Annie, reading the newspaper accounts of the war in Iraq. The season of contradictions was upon the country music master. "Babies dying . . ." he observed, watching pictures of Iraqi children and their mothers in the vortex of war. "Mothers crying. Whatever happened to peace on earth?" he asked Annie.
Annie Nelson is a passionate activist, an intellectually gifted mother of two teenaged boys with a sharp sense of timing. She knows the power of the moment: "Write it down," she said to Willie. A song was born.
"Whatever Happened to Peace on Earth" is provocative, even hard-edged. It insists that we consider the paradox of a culture where many are sincerely desirous of peace, as contrasted with a government which crushes those aspirations, ruthlessly pursuing war while capitalizing on public disbelief or indifference.
"Whatever Happened to Peace on Earth" will not let us have our holidays both ways as we attempt to contort our consciences to balance the blatant immorality of war with the clear teachings of the Prince of Peace.
As you read the lyrics below, you see Willie does not confuse peace with passivity or promote acquiescence to violence and lies in the guise of championing democracy.
Those who have just celebrated the birth of the Christ know His Gospel was straightforward: "Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the Children of God." Peace is the God-like spiritual value to heal a temporal world wracked with war, torture and deceit.
Yet how many of those who say "Jesus is the reason for the Season" act as though the Sermon on the Mount was delivered by victorious partisans of Capitol Hill (or the White House) as they self-righteously mix God and Patriotism in a toxic cauldron of war? We are all vulnerable to self-justifying pietism when it is wrapped in garlands of tinsel, evergreens and poinsettias. But you won't hear our flag-coccooned government resolving for peace in the New Year. Whatever happened to Peace on Earth... and to us?
This sacred holiday season as we hold close loved ones who give deep meaning to our lives, let us move past the comfort of reverie and peel back the gauzy nostalgic Currier and Ives-like tableau to join Willie and Annie and the Nelson family in asking "Whatever happened . . . . "
What Ever Happened To Peace On Earth?
There's so many things going on in the world
Babies dying
Mothers crying
How much oil is one human life worth?
And what ever happened to peace on earth?
We believe everything that they tell us
They're gonna' kill us
So we gotta' kill them first
But I remember a commandment
"Thou shall not kill"
How much is that soldier's life worth?
And whatever happened to peace on earth?
And the bewildered herd is still believing
Everything we've been told from our birth
Hell they won't lie to me
Not on my own damn TV
But how much is a liar's word worth?
And whatever happened to peace on earth?
So I guess it's just
Do unto others before they do it to you
Let's just kill em' all and let God sort em' out
Is this what God wants us to do?
(Repeat Bridge)
And the bewildered herd is still believing
Everything we've been told from our birth
Hell they won't lie to me
Not on my own damn TV
But how much is a liar's word worth?
And whatever happened to peace on earth?
Now you probably won't hear this on your radio
Probably not on your local TV
But if there's a time, and if you're ever so inclined
You can always hear it from me
How much is one picker's word worth?
And whatever happened to peace on earth?
But don't confuse caring for weakness
You can't put that label on me
The truth is my weapon of mass protection
And I believe truth sets you free
And the bewildered herd is still believing
Everything we've been told from our birth
Hell they won't lie to me
Not on my own damn TV
But how much is a liar's word worth?
And whatever happened to peace on earth?
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
144 Points of Light
144 Points of Light
Enlightening Planet Earth
This morning a reminder came in from the Beacon's of Light,,
and the headline, "144 Points of Light" caught my eye. The Points of Light theme has been very prevalent in my thoughts recently, and so to see it in print, put a smile on my face. So much wonderful Lightwork is being accomplished at this time. As we hold hands across the globe (Blogger Buddies), we can hold each other up while Mother Earth and all her children shift into new gear.
For those experiencing transmission trouble and being stuck between 3rd and 4th gear/dimension - I encourage you to find some good body mechanics to work with you (massage, reiki, acupuncture, yoga, qi gong, chiropractic, and some essential oil use) to help you run smoothly while our roadways are under construction.
Have a great day, and point your light in the direction for home!
Monday, December 12, 2005
12/12 Day - 12:12 Stargate of 2005
The 12:12 Stargate of 2005
The 12:12 Stargate will be the birthing of the sacred knowledge of your creation. The number 12 represents great understanding and wisdom and this Stargate affords you the opportunity of understanding and accessing the knowledge of your own creation, why you have chosen to be here, your soul purpose and the very reason for your Being. You are being offered the power of yourself and what it truly means to be a Human Being. It is an opportunity for you all to change your patterns and beliefs about yourselves as individuals. It is a chance for you all to realign yourselves with the original Blueprints of your creation, which is one of LOVE.
The Stargate will allow for you to bring spiritual stability into your life by bringing you understanding and therefore harmony between your mind and heart. Your heart knows where you are going and why you are here, but this Stargate gives your mind the opportunity to understand why and therefore you shall become even more conscious of your power, yourself and your individuality.
This energy vibration plays an important part in your memory activation and is moving directly into your Root or Base Chakra. The cells in your Base Chakra hold the memory and knowledge of creation for each individual, as you are all the Keepers of the Sacred Knowledge. Just as Mother Earth has shifted in order to release ancient knowledge of Her creation, so too must you shift in order to unlock the ancient knowledge of your own. These original patterns for humanity's creation need to be grounded into the Earth so others may access this energy and therefore activate their own cells of ancient knowledge.
The balancing of your Masculine and Feminine energy has allowed for the activation of this new energy to take root. We ask that you draw this energy into your Base or Root Chakra so that it is able to activate the cells of ancient knowledge within your twin strands of masculine and feminine energy; your DNA.
The energy will rise like Kundalini through your energetic system and will exit out of your base into Mother Earth and from your crown into the Universe. In this way, you are accessing the ancient knowledge of Mother Earth and of the Stars.
The rising of this new energy will raise your own levels of consciousness and it is critical that you learn to use it well. You all have the ability to shape the world with fairness, integrity and in balance and the awareness of the many ways in which you abuse your power and energy will become clearer during this time.
In the past, humanity learned ways of abusing energy and power and have caused destruction on many levels. Due to the amazing work of Lightworkers around the globe, you are now being given the opportunity to access ancient knowledge that tells of the sacred ways of energy and the correct use of its power. These sacred ways have been hidden because of the fear of abuse but you have worked hard at clearing and cleansing your energy systems in order to hold this energy and begin using it in ways that are not damaging to yourself, to humanity and to Mother Earth. It is the responsibility of Lightworkers to embody these sacred ways and therefore show new positive ways of working with energy to create a reality that is one of joy, peace, love and abundance.
All actions and deeds come around full circle as the Universal Law of Balance is always upheld. The Sacred Laws tell of the beauty and sacredness of life and it is time for you to look at the values that are governing your lives. Are these the values of an open heart? Learn to open gently and lovingly to an expanded view of life and see how the values and beliefs that you hold are reflected in the choices that you make each day. Life is not meant to be a struggle but a spiral dance of your own creativity. Look and see what lies behind your creativity and rekindle the wisdom and radiant love of your true self.
Expand and unfurl the divinity of ancient knowledge within you, use the energy available to you now and see that it is a life force that brings health and wealth to body, mind and spirit. This energy will help to further fuse your soul life and physical life so you are more equipped in manifesting your dreams and desires. We encourage you to accept this wondrous gift and to join us in celebrating the awakening of your ancient selves.
With love and many blessings
Archangel Michael
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Star Energy & Points of Light
During my recent Christmas shopping trip, I happened to see these beautiful star pins and of course had to purchase a few of them. I started wearing mine on my black coat and have had so many nice comments since. I figured this star would be a trigger for many and it definitely has. I smile back when people make a comment about it, and then I mention that it's a reminder to myself for what I'm shooting for!
Minutes ago I opened another favorite website of mine with Ellie Crystal,, and low and behold the Star is reflecting back at me in the picture of the Madonna she had posted today.
Her new book, "Sarah and Alexander," The Alchemy of Time, is an exciting, fast paced science fiction adventure, jam-packed with intrigue and romance. This metaphoric saga, connected to the ancient mysteries of our planet, is an epoch spanning 72 years and crossing three continents. It revolves around Sarah Manning's race against time to fulfill a prophecy set in place by her ancient ancestors, the Guardians of the Seed. Journey with Sarah to unlock many of your own truths. You can order directly from her site at:
Just another fun synchronistic moment this morning on this 11 day!
SunPower - The Yolk of Life
Minutes ago as I was awakening from dream time, I drifted back and reflected on the words -SUN, son, that I wrote as a comment in Laura's blog,, on December 8th, and how it ties in with the new IPO stock (SunPower) that my son Joey recommended that I investigate for purchase. SunPower is a company working with Solar Energy. I know from past experience that all these words are constant metaphors to help us further awaken, I just never know how it will play out in the story line each day. :-) Normally I refrain from new stock issues without a track record, but the name SunPower carries such a powerful vibration, that I figured it was worth the risk. Even though the Gold may not show up in this physical reality, the real goal is the Goldpower attained with the Sunrise in each of us.
I figured if I was willing to gamble on a new issue that contains the power of the SUN, then perhaps this free energy (Universal Life Force) would be an excellent pay off in all areas of my life.
I sat down at the computer right after getting out of bed, and was greeted by an email from a friend in Seattle, with a forwarded newsletter that I had not previously seen. The picture posted reminds me of an egg that has been cracked open, and displaying the life force intact - the YOLK or SUNPOWER.
The EGG is a symbol of fertility and seed of new life ready to open. The greater cosmic egg relates to cosmos creation.
The persons last name who sent me the email is "Stockwell." :-) He is an acupuncturist in the Seattle area. ( How appropriate the word SUNPOWER and Stockwell go together.
The poem below that went with this picture sums up so much of what I have wanted to express, and has been beautifully written by
~ Sri Chinmoy
Art by: Vladimir Kush. Title: 'Sunrise by the Ocean'Found at:
The newsletter that it came in is
Awakening to the Dream web site: , if you would like to take a peek for yourself.
The morning SUNrise now greets me shining powerfully in through the window, and I KNOW this will be a truly beautiful SUNday!
Thank you Dr. Kris Stockwell for sending me this timely newsletter. You have the Kris Kringle energy flowing!
Poem by Sri Chinmoy (He definitely has harnessed his Chi)
The Absolute
No mind, no form, I only exist;
Now ceased all will and thought;
The final end of Nature's dance,
I am it whom I have sought.
A realm of Bliss bare, ultimate;
Beyond both knower and known;
A rest immense I enjoy at last;
I face the One alone.
I have crossed the secret ways of life,
I have become the Goal.
The Truth immutable is revealed;
I am the way, the God Soul.
My spirit aware of all the heights,
I am mute in the core of the Sun.
I barter nothing with time and deeds;
My cosmic play is done.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Connected by the stories we share
I guess this was exactly the theme I had been contemplating for a few days now. The interconnected feeling I have with so many people. I marvel at all the beautiful souls that are here to dance and play in this game of life. As we weave this tapestry of story lines, where one story ends another seems to begin. (I ended here and saved as draft, feeling there were words I would be led to - I can feel the energy stiring around me with a message). I closed down and opened another web site and read this sentence from Thoth (yup - that's the energy)..
From Thoth-Here is where your destiny lies; in creating and re-creating. Molding your world is not something to do because you want to play with sticks. This is a lesson about co-creation with each other, going through the central connection you share. Some might call this God or All That Is. Know that it is a central connection in your heart. Know that this connection is growing in size. Know that the time is now to enlarge it.Be still, and it will be so, for each of you is already held within the Godhead of Love.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
It's an 8 day!
I thought I would share with you words of blessings written by Nancy Tate, via - the energy of St. Germain (this guide I feel around quite a bit).
It's sunny here today and Mt. Rainier is magnificient - I BLESS THIS DAY BIG TIME!
I love 8 days - it reminds me of cosmic consciousness and infinity -as a child I used to practice the figure 8 design over and over while ice skating - those were the cold days of Wisconsin.
Wake up Call: St. Germain Dec 08, 05
There’s something today that I would like to see you do. That is to take some time for yourself and receive a blessing from it. With this blessing you can multiply the blessings of your life tenfold everyday and every night for the rest of your life. All you need do is recognize a blessing when you see it. I AM St. Germain with you on this blessed day.
That may be easier than you think, when you remove the expectation about blessings. Are they meant to be out of the ordinary and mostly unreachable? Think again; think of how easily they come into your life and how many you’ve received since you arose from sleep this day.
Let’s define a blessing. How about this: a blessing is a gift from God. Okay, how about this: a blessing gives you something that enriches your life. Maybe there is another way to define a blessing: something wonderful that comes unexpectedly.
Now let’s look at what your day has been like since you arose. Possibly the first thing you heard when you awoke this morning was a snowbird singing her greeting for the day. A blessing, for she gave you her love song and started your day sweetly. The next thing you did was rise out of bed and open the curtains. The sun came streaming in through the bare branches of the tree and created a lacey pattern on the wall, all gold and shiny. Intricately beautiful! Then as you began to make the morning coffee or tea, you felt the steam of the water warm upon your face and felt the comfort of home.
Throughout the next hours you noticed several things that you had not noticed before, things that surprised you for their blessing to you. These things all lent themselves to a feeling of well-being. Your day is off to a grand start.
Now let’s back up a bit and open your eyes to a new day. The first thought is that you should have turned the heat up because it is too cold; you don’t want to get out from under the warm covers. Finally you brave the chill in the air and stumble for your slippers and heavy robe. Grumbling because you have to get breakfast ready and then get ready to go out into the cold to go to a job you don’t like. Your morning drudges on because it is such a cold day and you don’t want to be there anyway.
What we are seeing here is the same circumstance, and two ways of looking at it. In one way you focus on and notice the lovely things in life, the things that give you pleasure. In the other way you focus on what is sour and uncomfortable, and makes your day dark, dreary, and full of resentment. Even though the temperature is cold and you have to go out to a job you don’t like, it can be a blessed day for you by tuning in to the blessings that abound from God and Mother Nature.
This is the way you create your miracles. This is the way you create the blessings in your life. Light is born from Light, and love is born from love. When you have a blessed life it is because you recognize the source of blessings, from an early morning birdsong to a late night rendezvous with your loved one. From a nickel found on the sidewalk in front of you, to a million dollars that comes in the mail. From a teddy bear that sits on your bed as a gift from your mother, to a beautiful, majestic horse standing proud in your pasture, a gift from your dad. These are all blessings that come from a way of being that draws the blessings to you.
When you live in the air of positivity you create positive results. When you see the pot of gold in everything including the rain that brings the rainbow, you bring blessings into your life. Every breath you take in a feeling of love and joy brings you the gold that you see in every pot. The very breath you take is a blessing from the God within.
Go now into your day and see how many blessings you find. See the power you have and feel the gratitude for being so powerfully blessed. You can rain down upon the earth all of your blessings and receive back from Gaia tenfold what you give. Thankfulness and a fullness of love can render your world a blessed event that is a Divine gift from God.
We love you immensely and we recognize the blessings you give us, and we return them tenfold. It keeps the wheel turning and the treasures abounding forever.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Quiet Mind - Returning Home
Highlights of an article on health benefits through meditation, I saw this morning from Dr. Mercola's site. Meditation is just one of many non-drug tools you can use to improve your physical and mental health. Earlier this year, I ran an article about the ways regular meditation changes how your brain works, not only in the short term, but possibly permanently.
One of the ways it might do so, apparently, is by increasing your ability to maintain attention. Numerous scientific studies have confirmed the health benefits of meditation.
One earlier study found that people who underwent eight weeks of meditation training boosted their immune systems.
Other ailments meditation can be useful for:
Stress, tension, anxiety and panic
High blood pressure
Chronic pain
Respiratory problems such as emphysema and asthma
Sleep disturbances
Gastrointestinal distress
Skin disorders
Mild depression
Premenstrual syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome
Paying attention seems like a very prudent move, as we move through each day fulfilling the many roles we play on this center stage called life. The holiday season is now in full swing and staying in balance is usually a challenge for most of us.
This year to make it easy for my mom who is now 76, and has been inundated with the self-imposed "GUILT" trip if she does not buy presents, has agreed to a new tradition at her home. In lieu of the usual gift exchange, a Christmas Blessing Basket has been decorated to adorn her dining room table, and it will be filled with family and friends wishes and blessings they individually have written and will place as offerings into the basket.
Thoughts are things - thought is energy! What you think you will create. The reality that we exist in has been created by our thought forms. It is my INTENTION that BALANCE will be the new buzz word that fills the hearts and minds for all of us, thus creating lasting PEACE ON EARTH. If you can imagine a scale of justice in the window screen of your mind, and now see when either the left or right side is off balance, the usual chaos theory will occur, for the Laws of the Universe will create the energy to bring order and balance again back into the equation.
I'm not sure any one of us has had long periods of being in balance. As humans I think we love the drama, but certainly for some their roles must be getting a little old. Meditation practices can certainly help us to achieve these moments of feeling at peace, and the more we can achieve this balance, life takes on a whole new expression.
Give yourself a present this year - permission to enjoy your BEINGNESS - being in LOVE WITH YOU! Our very own "PRESENCE", being PRESENT to OURSELF and to others in a BALANCED way, is the gift towards Peace and Goodwill to all Human I ty.
Wishing all of you a "Balanced" day filled with love, peace and joy.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
"ONE" Happy Snow Family
Yesterdays new snow provided an opportunity for my daughter and friend to pack in one fun evening of some of the best snowman making in a few years. The weather had warmed just enough to melt the white stuff, and thus this family was assembled in a very short time. I am always amazed at my 25 yr. old daughter, who has a perpetual childlike energy flowing and is always the first one in the game.
This morning another beautiful video passed through my email from Mary Robinson Reynolds,, you may want to check it out. There is discussion now I hear on TV regarding correctness of using the words, "Christmas Tree" vs "Holiday Tree." Perhaps "Unity Tree" might be considered - turning on your LIGHT within the Tree of Life. I sincerely hope that our future includes a more Universal Theme with remembrance that we are all "ONE", just experiencing in a multitude of ways.
Blessings to each and everyone of you on this "3" day of December. May the "Trio" of this Snow Family remind us to bring harmony and balance to our own body, mind and spirit.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Handling the SHIFT and Remaining Sane
It may help to alleviate some of the feelings that you are going crazy. This morning I also read this on Earth Changes TV -
2nd M-Class Fires Off Within Hours; More Expected
Watch for a spike in the Kp index within the next 48 to 72 hours. This indicates the charged particles from the CME and solar flare have it the Earth’s magnetic field causing a geomagnetic storm.
M-Class Flare:
Regions 826 (largest) 827 and 828. Region 824 is to the far right just going around the western limb:
These magnetic field disturbances to our earth can affect our own personal magnetic fields so one may feel out of kilter while the sun plays with us.
Meanwhile, we awoke to four new inches of snow on the ground. It is beautiful out this morning and our local schools are closed for the day. I expect to hear lots of giggling while the kids in the neighborhood go out to play.
Have a wonderful Friday and remain present in the moment!
Thursday, December 01, 2005
The Power of Twelve
Color is Life - Life is Color
Every cosmic truth finds its reflection in man. Humanity, too, functions in harmony (more or less) with the threefold principle found in the primaries - blue, yellow and red. He thinks in yellow (Spirit). He feels in red (Son). He wills in blue (Father).
A cosmic morning filled with laughter has started this "ONE" day of December. It does feel like new beginnings as we go into this last month of the year. I was thinking of a conversation I had with a woman who passed by my office yesterday. She had called a few weeks ago to tell me that she was asked to leave the rental home where she has been living due to her income problems. I inquired yesterday how she was doing and if new job prospects had turned up for her.
After listening to her dialogue, it was quite apparent that she has very firm ideas of what she will do and not do and it didn't seem like she would bend very much. I made the off casual comment that perhaps when we become to comfortable in our ways, Spirit will help to make adjustments in our lives and take us out of our comfort zone to help our soul to grow. Often times we miss the "Gifts" and how they are to manifest, due to our own control issues.
While I was having this thought, suddenly a clock radio turned on in the kitchen and started playing music very loudly. It was a clock I brought in yesterday but it was turned off for the last 24 hours. The time flashing was 12:00 !!!!! This just cracked me up. I can remember writing years ago around this time of year this, "When man understands the cosmic force of 12, graduation will be upon us again."
Minutes later my mom calls from Wisconsin. She is upset and says that she must be losing her mind. The dolls that she brings out every Christmas to display that she has had for 25 years are missing from their boxes. She has looked everywhere, but they are just gone. I told her that perhaps Spirit is playing a trick and sometimes our material items disappear into another dimension, but can come back. I told her to ask for their return. Perhaps the lesson in this was for her to not get upset, and become less attached to material items, and that maybe the dolls had another place to visit! (Mom is 76 - and not quite in tune with some metaphysical principles.)
As I finished speaking suddenly her friend called from another room and announced that suddenly the Christmas Tree Lights that were on the "Icicle Tree" that they put on their outside patio a few days ago just turned on!
Mom is freaking out......but a good kind of freak. I reminded her that when Dad died over 25 years ago (his birthday is Dec. 25th), that the phone rang every night at the same time for months. Unfortunately, I was the only one who heard it, and often times it's through manipulating electrical items that spirit can get our attention. I'm wondering what the rest of the day will bring! :-)
Make it a good one and smile as the Cosmos plays with us.
12 = 1+2 = 3 = body, mind and spirit when aligned become "ONE".