The Emerald Tablet XI
The Key of Time
List ye, O Man. Take of my wisdom.
Learn of his deep hidden mysteries of space.
Learn of the THOUGHT that grew in the abyss,
bringing Order and Harmony in space.
Know ye, O man, that all exists
has being only because of the LAW.
Know ye the LAW and ye shall be free,
never be bound by the fetters of night.
Far, through strange spaces, have I journeyed
into the depth of the abyss of time,
until in the end all was revealed.
Know ye that mystery is only mystery
when it is knowledge unknown to man.
When ye have plumbed the heart of all mystery,
knowledge and wisdom will surely be thine.
Seek ye and learn that TIME is the secret
whereby ye may be free of this space.
Long have I, WISDOM, sought wisdom;
aye, and shall seek of eternity's end
for know that ever before me receding
shall move the goal I seek to attain.
Even the LORDS of the CYCLES
know that not yet have THEY reached the goal,
For with all of their wisdom,
they know that TRUTH ever grows.
Once, in a past time, I spoke to the Dweller.
Asked of the mystery of time and space.
Asked him the question that surged in my being,
saying: O Master, what is time?
Then to me spoke HE, the Master:
Know ye, O Thoth, in the beginning
there and VOID and nothingness,
a timeless, spaceless, nothingness.
And into the nothingness came a thought,
purposeful, all-prevading,
and It filled the VOID.
There existed no matter, only force,
a movement, a vortex, or vibration
of the purposeful thought
that filled the VOID.
And I questioned the Master, saying:
Was this thought eternal?
And answered me the DWELLER, Saying:
In the beginning, there was eternal thought,
and for thought to be eternal, time must exist.
So into the all-prevading thought
grew the LAW of TIME.
Aye time which exists through all space,
floating in a smooth, rhythmic movement
that is eternally in a state of fixation.
Time changes not,
but all things change in time.
For time is the force
that holds events separate,
each in its own proper place.
Time is not in motion,
but ye move through time
as your consciousness
moves from one event to another.
Aye, by time yet exist, all in all,
an eternal ONE existence.
Know ye that even though in the time ye are separate,
yet still are ONE, in all times existent.
Ceased then the voice of the DWELLER,
and departed I to ponder on time.
For knew I that in these words lay wisdom
and a way to explore the mysteries of time.
Oft did I ponder the words of the DWELLER.
Then sought I to solve the mystery of time.
Found I that time moves through strange angles.
Yet only by curves could I hope to attain the key
that would give me access to the time-space.
Found I that only by moving upward
and yet again by moving to right-ward
could I be free from the time of the movement.
Forth I came from out of my body,
moved in the movements that changed me in time.
Strange were the sights I saw in my journeys,
many the mysteries that opened to view.
Aye, saw I man's beginning,
learned from the past that nothing is new.
Seek ye, O man, to learn the pathway
that leads through the spaces
that are formed forth in time.
Forget not, O man, with all of thy seeking
that Light is the goal ye shall seek to attain.
Search ye for the Light on thy pathway
and ever for thee the goal shall endure.
Let not thine heart turn ever to darkness.
light let shine Soul be, a Sun on the way.
Know ye that eternal brightness,
ya shall ever find thy Soul hid in Light,
never fettered by bondage or darkness,
ever it shines forth a Sun of the Light.
Aye, know, though hidden in darkness,
your Soul, a spark of the true flame, exists.
Be ye One with the greatest of all Lights.
Find at the SOURCE, the END of thy goal.
Light is life, for without the great Light
nothing can ever exist.
Know ye, that in all formed matter,
the heart of Light always exists.
Aye, even though bound in the darkness,
inherent Light always exists.
Once I stood in the HALLS OF AMENTI
and heard the voice of the LORDS of AMENTI,
saying in tones that rang through the silence,
words of power, mighty and potent.
Chanted they the song of the cycles,
the words that open the path to beyond.
Aye, I saw the great path opened
and looked for the instant into the beyond.
Saw I the movements of the cycles,
vast as the thought of the SOURCE could convey.
Knew I then even Infinity
is moving on to some unthinkable end.
Saw I that the Cosmos is Order
and part of a movement that extends to all space,
a party of an Order of Orders,
constantly moving in a harmony of space.
Saw I the wheeling of cycles
like vast circles across the sky.
Knew I then that all that has being
is growing to meet yet another being
in a far-off grouping of space and of time.
Knew I then that in Words are power
to open the planes that are hidden from man.
Aye, that even in Words lies hidden the key
that will open above and below.
Hark ye, now man, this word I leave with thee.
Use it and ye shall find power in its sound.
Say ye the word:
and power ye shall find.
Yet must ye understand that man is of Light
and Light is of man.
List ye, O man, and hear a mystery
stranger than all that lies 'neath the Sun.
Know ye, O man, that all space
is filled by worlds within worlds;
aye, one within the other yet separate by Law.
Once in my search for deep buried wisdom,
I opened the door that bars THEM from man.
Called I from the other planes of being,
one who was fairer than the daughters of men.
Aye, I called her from out of the spaces,
to shine as a Light in the world of men.
Used I the drum of the Sertpent.
Wore I the robe of the purple and gold.
Placed on my head, I, the crown of Silver.
Around me the circle of cinnabar shone.
Raised I my arms and cried the invocation
that opens the path to the planes beyond,
cried to the LORDS of the SIGNS in their houses:
Lords of the two horizons,
watchers of the treble gates,
stand ye One at the right and One at the left
as the STAR rises to his throne
and rules over his sign.
Aye, thou dark prince of ARULU,
open the gates of the dim, hidden land
and release her whom ye keep imprisoned.
Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye,
dark Lords and Shining Ones,
and by their secret names,
names which I know and can pronounce,
year ye and obey my will.
Lit I then twith flame my circle
and called HER
in the space-planes beyond.
Daught of Light return from ARULU.
Seven times and seven times
have I passed through the fire.
Food have I not eaten.
Water have I not drunk.
I call thee from ARULU,
from the realms of EKERSHEGAL.
I summon thee, lady of Light.
Then before me rose the dark figures;
aye, the figures of the Lords of Arulu.
Parted they before me
and forth came the Lady of Light.
Free was she now from the LORDS of the night,
free to live in the Light of the earth Sun,
free to live as a child of the Light.
Hear ye and listen, O my children.
Magic is knowledge and only is Law.
Be not afraid of the power within thee
for it follows Law as the stars in the sky.
Know ye that to be without knowledge,
wisdom is magic and not of the Law.
But know ye that ever ye by your knowledge
can approach closer to a place in the Sun.
List ye, my children, follow my teaching.
Be ye ever seeker of Light.
Shine in the world of men all around thee,
a Light on the path that shall shine among men.
Follow ye and learn of my magic.
Know that all force is thine if thou wilt.
Fear not the path that leads thee to knowledge,
but rather shun ye the dark road.
Light is thine, O man, for the taking.
Cast off the fetters and thou shalt be free.
Know ye that they Soul is living in bondage
fettered by fears that hold ye in thrall.
Open thy eyes and see the great SUN-LIGHT.
Be not afraid for all is thine own.
Fear is the LORD of the dark ARULU
to he who never faced the dark fear.
Aye, know that fear has existence
created by those who are bound by their fears.
Shake off thy bondage, O children,
and walk in the Light of the glorious day.
Never turn they thoughts to the darkness
and surely ye shall be One with the Light.
Man is only what he believeth,
a brother of darkness or a child of the Light.
Come though into the Light my Children.
Walk in the pathwaythat lead to the Sun.
Hark ye now, and list to the wisdom.
Use thou the word I have given unto thee.
Use it and surely though shalt find power and wisdom
and Light to walk in the way.
Seek thee and find the key I have given
and ever shalt thou be a Child of the Light.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Peace Takes Courage
Film by Ava Lowery a young 15 year old peace activist who is disgusted with the war and uses her talents to bring awareness to the many.
Film by Ava Lowery a young 15 year old peace activist who is disgusted with the war and uses her talents to bring awareness to the many.
Thoughts for Today
Friday, April 14, 2006
Don't Rain on my Parade
Looks like the Music Lady is showing up again today in my energy field. The words to, "Life is a Cabaret" and the "Can Can Polka" filter through. I think it's a quick re-mind-HER that each and everyone of us will X-perience life in the way our soul chooses to express and grow from. There are multiple ways we can explore to lead us back to our "SELF."
The main point is to find "SELF," the true essence of the WHOLE BEING before exiting the flesh.
The Music Lady says, "Do it your way." This is your LIFE, not someone else's experience. There are 1,001 ways to reconnect with your Spirit - find one that works for you. Do not let other's FEAR to contaminate your enthusiasm.
Don't tell me not to live, just sit and putter
Life's candy and the sun's a ball of butter
Don't bring around a cloud to rain on my parade
Don't tell me not to fly, I simply got to
If someone takes a spill, it's me and not you
Who told you you're allowed to rain on my parade
I'll march my band out, I'll beat my drum
And if I'm fanned out, your turn at bat, sir
At least I didn't fake it, hat, sir
I guess I didn't make it
But whether I'm the rose of sheer perfection
A freckle on the nose of life's complexion
The Cinderella or the shine apple of its eye
I gotta fly once, I gotta try once,
Only can die once, right, sir?
Ooh, life is juicy, juicy and you see,
I gotta have my bite, sir.
Get ready for me love, 'cause I'm a "comer"
I simply gotta march, my heart's a drummer
Don't bring around the cloud to rain on my parade,
I'm gonna live and live NOW!
Get what I want, I know how!
One roll for the whole shebang!
One throw that bell will go clang,
Eye on the target and wham,
One shot, one gun shot and bam!
Hey, Mr. Arnstein, here I am ...
I'll march my band out, I will beat my drum,
And if I'm fanned out, your turn at bat, sir,
At least I didn't fake it, hat, sir,
I guess I didn't make it
Get ready for me love, 'cause I'm a "comer"
I simply gotta march, my heart's a drummer
Nobody, no, nobody, is gonna rain on my parade!
Thursday, April 13, 2006
E-Lily Me Free
E-Lily me
Set me free,
Surround your petals
Engulf my ki.
Ignite my centers
Massage my heart,
Release my past
With a new start.
Oh dearest flower
Awash in white,
Purify my soul
With this spiritual light.
Aeons I've waited
Now tired and torn,
Twisted and matted
Make me Reborn.
Your smell is enticing
Your petals so rare,
My cells are a singing
My mind is aware.
I feel your love now
The colors are bright,
Electrifying my bodies
With new spiritual sight.
Oh E-Lily me free
From pain and illusion,
Awash my heart
From earthly delusion.
Raising my eyes
My breath is now even,
I see the truth
Of Easter believing.
The story was told
Some heard some did not,
Each year you return
To man's earthly plot.
The dramas are different
Yet one in the same,
We torture, we kill,
Putting others to shame.
Oh E-lily me free
My Easter love,
Renew my spirit
With the Dove from above.
Spread my wings
Let me take flight,
Arise in me
Oh spiritual light.
With each new death
A new journey unfolds,
Markers are placed
As the story is told.
Let us open our eyes
Our heart and soul,
To the direction of Heaven
Looking inward unfolds.
This place that is pearly
The white gate that awaits,
It's yours in a moment
With the breath that you take.
Breathe in and breathe out
Not shallow but deep,
To the glory that is yours
When you are no longer asleep.
E-lily is here now
She calls me awake,
Arise all of mankind
Joy and happiness partake.
It's always been here
We just didn't see,
The stone rolled away
And we've always been free.
Kristie Floyd
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Nine Key Insights into Life by James Redfield
Nine Key Insights into Life
From a book by James Redfield: Celestine Prophesy
1) We are discovering again that we live in a deeply mysterious world, full of sudden coincidences & synchronistic encounters that seem destined.
2) As more of us awaken to this mystery, we will create a completely new worldview - redefining the universe as energetic and sacred.
3) We will discover that everything around us, all matter, consists of and stems from a divine energy that we are beginning to see and understand.
4) From this perspective, we can see that humans have always felt insecure and disconnected from this sacred source, and have tried to take energy by dominating each other.
This struggle is responsible for all human conflict.
5) The only solution is to cultivate a personal re-connection with the divine, a mystical transformation that fills us with unlimited energy and love, extends our perception of beauty, and lifts us into a Higher-Self Awareness.
6) In this awareness, we can release our own pattern of controlling and discover a specific truth, a mission, we are here to share that helps evolve humanity toward this new level of reality.
7) In pursuit of this mission, we can discover an inner intuition that shows us where to go and what to do, and if we make only positive interpretations, brings a flow of coincidences that opens the doors for our missions to unfold.
8) When enough of us enter this evolutionary flow, always giving energy to the higher-self of everyone we meet, we will build a new culture where our bodies evolve to even higher levels of energy and perception.
9) In this way, we participate in the long journey of evolution from the Big Bang to life's ultimate goal: to energize our bodies, generation by generation, until we walk into a heaven we can finally see.
From a book by James Redfield: Celestine Prophesy
1) We are discovering again that we live in a deeply mysterious world, full of sudden coincidences & synchronistic encounters that seem destined.
2) As more of us awaken to this mystery, we will create a completely new worldview - redefining the universe as energetic and sacred.
3) We will discover that everything around us, all matter, consists of and stems from a divine energy that we are beginning to see and understand.
4) From this perspective, we can see that humans have always felt insecure and disconnected from this sacred source, and have tried to take energy by dominating each other.
This struggle is responsible for all human conflict.
5) The only solution is to cultivate a personal re-connection with the divine, a mystical transformation that fills us with unlimited energy and love, extends our perception of beauty, and lifts us into a Higher-Self Awareness.
6) In this awareness, we can release our own pattern of controlling and discover a specific truth, a mission, we are here to share that helps evolve humanity toward this new level of reality.
7) In pursuit of this mission, we can discover an inner intuition that shows us where to go and what to do, and if we make only positive interpretations, brings a flow of coincidences that opens the doors for our missions to unfold.
8) When enough of us enter this evolutionary flow, always giving energy to the higher-self of everyone we meet, we will build a new culture where our bodies evolve to even higher levels of energy and perception.
9) In this way, we participate in the long journey of evolution from the Big Bang to life's ultimate goal: to energize our bodies, generation by generation, until we walk into a heaven we can finally see.
Friday, April 07, 2006
52 Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening
As a counselor/energy therapist, I hear many different scenarios from my clients on what they are experiencing at this time. Today I found an article that describes the manifestation of symptoms now being reported. I hope this may help you.
A Spiritual Hangover is evidence of emerging spiritual growth and re-alignment!
A Spiritual Hangover is evidence of emerging spiritual growth and re-alignment!
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