Monday, September 10, 2007
9/11 - Prayer for the Heart and Soul of America
May the power of love and courage be embodied in each of us as we face darkness as beacons of light. May we light the way for others with joy and laughter, the weapons the darkness fears the most. May we gather together locally with the global idea that we are each a precious cell in the body of humanity with a loving gift to bring. May this wildfire of truth burn from the grassroots up, and may it vaporize the structures that no longer serve us. May the new leaders arise -- humble yet bold -- and may the structures emerge to help us create the maximum happiness using the minimum resources. May we understand that heaven is a practice, not a destination, and may we practice heaven until heaven becomes practically real. May we also understand that we choose which game we play in life, and now we must choose the world game as the only alternative to the end of the world game. We cannot know for sure the outcome, but we can know in our heart of hearts that it's the only game worth playing.
May we commemorate the next anniversary of 9/11 as a free people with nothing to fear from our own government, and may that government be a reflection of our highest aspirations for both good and freedom. May we do this for all humanity and for all our relations, and may we celebrate a new convenient truth ... global heartwarming.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Butterfly Crop Circle
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
Another "Z" Day
"When you hear the word 'Zaadz,' what comes to mind? If it's enthusiasm and joy, self-empowerment and changing the world, you're in good company.
Actually, the word zaad (pronounced zahd) is Dutch for 'seed.' When Brian Johnson, Philosopher and CEO of Zaadz first sat down with the idea of joining his two great passions—his interest in spirituality, personal growth, and bettering the world with his passion for entrepreneurship and business—the notion of 'seed' kept coming up.
"Amazing how much potential is in a tiny seed," says Johnson. "That power reminds us of the amazing potential within each of us. We thought the idea of creating a company that inspires and empowers you to bring your 'seed' to actualization would be pretty powerful. So, we created 'Zaadz.'"
And Zaadz, now the world's fastest-growing social networking site for socially and spiritually conscious people, is living up to its name."
Sunday, June 10, 2007
X-Coaster Passengers Left Hanging Upside Down

It looks like this group got caught in the loop of time and are left hanging upside down. This sounds like most humans! Fourth Dimension or Time will keep you stuck in the loop, until you ramp up your energy fields into a higher vibration, and travel into the 5th! The Age of Aquarius is upon us!
(HOT SPRINGS, Ark. (June 10) - A dozen riders on a roller coaster spent half an hour hanging upside down - 150 feet above the ground - after a power outage shut down the attraction.
It took about 30 minutes for the city Fire Department to rescue the riders using a ladder truck Saturday evening, said Aundrea Crary, spokeswoman for the Springs & Crystal Falls amusement park.
Spectators cheered when the riders were brought to the ground from the highest point of a loop on the X-Coaster, but one passenger threw up after reaching safety.
The X-Coaster was one of several rides brought to a halt by the outage that originated somewhere near the park.
"You could tell who got off the (X-Coaster) because their faces were red," said Angela Salter. She was riding the Gauntlet, another coaster, and said park employees worked quickly to free her.
The park resumed normal operations, although the X-Coaster remained closed.)
Freedom - Moving out of Time

"X" Marks the Spot!
This past Tuesday was a very synchronistic day. There were many pictures of the "X" appearing before me, and my friend dropped by to give me a present. It was a large round clock with the hands at 10:10. The whole day seemed to want to get my attention. That evening I stopped by to visit a friend and was relating my day, when all of a sudden this "X" started forming on my car. This has happened one other time on July 4th two years ago. The 4th of July always reminds me it is really Freedom of the Soul we long for. This time there is a bright light in the middle of the "X". I believe it is a message that when we power up our energy and center it through the HEART.......we are able to move our awareness out of time, where true Freedom is felt.
This morning I opened a book entitled, "The Eye of the I" to a page and read, "In the Presence, all sense of time disappears, which is a crucial aspect of peace. Once the pressure of time ceases, it is recognized to have been perhaps one of the primary sources of distress that accompanies the human condition. Until the sensation of time stops, one does not have any possibility of knowing what real freedom or peace feels like."Tuesday, May 22, 2007
A Roadmap to Inner Peace

(May these symptoms be contagious and feel free to pass it on to others.)
Be on the lookout for symptoms of inner peace. The hearts of a great many have already been expose to inner peace and it is possible that people everywhere could come down with it in epidemic proportions. This could pose a serious threat to what has, up to now, been a fairly stable condition of conflict in the world.
· A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experiences.
· An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.
. Frequent attacks of smiling.
If you have some or all of the above symptoms, please be advised that your condition of inner peace may be so far advanced as to not be curable. If you are exposed to anyone exhibiting any of these symptoms, remain exposed only at your own risk.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Mother's Day Proclamation

Mother's Day began with a woman named Julia Ward Howe, who nursed the wounded during the American Civil War. In 1870 she started a crusade to institute a Mother's Day as a Day for Peace. She said: "Arise all women who have hearts, say firmly: Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn all that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy and patience. "We women of one country will be too tender of those of another country to allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs. Disarm! Disarm! "In the name of womanhood and of humanity; take counsel with each other as the means whereby the great human family can live in peace; promote the alliance of the different nationalities, amicable settlement of international questions, and great and general interests of peace."
Julia Ward Howe Boston 1870
May this original intention for Mother's Day, be brought back into full implementation and the Divine Feminine arise in every man, woman and child on this earth.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Behind Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man Stands A Woman

Sandpoint, ID—Leonardo Da Vinci’s most famous drawing of “The Vitruvian Man” has a woman standing behind him in the circle.
A new analysis of this icon for natural living and holistic healing explains why both sexes are represented. Close inspection shows the woman stepped out of the box of earthly limitation into the cosmic circle depicting Divine unification.
The author of this research is a well known Harvard-trained scientist, Sir Leonard George Horowitz, honored last year by the World Organization for Natural Medicine as a “World Leading Intellectual.” His sixteenth book, LOVE the Real Da Vinci CODE, claims Da Vinci clearly honored women by drawing one behind Vitruvius. Her hands and feet touch the cosmic circle, whereas his remain confined to the earthy square.
This new explanation of Da Vinci’s art features sacred geometry—the circle is divided by nine appendages. A new math-based musical theory important for civilization’s salvation and spiritual evolution is advanced, according to Dr. Horowitz.
The circle represents what Horowitz calls the Perfect Circle of Sound™. This mathematical–musical–matrix was fundamental to Da Vinci’s creative genius. Da Vinci’s mentors, Plato, Pythagoras and Vitruvius linked this design to a musical instrument called the “monochord.” The instrument’s single string was strung in a circle. It played nine sacred notes with a movable bridge.
“That’s why Da Vinci drew nine human projections juxtaposed with the circle,” Dr. Horowitz explains. “This Perfect Circle of Sound™ creates everything in the universe according to advancing physics, mathematics, and music theory. Everything is built on sacred spiraling geometric forms like the galaxies that spin to obey laws of physics and mathematics. This art offers direction for understanding the universe and people’s place in it. Playing this music cultivates Divine-human communion. Research shows the tones are alsofundamental to natural healing.”
Upon close examination Vitruvius appears to be angry, probably because he’s “stuck in the box.” His genitals are fixed at the center of the square that analysts equate to the earth. At the center of the circle is the female reproductive organ—the umbilicus.
“Da Vinci mastered mathematics and music theory,” Dr. Horowitz concludes. “He drew his observations from water investigations. We have proof that nature crystallizes from sound on water using spiraling sacred geometry.”
Molecules and body chemicals, for example, operate according to mathematical-musical laws, akin to following the path of least resistance in an energy grid or Divine plan. That plan, or law, is this reverberating Perfect Circle of Sound™ impacting water and precipitating everything in a quantum field.
A feature length documentary called The LOVE CODE ( is being released this week along with Dr. Horowitz's new book. (Tetrahedron Publishing Group;888-508-4787) Six musical albums featuring these sounds will be available to music stores by mid-March. For more information go to or call 1-888-508-4787.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Is the Force Real?
Find out with Psi Wars, an animated movie starring Oh Be One Kenobi, a scientific Jedi who shares intriguing new research on psychic abilities with aspiring Paduwans. Is it true that events such as 9-11 or the O. J. Simpson trial result in detectable changes in global consciousness? Can we communicate at a distance? Are our minds entangled? Join Lukie Psiwalker and a young Yoda on a Jedi's path towards a more enlightened paradigm that can triumph over the Dark Side of fixed ways and beliefs.
Brought to you by the Institute of Noetic Sciences
Monday, May 07, 2007
The search for a Holy Grail has kept men busy for centuries.
They search for the secret of Life.
The beginnings of the Universe,
Eternal Life,
But the search for a Holy Grail has missed the mark entirely.
The idea of a search is meant to guide us to the true Grail...Life.
One cannot search for Life,
Nor find a source for Life,
Within the confines of the physical universe.
Life is that infinite quality whose mere absence,
Would rob all things of their relevance and their meaning.
It is the invisible Creator,
On which all things rest,
And have their Being.
There is no location for Life,
There is no Explanation for Life,
There is no substitute for Life,
It cannot be dissected nor duplicated,
Nor can it be contained within any thing,
Life is infinite...aware.
It is omnipresent and multi-dimensional,
Life IS...
Author: Tommy Mitchell
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
One Prayer Music Video
Friday, April 27, 2007
The Art of Not Being Offended
There is an ancient and well-kept secret to happiness which the Great Ones have known for centuries. They rarely talk about it, but they use it all the time, and it is fundamental to good mental health. This secret is called The Fine Art of Not Being Offended. In order to truly be a master of this art, one must be able to see that every statement, action and reaction of another human being is the sum result of their total life experience to date. In other words, the majority of people in our world say and do what they do from their own set of fears, conclusions, defenses and attempts to survive. Most of it, even when aimed directly at us, has nothing to do with us. Usually, it has more to do with all the other times, and in particular the first few times, that this person experienced a similar situation, usually when they were young.
Yes, this is psychodynamic. But let's face it, we live in a world where psychodynamics are what make the world go around. An individual who wishes to live successfully in the world as a spiritual person really needs to understand that psychology is as spiritual as prayer. In fact, the word psychology literally means the study of the soul.
All of that said, almost nothing is personal. Even with our closest loved ones, our beloved partners, our children and our friends. We are all swimming in the projections and filters of each other's life experiences and often we are just the stand-ins, the chess pieces of life to which our loved ones have their own built-in reactions. This is not to dehumanize life or take away the intimacy from our relationships, but mainly for us to know that almost every time we get offended, we are actually just in a misunderstanding. A true embodiment of this idea actually allows for more intimacy and less suffering throughout all of our relationships. When we know that we are just the one who happens to be standing in the right place at the right psychodynamic time for someone to say or do what they are doing-we don't have to take life personally. If it weren't us, it would likely be someone else.
This frees us to be a little more detached from the reactions of people around us. How often do we react to a statement of another by being offended rather than seeing that the other might actually be hurting? In fact, every time we get offended, it is actually an opportunity to extend kindness to one who may be suffering-even if they themselves do not appear that way on the surface. All anger, all acting out, all harshness, all criticism, is in truth a form of suffering. When we provide no Velcro for it to stick, something changes in the world. We do not even have to say a thing. In fact, it is usually better not to say a thing. People who are suffering on the inside, but not showing it on the outside, are usually not keen on someone pointing out to them that they are suffering. We do not have to be our loved one's therapist. We need only understand the situation and move on. In the least, we ourselves experience less suffering and at best, we have a chance to make the world a better place.
This is also not to be confused with allowing ourselves to be hurt, neglected or taken advantage of. True compassion does not allow harm to ourselves either. But when we know that nothing is personal, a magical thing happens. Many of the seeming abusers of the world start to leave our lives. Once we are conscious, so-called abuse can only happen if we believe what the other is saying. When we know nothing is personal, we also do not end up feeling abused. We can say, "Thank you for sharing," and move on. We are not hooked by what another does or says, since we know it is not about us. When we know that our inherent worth is not determined by what another says, does or believes, we can take the world a little less seriously. And if necessary, we can just walk away without creating more misery for ourselves or having to convince the other person that we are good and worthy people.
The great challenge of our world is to live a life of contentment,
regardless of what other people do, say, think or believe. The fine art of not being offended is one of the many skills for being a practical mystic. Though it may take a lifetime of practice, it is truly one of the best kept secrets for living a happy life.
Dr. Jodi Prinzivalli conducts workshops in the Chicago area regularly. She is the author of the recently released book How To Be A Mystic In A Traffic Jam.
You can learn about her work by visiting her website at
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Molokai Flower
Monday, April 23, 2007
Kinky's another!
This new google account - has some kinky links to it! :-) Reminds me of Laura's post today, "Gotta Love that Ripple Effect." Someday's it just best to surrender!
Rosslyn Motet CD

.J.Mitchell's Rosslyn Motet - Produced by Stuart Mitchell
20 years of research and miraculous discoveries have un-veiled a music long forgotten in the history of Scottish music. For the first time in 500 years, the music of Rosslyn Chapel can be heard explained in extra-ordinary detail, beautifully portrayed using original instruments of their time. No element has been left out, not one stone un-turned. The intended music of William St Clair hides many secret's and a new book by Thomas Mitchell (Stuart's father) tells a story of music and symbolism and how it all connects to the creation of life.
You can purchase the CD here. For more information on the composition, please see my previous post.
Stuart Mitchell - Breaking the Codes

A father and son codebreaking team have discovered music's Holy Grail - hidden in intricate carvings at Rosslyn Chapel for almost 600 years. Music teacher Thomas Mitchell, 75, strived for 27 years before he and pianist son Stuart, 41, deciphered symbols in the chapel which featured in the Da Vinci Code book and film.
Thomas was intrigued by the sculpted angels and hundreds of intricately carved cubes in the arches of the Lady Chapel. Using skills learned as an RAF code-breaker during the Korean War and his lifetime knowledge of classical music, he finally realised they depicted the vibrations of musical notes. He said: "It was a Eureka moment to end all Eureka moments. "Many angels were carrying musical instruments and some were even grouped as if they were a choir. "But one angel gave me the biggest problem. He was carrying something and at first I thought it was musical instrument which had been lost in the mists of time. "It was only when I realised that he was carrying a musical stave, the blueprint for all musical composition, that I knew I was looking at a secretly coded piece of music. "By recreating the patterns on each of the carved cubes, with Stuart's help, we unlocked the notes to find a haunting piece of music had been hidden in the arches for centuries. "For the choral sections, we've used the words from the hymns to St John the Baptist taken from Matthew in the Old Testament which is fitting because the chapel itself is dedicated to St Matthew."
Stuart, a classical composer and pianist, used computers to decipher the carvings' secret music. He has named the medieval music the Rosslyn Motet. He said: "I also used authentic mediaeval instruments to recreate the music exactly and it truly is a masterpiece. "While the Da Vinci Code was full of red herrings to make it a thrilling work of fiction, the Rosslyn Motet music is a tangible work people can listen to. For centuries, scholars have been convinced Rosslyn holds the key to many different areas of knowledge. "We think we've cracked one particularly fascinating code, although we're convinced Rosslyn holds many, many more."
Four singers will join eight musicians playing mediaeval instruments to perform the Rosslyn Motet at Rosslyn on May 18. Simon Beattie, of the Rosslyn Chapel Trust, said: "We're looking forward to the event as this is a such an exciting and intriguing piece of work. "The music is particularly haunting and we cannot help feel this is yet another of the many puzzles that make Rosslyn such an astonishing place."
Rosslyn Chapel was built by Sir William Sinclair and Sir Gilbert Haye in the 15th century. Steeped in the history of the Knights Templar and Freemasonry, Rosslyn's mysteries are famous worldwide. Among the theories surrounding Rosslyn is that it is the secret resting place of the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant and even the mummified head of Christ.
How They Did It
1. Carved angels and blocks above their head in arches of chapel baffled Thomas until he realised this one was holding a musical stave - and that the blocks signified notes.
2. Using this specially enhanced photo, Thomas and Stuart worked out that the carvings above the angel represent A, B and C.
3. Thomas and Stuart used this metal plate to recreate the ancient method of making notes. The plate is vibrated and sand poured on until it forms a particular pattern - indicating the correct pitch. The patterns match those carved into the arches of Rosslyn Chapel.
From Stuart:
Basically we have calculated the frequencies of the 3 notes that the stave angel is pointing out and it amounts to this;
At (ancient tunings)
A = 432
B = 488
C = 512
Also check out this link - "The Octave: Tuning at A432 or F432."
Thursday, April 19, 2007
No Clinging Allowed

No Clinging Allowed...........Each path is individual and must be walked alone. This is YOUR journey, yet the creator allows for a vine and many new buds to form and grow from the same source. Our friends and family are our "buddies," yet each must grow according to their own original divine blueprint.
Why the Rose as each flower in the garden of life is beautiful and has great purpose? My Grandmother was of Irish descent and a little of her energy (DNA) remains in me. At family gatherings when I was young, I was often asked to play a little tune on the organ, and the one song that normally came to mind was, "My Wild Irish Rose."
It was in this song that I could feel an energy brewing that was alive and always moving towards a sense of freedom. It is through our senses and opening to our inner senses, that one will finally understand what it means to be truly free. One cannot cling to another, or anything, but rather remember their own individuated self and unfold their beautiful petals (essence) to discover the center of their being.
As the rambler moves quickly through thought form not clinging to it, releasing judgement and attachment to it, one may free themselves from the prison of their own mind.
Ramblin` rose, ramblin` rose
Why you ramble, no one knows
Wild and wind-blown, that`s how you`ve grown
Who can cling to a ramblin` rose?
Ramble on, ramble on
When your ramblin` days are gone
Who will love you with a love true
When your ramblin` days are through?
Ramblin` rose, ramblin` rose
Why I want you, heaven knows
Though I love you with a love true
Who can cling to a ramblin` rose?
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Some Things I have Learned From Living on the Edge by Richard Birdsall
Living on the edge may help give energy for our wings to take flight!
(Authors permission to share)
Sermon by Richard Birdsall
I Cor. 13
I know what I am about to do this morning is not very traditional, but I would like to share with you something about my experience of living with cancer and what it has taught me about life, death, love, peace and God. I want to do this because we all know people with cancer or we might even be diagnosed with it ourselves. What I am going to share with you is not unique but very individual, and yet it has some very strong universal characteristics. People living with cancer have an immediate connection when meeting. It is almost like we know each other because we share a common disease even though we may not have ever met. We have, in one way or another, walked the same road and share some common experiences.
When you receive the diagnosis of cancer, especially when there is no realistic hope of a cure, you are suddenly in a whole new world. It is both awful and yet amazing, it is terrifying and yet invigorating, it is grieving and yet you are alive like never before. You experience life at a whole other level, every feeling, every emotion, every experience, every touch, every friend, every sunrise or sunset or even a flower are suddenly appreciated at a level never before experienced. It is horrible and yet marvelous at the same time as you realize you may be dying and yet you are suddenly so much more alive than ever before and everything around you takes on more meaning than you ever thought possible. It is what I call “living on the edge” and it is difficult to experience and maintain when your health is good and you take life so much for granted. Believe it or not when I am in remission I miss living on the edge. I have difficulty maintaining it because I am not in crisis. I try hard to live with appreciation and gratitude but I have to work at it because the crisis of dying is not imminent. Once you have experienced it your whole life is changed. I wish I could have discovered this without the disease but I don’t think, at least not for me, it would have been possible.
You suddenly have a new appreciation for almost everything. All of life, everything has new color. There is almost a compulsion to thank everyone around you for their love and friendship, every relationship takes on new value, you find yourself studying the features of your loved ones, the lines in their faces, the shape of their hands, the way they move and laugh; you see things in them that you simply overlooked before, you just want to grab them and hug the living daylights out of them and tell them how much you love them and thank them for giving their love to you in return. You find yourself saying over and over again to your spouse “thank you for loving me”. You feel so blessed, so grateful and you are overwhelmed with thanksgiving. Going through this I began to realize we are built for survival if we give and receive love messages. This, it seems to me, is the core of our essential humanity whose nature is peace and whose expression is thought and whose action is giving and receiving love. Thus this passage of scripture this morning, so familiar to all of us: in essence what Paul is saying here is----------if you don’t know how to give and receive love, you miss what life is all about; you miss what it means to be a human being, you can do everything right but if you have not love the only sound you make is like a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. Without giving and receiving love our life song is out of tune, nothing more than musical dissonance, off key with no harmony in our lives, no pure life music, only sounds that hurt the ear. That’s what one’s life is like without love. Love is basic to our humanity; it is our core. The old song is right-------- ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE----- “RA TADA TADA”.
You also marvel at the world around you, sometimes you stop and close your eyes and just listen to the sounds of life. Even a smallest insect that sometimes we just squash without even thinking about it becomes a marvel in and of itself because it contains life, a marvelous life of its’ own. You look at mountains differently, you get as close as you can to a flower and look at the detail, the intricacy of each petal, and you are so thankful to be able just to hold it in total amazement. All of life is filled with loving intensity.
You learn so much about yourself so fast that it is a roller coaster ride, new ideas, fresh thoughts, internal understanding all rush into your consciousness with such speed you can hardly take it all in. Our disease can speak to us and if we open the doors of perception I think we may be amazed at what comes in and you realize that you can use your pain for personal transformation. Somehow you understand that if you die you want to die healed and if you are going to survive you have to change in order to heal. You realize the only time you can be alive is in the moment, the Buddhists call it “living mindfully.” You stop feeling sorry for yourself because even in the midst of dying you begin to realize that this whole process is worth every minute because you have learned so much about yourself. Cancer has been a wake up call for me, I have been graced with cancer, it has been the best teacher I have ever had, I have had some great teachers who have given me ideas, but this one has taught me to experience my life. How can I not be grateful for being blessed in this way?
I had an appointment with my Dr. a week and a half ago, I want to go off my medication for a while just to see if we can find something else that works, he said “you and your cancer have a symbiotic relationship,” “I said that is correct, I decided a long time ago not to fight cancer but to make a deal with it and it went like this. “We can work this out, we can live together, I am not asking you to die but don’t kill me either for if you do then we both die, let’s just plan to live together.” I stopped praying for instant healing, for God told me to stop my complaining, that God had given me everything I need and to just trust it. My prayer then changed to “whatever the future holds I will receive it as a gift from your hand.” I turned it over, I practiced the discipline of relinquishing. And I began to heal, not be cured but began to heal and I found my peace. I became aware that I was able to relax with my disease as never before. Finding your peace is so important. We are all terminal, we are all going to die, none of us are going to get out of this thing alive. So it is not really, when you stop to think about it, whether we live or die but how are we going to live? How do I find my peace? I think people who survive learn how to embrace life and find their peace rather than trying to figure out how to avoid death.
God is so much greater than our personal or pet theologies; God is not going to stay inside the box of our dogmatic belief systems. As I said during our last communion service, “when we come before God we do not come with all our accomplishments, all of our comforts, all of our titles, not even all our wealth or power. God is simply not interested in the kind of stuff we strive for here on this earth. We come before God stripped naked, barefoot with only our soul in our cupped hands, all of our theologies and pet belief systems are to no avail. We come with nothing and when we do that we realize the marvelous grace, healing forgiveness and the accepting love of God. We do not have to perform, we can just be. I think only when we are able to do that do we find out who we really are and become free to be nothing more than that and yet everything we were meant to be. No pretence, no wondering what other people think, no one upmanship or trying to be accepted or to impress, you are free to become the person God meant you to be. You can call it being born again, being converted or whatever, it does not matter; God in Jesus finds us and when that happens we find ourselves as well.” I keep telling my grandkids, “no one can live your life for you, your life is your gift and if you fail to live it no one else can do it for you. Find out who you are.”
Jesus was his own person and seeks us out so that we can find out who we are as well. He did not live inside the box, he broke with tradition, with orthodoxy, with the culture of the day; he loved everyone he met and in the process broke down all kinds of barriers that have a tendency to divide and separate people from their own humanity. We all bleed the same way.
Again in the words of Ellie Wiesel, “When I stand before the judgment, God will not ask me why I did not become a messiah, or why didn’t you find a cure for cancer? The only thing we are going to be asked at that precious moment is why didn’t you become you?”
When I was pastor of the church in Issaquah, once a month I used to hold services at a local care center in a division that was marked “Senile Ward”. I guess now we would call it an Alzheimer’s unit. It was a locked room, most of the people in there could not hold a conversation, they could remember the old hymns and could recite the Lord’s Prayer but that was about it. There was one lady I will never forget, she had long gray hair and when I went to shake her hand she would gently take my hand put it up to her lips, kiss my hand and say to me, “You are such a beautiful person.” Every time she did that it moved me, she touched my heart with her words. The fact that she said the same thing to everyone who greeted her made no difference. I will never forget her. I keep her alive by telling this story whenever I can. In doing so I honor her. Here was a woman supposedly mentally incompetent doing for me what few sane people have ever done, the simple act of kissing my hand and telling me how beautiful I was. That act and those words still linger in my mind; they still move me whenever I think about them. We can do that for each other, if not literally then by the way we treat each other. And God does that hundreds of times a day, ------------every day. God kisses us, warts and all, and whispers into our lives over and over until we begin to believe it, words of grace------“you are a beautiful person.”
Note: Bernie Siegel’s book “ Peace, Love and Healing” has helped me understand what I was experiencing. Other books: Norman Cousin’s “Anatomy of an Illness”, Siegel’s “Love, Medicine & Miracles, Joan Borysenko’s “Minding the Body, Mending the Mind”, Carl Simonton’s “Getting Well Again” are just a few of the many others that have been helpful to me. There are other concepts, which are also important, but how much can you get into one sermon?
Sunday, February 25, 2007
John Lennon Quote
This quote resonates deeply with me.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Truth Can Be So Simple
After posting this I noticed the news channel did not open with the exact article so here it is:
North Carolina - Kannapolis churches abuzz about 'disruptions'
Kannapolis Police say something very bizarre happened at several churches this past Sunday. It was a disruption, they say, that left some church goers fearful and others saying “it's a God thing.”
Nearly a dozen churches reported the same thing to police: three men walked into their church during Sunday morning’s service. They walked right up to the pulpit and began speaking Hebrew.
David Lewkowicz is the pastor at West Point Baptist Church and understood what they were saying.
“They said things like, ‘God is peace, God is love, God is comfort, God is joy.’ That is all they said to me,” Lewkowicz said.
The men stayed at the churches for about two or three minutes, then left.
“They didn’t say anything bad about God or offend the church in anyway. They came in peace and left in peace,” Lewkowicz said.
Still some other congregations are concerned about exactly what the men may have been up to. One church reported the men dropping to their knees as they entered the door, then they got up and left.
Lewkowicz said it comes with the territory of being a pastor – he has to be ready for just about anything on Sunday mornings.
“We have to be open minded to anyone that may walk through those doors. Some people thought it was cool that some Hebrew guys came in and I understood them. They think it was a ‘God thing.’ We will have to wait and see,” Lewkowicz said.
Police said these men didn’t commit a crime. If they had refused to leave, it would have been a misdemeanor offense. But the church pastors said they were peaceful and posed no threat at the time.
Nevertheless, police want to know who these men are and what their intentions were. If you have any information you are asked to contact the Kannapolis police department, 704-920-4000.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Sound Healing Day - AH your Heart to the Earth
FEB. 14, 2007
"The Sound Heard Around the World" Sounding an "AH"
for planetary peace!
Last year's World Sound Healing Day was a tremendous success,
creating powerful positive vibrational shifts for the planet.
Please join us again in the co-creation of this event, projecting
Light and Love through Sound and help make a difference!
WHAT: World Sound Healing Day-The Sound Heard Around the World.
For five minutes, sound healers, meditators, peace activists and
lovers of all humanity and sentient consciousness will send a
Sonic Valentine to the Earth with the heart sound "AH" filled
with the intention of Peace and Love!
Visit: for more information on
this event and to download an "AH" sound you can tone along with!
WHEN: February 14, 2007, join Jonathan Goldman, the Sound
Healers Association and thousands of people throughout the planet
as they tone an "AH" together for five minutes during that day,
projecting the energy of Light & Love throughout the Planet. You
will actually experience generating a field of transformational
energy as this occurs. We have found that creating a Global
Sacred Sound any time within a 24 hour period on the planet will
create a coherent waveform that will affect the entire Earth.
Therefore, any time you feel guided to sound for Planetary Peace
on February 14th is a good time! In addition, local toning groups
will be occurring throughout the Earth at various times during
that day with the intention of assisting planetary consciousness
through sound. There will also be several global toning events
occurring via the Internet during that day, including at noon
Eastern Time on
and at 9 PM ET on .
WHY: To project peace throughout the planet. What better way to
celebrate this joyous day of Valentine's Day then to project
Peace to Mother Earth and generate peaceful energy throughout the
planet with sound! Sound coupled with intention has the ability
to heal and transform. We will sound an "AH" sending a heart wave
of Sound that will resonate throughout the planet. Now is the
time for you to be part of the Celestial Choir and resonate
together for World Sound Healing Day. We can create major
positive shifts on our beloved planet. Through sounding together
we will make a difference.
HOW: Sound the heart sound "AH" for 5 minutes We will simply
sound an "AH" filled with the intention of Peace and Love for 5
minutes at your local noon time. The "AH" is a universal, non-
denominational heart sound that when projected with focused
energy is extremely powerful and effective. For more information
which you may find useful, please visit this link: .
There you will find a "Planetary Healing Sounds" section with articles
on suggested sounds, visualizations and toning techniques as well
as as well an "AH" sound you can download and tone along with.
AND: Pass this message on. If it's appropriate, forward this
announcement about this event to your mailing list. Tell your
friends and loved ones to join our Celestial Choir and help bring
peace to the planet. There will be sound healing events
throughout the world. Previous World Sound Healing Days were
extraordinarily successful. We truly made a difference to the
planet with our Sound, our Light and Our Love.
CO-CREATED BY: Co-creators and Supporters of World Sound Healing
Day are truly too numerous to list. The following are only a very
small portion of the people whose support assisted previous World
Sound Healing Days: Jonathan Goldman, Andi Goldman, Alec Sims,
the Sound Healers Association, Kitaro, Gregg Braden, Tom Kenyon,
Barbara Wolf, Ven. Lama Tashi, Don Campbell, Kimba Arem, Jeff
Thompson, Christian Bollman, James Twyman, Steven Halpern,
Annaliese Kohinoor, John Reid, Sarah Benson, Iasos, Paul Utz,
Sharon Shane, Fabien Maman, Joy Gardner, John Beaulieu, Laraaji,
Jill Purce, Jim Albani, Andrzej and Mira Boryna, Gabrielle Laden,
Vlastimil Marek, Solara, Tim Wheater, Joshua Leeds, Vickie Dodd,
Kenji, Dean Evenson, Christine Noel, Jim Powell, Patrick
Bernhard, Beth Wortzel, James D'Angelo, Dr. Charles Eagle, Lyz
Cooper, John French, Emily Simko, The Star Doves, Joshua Leeds,
Peggy Black, the International Sound Healing Conferences, Nestor
Kornblum, Lauren Monroe, Rick Allen, , the Message Company, Dr.
John Galm, Carolyn Vinup, Yalaha Foundation, Michael Baird.
Laurelle Gaia David Gibson and Globe Institute, Jeff Volk, Laura
Lee Mistycah, Gene Jones, all attendees of the Healing Sounds
Intensives, Amrita Cottrell and the Healing Music Organization,
Dr. Alice Cash, Jeff Volk, Mandara Cromwell, International Sound
Therapists, Dan Furst, Amy Robbins, Jayson Stilwell, Swami
Brahmananda, Reb. Zalman, Rev. Fred Sterling/ Kirael, Tanya
Jackson, Zacciah Blackburn, the All One Now Network and the World
Sound Healers, Solstice Institute & many thousands more
throughout the planet!
Friday, February 02, 2007
The Divine Matrix

Bridging Time, Space, Miracles and Belief
by Gregg Braden
Between 1993 and 2000, a series of groundbreaking experiments revealed dramatic evidence of a web of energy that connects everything in our lives and our world—the Divine Matrix. From the healing of our bodies, to the success of our careers, relationships, and the peace between nations, this new evidence demonstrates that we each hold the power to speak directly to the force that links all of creation. What would it mean to discover that the power to create joy, to heal suffering, and bring peace to nations lives inside of you? How differently would you live if you knew how to use this power each day of your life? Join Gregg Braden on this extraordinary journey bridging science, spirituality and miracles through the language of The Divine Matrix.
Orange Snow with Rotten Smell Fell in Russia

Fall in love with Earth all over again
As the debate goes on as to what is the cause of global warming, I saw this article today and thought it was worth mentioning. Surely, common sense alone would tell us that it is time to remember that we own nothing, but are stewards of this planet and it is high time we awaken to the fact that we haven't done a very good job at it. There are times when mankind needs a good butt kick!
The earth is speaking, but is man listening?
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Strange Rumblings at the Center of our Galaxy
Strange Rumblings at the Center of our Galaxy
By Hector Carreon - La Voz de Aztlan
Jan 19, 2007, 04:22
Los Angeles , Alta California - October 18, 2005 - (ACN) On March of this year, physics professor and astronomer Scott Hyman of Sweet Briar College made a startling announcement. Dr. Hyman and his colleagues wrote in the science journal Nature that they had detected something very extraordinary at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy.
While analyzing low frequency radio wave images taken by the Very Large Array telescope at Socorro , New Mexico in 2002, Dr. Hyman and his his fellow researchers detected an intermittent signal that seemed intelligently directed. The signal consisted of five highly energetic radio emissions of equal brightness that lasted 10 minutes each and appeared every 77 minutes over a 7-hour period from September 30 to October 1. The discovery has left Professor Scott Hyman and the entire astronomy community "scratching their heads".
What are these strange rumblings at the center of our Galaxy? Modern day astrophysicists and astronomers, with their sophisticated scientific instruments, are not the only humans that have contemplated this very same question. In fact, the ancient Mayas, the superb astronomers and mathematicians that they were, also mused on what may exist at the center of our Galaxy.
The Mayas knew exactly where this center was located in the sky and had a glyph representing it named Hunab Ku by Dr. Jose Arguelles of Princeton University , but known to the Mayas as "The Galactic Butterfly". Much more, their entire cosmology and extremely accurate calendars were based on the existence and location of Hunab Ku and they believed that the future of mankind ultimately depends on what occurs there.
Dr. Scott Hyman records energetic radio emmissions from the Galactic Center (Hunab Ku).
Hunab Ku was, to the Mayas, the supreme God and ultimate Creator. It represented the gateway to other Galaxies beyond our Sun as well as all of the Consciousness that has ever existed in this Galaxy. Hunab Ku, according to the Mayas, is also the Consciousness which organized all matter, from a "whirling disk", into stars, planets and solar systems.
Hunab Ku is the "Mother Womb" which is constantly giving birth to new stars and it gave birth to our own Sun and Planet Earth. They also believed that the "Creator" directs everything that happens in our Galaxy from its center through the emanation of periodic "Consciousness Energy" bursts. Today, modern astronomers have verified that at the center of our Galaxy is a "whirling disk" with a "Black Hole" at its center that is both swallowing and giving birth to stars. Could the strange rumblings observed by Dr. Scott Hyman and his associates earlier this year at the center of our Galaxy be connected with what the Mayas believed?
There appears to be a convergence between what the Mayas believed and understood and what modern scientists are discovering about our Galaxy today. One big difference is how modern physicists view and how the ancient Mayas viewed "Time". Today, physicists view Time as being linear. Time according to modern precepts flows in a straight line. Time can slow down, as per Albert Einstein, but it always flows in one direction.
In contrast, the Mayas believed essentially that Time flows in a circle. There is a beginning and an end to things but there is a renewal at the end of the Time cycle. There is a "periodicity" to all manifested phenomena. The Mayan highly accurate Long Count Calendar is based on this precept. The Mayas also believed that Time originates out of the Hunab Ku and is controlled by it.
It is very difficult to dismiss the Mayan Cosmology because they left extraordinary evidence that their "Time" keeping methodologies give extremely accurate results. Their pyramids like the one at Chichen-Itza in Mexico are precisely aligned to the the yearly Solstices and the Equinoxes that are caused by the precession of the Earth's axis as it orbits the Sun. The Pyramid of Kukulcan at Chichen-Itza is essentially a superb and highly accurate Time keeping devise that never fails to mark the yearly "Precession of the Equinoxes".
The ancient Mayan astronomers accurately predicted, over 1500 years ago, the exact alignment of the Earth, the Sun, the star cluster Pleiades and of the center of our Galaxy that will take place at the end of the present long cycle on the Gregorian year 2012. On the Mayan Long Calendar the day designated as 4 Ahau 3 Kankin ( falls on December 21, 2012 and this day will mark "El Fin de los Tiempos" or the end of the long cycle at which time humanity will experience a new beginning. On this day, according to the Mayas and subsequent Meso-American civilizations, the return of Kukulcan (Quetzalcoatl) will take place.
HUNAB KU - Mayan glyph representing a "black hole" at center of our galaxy
On December 21, 2012 which coincides with the Winter Solstice and as the Sun sets west of Chichen-Itza, a pattern of shadow and light will project the Plumed Serpent (Quetzalcoatl) descending on the stairs of the pyramid that has a large head of a serpent sculpted in rock at the base. This occurs twice in Chichen Itza every year but on the Winter Solstice of December 21, 2012 something very special will happen.
As the Sun sets in the early afternoon, the shadow of the pyramid's northwest edge will project a moving pattern of light that joins and illuminates the sculpted serpent head at the base of the stairway. Within a thirty-four minute period, the serpent, formed by this play of light and shadow will appear to descend to the earth, as the sun leaves each stair, going from the top to the bottom. This combined effect creates the visual appearance of the body of the serpent descending the pyramid.
In addition, on December 21, 2012, the tail of the serpent projected up from the top of the pyramid will be pointing precisely to the star cluster Pleiades. The pyramids at Teotihuacán which means "City of the Gods", constructed by a Meso-American civilization just north of Mexico City that preceded the Mayas, are also aligned to the Pleiades as are the Egyptian pyramids at Giza . This is not all, on December 21, 2012 at around 11:11 universal time, there will be a precise alignment of our Sun with the Galactic center (Hunab Ku).
Exactly what will happen on December 21, 2012 still remains a mystery but it seems that we are receiving stronger and stronger clues. The Mayas certainly placed great significance to this date. It is still 7 years away but our World is already experiencing unprecedented, extreme and rapid changes. The number and magnitude of "natural" catastrophes appear to be increasing exponentially. Scientists have detected extreme and erratic behavior in our Sun that in turn is having strong effects on our Earth's atmosphere and measurable effects on the other planets in our solar system as well.
Could the strange rumblings detected by Dr. Scott Hyman at the center of our Galaxy be a cause of the weather and other changes we are experiencing here on Earth today? Will these energetic bursts from Hunab Ku increase in number and intensity as we approach the year 2012? The Mayas would answer "Yes". On December 12, 2012 the Mayas said that mankind will enter and begin a new Era of heightened Consciousness. Perhaps, a colossal emission of a yet unknown form of energy will burst out of our Galactic Center on December 21, 2012 that will change the very physics of our World, a new physics that will last until the next cycle.
Earth Changes TV
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Planet Alert by Mahala
by Mahala
Happy New Year everyone! I wish you a happy, healthy, and fun filled year. Last year was a number eight year which was very hard for many people. It brought lots of lessons concerning money, power, control, sex, and death. Many people chose to leave the Earth plane last year and this caused sorrow for many people. I think many of you knew someone who died last year because that was the energy of 2006.
Now we are in a number nine year. Nine is the number of completion which means that lots of things will end this year, although there will also be many new beginnings like our new Congress. The House and Senate are now controlled by the Democrats. This shows me that people wanted a change in our government.
We now have a woman who is Speaker of the House. Do you realize that if something happens to Bush and Cheney, Nancy Pelosi would be our new president? Wouldn't that be interesting?
Nancy Pelosi is an Aries, which is a fire sign and considered the sign of a leader with lots of energy. She has lots of drive to obtain what she wants. According to her chart she is very outspoken, creative, and original. She can deal very well with other races and foreign countries.
She is a very magnetic (feminine) person who has lots of charm. She is a very deep thinker and may even be a genius who can surmount difficulty by seeing a way around problems. She is a very good speaker and can get her ideas across to people. Maybe she will be able to bring ethics back into our governing system. She was born on March 26, 1940 at 10:32 PM in Baltimore, Md.
George Bush is a Cancer who has Uranus opposing his Mars right now. This aspect is very hard for him to deal with because it brings a lot of opposition into his life. This makes him want to fight for what he thinks is right no matter what anyone else thinks.
Mars will activate his Sun the first week of February. This is not good for him or our country. Remember, he came in as a war president because the US Mars is conjunct his node. There will be a total lunar eclipse on March 3 that will activate his Mars energy big time. He is experiencing a lot of fighting energy right now.
Neptune has been conjunct the United States moon, which is 18 degrees Aquarius, for the past year. Neptune rules scandals and is continuing to bring hidden information out into the open for all who are interested to see.
Saturn has been opposing Neptune and this aspect rules fear. Every time we watch the news we are being bombarded with fear. This means it's time to release any fear energy you may still be experiencing. Neptune is also a feminine spiritual planet and this energy can be used positively for incorporating positive energy into our government.
The energy of number nine is very fast- paced and if you think last year went by fast, watch what happens this year. Christ energy vibrates to number nine because that is what the word love manifests. Love equals 3+6+4+5 which adds up to the number 18/9. Lots of unconditional love will manifest on Earth this year.
Even though the number eight is known to rule money, the actual word money adds up to nine. Money equals 4+6 +5+5 +7 which adds up to 27/9. The word anger adds up to 1+5+7+5+9 which also equals 27/9. There will be lots of energy around Love, Anger, and Money this year.
It's time to release any hidden anger that may still be stored in your body so you can manifest love. There is an excellent book called, Acupressure for Emotional Healing by Michael Reed Gach, PH.D and Beth Ann Henning, Dipl A.B.T. This book tells you how to release stress, anger, and other things.
This year is the completion of a nine year cycle. The things that were started in 1998 will become complete this year. In November of 1998 the Earth first reached zero magnetics and the poles started to shift. Because of the huge solar flare in December 2006, a major anomaly has been detected in the Earths Magnetic Field leading scientists to believe that a huge earthquake is imminent.
There will be a lot of male energy in effect this year with Jupiter and Pluto both in the fire sign of Sagittarius and Saturn is in Leo. This means there will be lots of action on all levels, and with Jupiter in Sagittarius all year the cry for freedom is going to be heard around the world.
The planet Pluto, which is considered the transformer, is still in the ninth sign of Sagittarius which rules the banking system. The banking system has been transforming behind the scenes for quite awhile. I believe this transformation will come out into the open this year, especially after the planet Mars conjuncts Pluto on top of the Galactic Center on January 13. This change could be either positive or negative. Time will tell!
There is also a comet in our solar system at this time. This comet can be seen from the Southern Hemisphere. Comets are messengers. What is this comet trying to tell us? Could it be telling us to be aware of this powerful energy surge that is coming into our solar system on January 13? Mars and Pluto together are very explosive so I am expecting some explosions on Earth. This aspect may also affect our Sun and cause it to flare. As above, so below.
Vladimir Putin has his Mars on 26 degrees Sagittarius. This means he will be directly affected by the Mars/Pluto conjunction. He is going to have a tremendous desire for power at this time. I believe he wants to be a major player on the world scene so keep your eyes on what he does.
The conjunction of Mars, Pluto, and the Galactic Center happens in the sign that rules fires, mountains, law, courts of law, lawyers, religion, schools, and the banking system. All of these areas will be affected by this planetary energy this year.
Pluto has been moving through Sagittarius since 1995 and activating things ruled by that sign. . Many new laws have been passed including Homeland Security which restricts our freedom. Those laws were passed because of a religious terrorist war. This war has been going on for a long time and may heat up with this powerful energy in effect, particularly in the Middle East, including Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and Africa.
Along with an expected change in the world banking system, mountains or volcanoes may explode with this energy. I believe we will start to see lots of volcanic eruptions. There will also be lots of fires around the world as the year continues.
Jupiter is a large planet and brings large events. We can watch how the energy from this planet works on the Earth plane. In November the planets lined up in Scorpio, a water sign, and we had major storms and floods in the Pacific Northwest.
Then the planets lined up in Asklepius, a wind sign, and we had a tremendous wind storm in December in the Pacific Northwest. Some people were out of power for up to 8 days and the winds did tremendous damage. Jupiter is still affecting our area as the storms blow in and then dump snow in the Cascade Mountains which has had an abundance of snow.
The state of Colorado is also under the affect of Jupiter. They have had three major storms in the last month or so. Jupiter will be affecting the area from the Cascade Mountains to the Mississippi River all year long, so look for major Earth changes in those areas. California is also under the effects of Jupiter. The hot desert lands are ruled by the fire sign Sagittarius.
We also have Uranus, the planet of change, in the water sign Pisces. Uranus will stay in that sign until 2010, which means that water events like storms and flooding will continue all over the world. Uranus moved into Pisces in 2003, and in December of 2004 there was a major Tsunami. There has been major flooding since that planet went into Pisces including the ice melting at the poles. These events will continue into 2010.
We are definitely in the End Times. The Poles are not only melting, they are also shifting and the weather is crazy. We are experiencing Global Warming and this is the first time in modern history that we have had the technology to destroy ourselves. We have been experiencing the Book of Revelations since the Federal Reserve Bank was set up in 1913, and the First World War started in 1918.
Energy is just energy and can be used either positively or negatively depending on how a person decides to think. This could be the year when we start manifesting abundance because we are starting to be happy. Feeling happy, no matter what circumstance you are in, is the first step in creating what you choose to experience.
It's important to bless everything in your life every day. Wake up each morning and give thanks for the wonderful day. Accept where you are in life with joy and happiness. Live life fully. With the high frequency energy now manifesting on Earth, anything is possible.
So Be It! I send you my love and blessings!
*** Mahala ***
P.O. Box 69613
Seatac, WA 98168
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Bush's Legacy: The President Who Cried Wolf
Keith Olbermann writes: "Only this president - only in this time, only with this dangerous, even messianic certitude - could answer a country demanding an exit strategy from Iraq, by offering an entrance strategy for Iran. Only this president could look out over a vista of 3,008 dead and 22,834 wounded in Iraq, and finally say, 'Where mistakes have been made, the responsibility rests with me' - only to follow that by proposing to repeat the identical mistake ... in Iran."
Monday, January 15, 2007
A Romp through the Quantum Field
A Romp through the Quantum Field (Part 1)
with Gregg Braden and Dr. Bruce Lipton
By Meryl Ann Butler
Miraculously, the baseball-sized tumor visible on the sonogram began to shrink as the practitioners1 surrounding the patient chanted a simple phrase. In just under three minutes, the "inoperable, terminal, incurable" cancer had simply disappeared.
A miracle? Or simply a technology we don’t yet understand?
As one might expect, this was not a scene from Western medical care. The rare video showed a routine healing in a medicineless hospital formerly active in Beijing. Presented during a joint conference in Phoenix2 by N.Y. Times best-selling author Gregg Braden and renowned cellular biologist, Dr. Bruce H. Lipton, it offered the captivated audience a taste of the secrets of the Quantum Field.
Braden and Lipton’s research in their respective scientific disciplines has resulted in a pair of treasure maps leading to the same chest of spiritual riches. The deepest mysteries of religion and spirituality have, for the most part, eluded Western seekers. But in a surprise ending, it is science that comes to the rescue.
Braden notes that we are an "intentional species" unbound by the laws of physics or biology. "We have been taught that emotions and belief don’t have much power in our lives, but nothing could be further from the Truth… We have the power to heal our bodies, we have the power to alter reality, we have the power to choose peace where there wasn’t peace 24 hours ago."
And the prospect of learning how to heal ourselves comes in the nick of time, considering the insufficiency of health insurance and more importantly, in light of studies showing allopathic medicine itself is the leading cause of death in the USA.3
We have the power to heal our environment as well. "Global warming is just the Earth’s fever trying to kill off the organisms interfering with it," notes Lipton. "It’s time for us to take our power back and recreate the garden that used to be here."
Our own thought processes provide the key to this transformation.
"Your thoughts are not contained in your head — they are a part of the Quantum Field," Lipton continues. "When playing through your nervous system, the thoughts generate a vibratory field similar to that of a tuning fork. Thought vibrations interact and entangle with harmonically-resonant structures in the Field. Simply, we activate and bring into our lives the things that we think about the most. Psychologists reveal that over 70% of our thoughts are negative and redundant. Do the math!"
The secrets of our deepest empowerment can be discovered by unlocking the door to our relationship to the Quantum Field, and Lipton and Braden offer us the keys in their interviews with Awareness Magazine.
Meryl Ann Butler: Thank you, Gregg, for sharing your thoughts with us. Will you explain more about this Field of energy?
Gregg Braden: Thank you for inviting me. Yes, scientists have not yet agreed on a term for it but they agree it has three distinct qualities: it is everywhere always, it has been here from the beginning, and it has an intelligence that responds to human emotion. It sounds a lot like God!
Lynne McTaggart calls it the Field.4 Others call it a Quantum Hologram, or the Mind of God. I call it the Divine Matrix5 in my upcoming book.
This Field is the stuff of which our bodies and our world are made. Academic and research organizations have demonstrated the fact — and it is accepted as fact now, not just as theory — that this Field exists. It holds the blueprint of all possibilities we will ever know or experience in our world, everything from perfect health, longevity, peace, abundance, successful careers and loving relationships to the blackest moments of the darkest prophecies, the most horrible diseases, or the greatest destruction we could ever imagine.
All those experiences exist as possibilities, as unrealized potential in this Quantum Essence. The choices that we make in each moment are what breathe life into these energetic blueprints.
MAB: How can we unleash this powerful force?
GB: Once Western science acknowledged the existence of the Field, the scientists started asking ‘what do we do with it?’ And this is where ancient spiritual traditions become so valuable, because many of them begin at the place where our science has just now arrived.
Spiritual traditions of the past are born of the understanding that we are all connected by spiritual energy, and what one person does in one place has an effect on what is happening in other parts of the world. That is a fundamental premise of the ancient traditions, whether from the native North American or the aboriginal traditions, the Quechua traditions in the Andes, the Tibetan or traditional Buddhist traditions, or the ancient Essenes who believed to be the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
As different as they appear to be from one another, all of these sacred traditions say that we are all connected through a Divine Matrix or Essence. And through this field we are each part of one another, part of our world and part of a greater existence they call God. So this Essence is where the marriage of science and spirituality brings us to a greater wisdom, more than science or spiritual traditions can offer alone.
MAB: So, would you say this union creates something greater than the sum of its parts?
GB: Precisely. When we ask ourselves who we are in the world, our greatest sources of knowledge come from science, spirituality and culture. So when we marry all of those ways of knowing into a greater wisdom, it empowers us to participate. I am using that word intentionally.
This is not about control or manipulation of our world. This is about participating in the outcome of the healing of our bodies, healing of our families, the peace in our communities and peace between nations, because they are all linked through this Essence, they are all part of the same Field of energy.
MAB: Is that what you are referring to when you ask the question, "Are you a passive observer or a powerful creator?"
GB: Well, quantum physicists have arrived at the understanding that there are no observers — it is impossible for anyone to simply observe the world around them. If we are watching something and we have thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs about it, which we all will, then by virtue of this Field, we have become part of what we are watching. And this is what is showing up in the laboratory experiments.
MAB: Are you saying that we are basically always creating, whether it is by intention or by default?
GB: Yes, if we define intention as the act of observing our world with an expectation of an outcome. We are always creating, even when we are not aware of what we are creating. We can’t not create!
Everywhere we look, consciousness will put something there for us to see. If you are awake and conscious, you are creating. So, what does it mean when you are trained to look for something you don’t want? What does it mean to keep looking for a lump in a breast?
Intentionality is where we can tip the scales in our favor!
MAB: Does everyone on the planet need to learn the language of the Quantum Field in order to create a better world?
GB: Each one of us already knows this language. It is a nonverbal language; there are no words or other outward expressions. Everyone has everything they need to create joy and abundance and health in their lives every day. What scientists are finding is precisely what ancient texts tell us, the language this Field recognizes is the language of human feeling and human emotion. It does not take every person in the world expressing the same feeling to create an effect.
The studies show that a relatively few number of people with a focused intention have tremendous leverage in terms of affecting how our reality is responding, both in our bodies and in our world.
One famous example was a research project done during the Israeli-Lebanese war in the early 1980’s.6 In this study, people who had been trained to feel the feeling of peace in their bodies were positioned in war-torn areas in the Middle East.
When they were intentionally feeling peace during specific windows of time, it changed the level of violence happening in the area around them in statistically significant ways. Crime, hospital emergency room activity, and traffic accidents declined, and terrorist activities stopped altogether. And when the practitioners stopped, then all those activities reversed.
Since these practitioners had been trained by Maharishi7 in TM techniques, this phenomenon became known as the Maharishi Effect.
And the results were so clear-cut that the researchers were able to determine the exact percentage of a population needed to create this effect. That amount is the square root of 1% of a given population. So, when that critical mass of practitioners participated, the threshold opened up and we began to see the effects. Obviously, the more people who participate, the faster we are going to see those effects.
The square root of 1% is just 100 people per million, or only about 8,000 in the current world population of 6.5 billion. That is all it takes to make the difference.
Whether we are talking about one woman’s healing in the video of the dissolving tumor, or about healing between nations — as different as they seem from one another — the principal and the effect are the same.
MAB: At the Phoenix workshop you mentioned you were on the edge of some exciting new research developments.
GB: Yes, this is the 20th year I have offered this work in one form or another, but as different as the various aspects of my work appear, they are all focused and directed at empowering us to become better people and creating a better world.
The God Code8 research is ongoing and we are working with researchers in other parts of the world in translating the human genome into the languages and the letters of alphabets that can be read like the pages of a book. We hope to have more information to share about the deeper layers of these translations before the end of this year.
What we are talking about is another aspect of that work. We now know from the first layer of these translations, as I discussed in The God Code, that we are an intentional species, we know we are no fluke of nature, we are not an accident of biology, we are here on purpose and appear to be wired to create in our world.
Through the work Dr. Bruce Lipton, my colleagues, and I are doing, we are finding that we are not bound by the laws of physics and biology that, in the past, we believed were limiting us. That work is ongoing, continuing to reveal new expressions of freedom. If we are not bound by the laws of physics, and if we are not bound by the laws of biology, then suddenly we become tremendously powerful beings!
And if we are free of those laws, it means we are free of the limits we believe are imposed by our DNA and space and time and distance and aging and longevity, and all the implications that go with that! So all of these are married together into a very exciting and empowering way of looking at ourselves and our world. And the key is that we are a part of everything we see and experience rather than separate from it.
If we are part of that Divine Matrix, we are given the gift, the ability and the blessing that allow us to transform our bodies and our world into life-affirming expressions of that connection rather than life-denying expressions. To me, that is the exciting thing about our new discoveries and where this work is going!
MAB: How did the two of you end up sharing this workshop?
GB: I was a fan of Dr. Bruce Lipton’s work before we ever met. We both began our work in the mid-80’s, our paths had crossed a number of times and we became friends. Our work seemed so different, but we were always looking for a way we could share it together.
I came from the perspective of studying the physical world of our external reality, and Bruce from the biological world of our internal reality… and as Bruce’s work evolved into the biology of belief and my work evolved into the Divine Matrix and the power of belief to change and alter our reality, suddenly our respective work connected in a very natural fit.
We first presented a workshop together as an experiment at the ARE/Edgar Cayce Headquarters9 in 2003. Then we took that workshop to Australia and now across the U.S.
It has been a wonderful window of opportunity to marry our messages into what I believe is a very potent, powerful understanding of who we are in the world. What we believe and how we feel about ourselves and our world is actually the code that allows us the power to create and heal and bring joy and peace into our lives. That is the message Bruce and I have come together to offer. And within the context of what we are seeing on the six o’clock news, I think now it is perhaps more timely than ever.
MAB: This has been so very enlightening, thank you, Gregg!
GB: Thanks for inviting me.
A Romp through the Quantum Field (Part 2)
with Gregg Braden and Dr. Bruce Lipton
By Meryl Ann Butler
We live our lives based in what we believe about our world, ourselves, our capabilities, and our limits. What if those beliefs are wrong? What would it mean to discover that everything from the DNA of life, to the future of our world, is based upon a simple "Reality Code" that may be changed and upgraded by choice? In a rare, extended weekend, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton and Todd Ovokaitys invite us on a journey to do just that! Visit or contact (800) 637-5222 for more information.
(Part 1 of this article, featuring an interview with Gregg Braden, appeared in the September/October issue of Awareness Magazine. It can be found online at Part 2 continues our interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton.)
MAB: Bruce, the merging of your and Gregg Braden’s work is so exciting! Thank you for your willingness to share some of your thoughts with us.
Dr. Bruce H. Lipton: Thanks, I’m happy to participate!
MAB: The premise of your book "The Biology of Belief" is that humans are not, as was previously believed, victims of our genes, but that the environment has a direct effect on our DNA. Would you elaborate?
BL: Sure. Until recently, it was thought that genes were self-actualizing, meaning genes could turn themselves on and off. As a result, most people today believe they are genetic automatons, and that their genes control their lives.
But my research introduces a radical new understanding of cell science. The new biology reveals that we ‘control’ our genome rather than being controlled by it. It is now recognized that the environment, and more specifically, our perception or interpretation of the environment directly controls the activity of our genes. This explains why people can have spontaneous remissions or recover from injuries deemed to be permanent disabilities.
MAB: Then it really is about "mind over matter"?
BL: Yes, this new perspective of human biology does not view the body as just a mechanical device, but rather incorporates the role of a mind and spirit. This breakthrough is fundamental in all healing because it recognizes that when we change our perception or beliefs we send totally different messages to our cells, causing a reprogramming of their _expression.
This new science is called epigenetics. It’s been around for about 16 years, but it’s just now being introduced to the general public. For example, The American Cancer Society is an organization that has been looking for cancer genes for the last 50 years or so. But they’ve found that only about 5 percent of cancer has genetic linkage, leaving 95% that is not genetically linked. Recently the American Cancer Society released a statistic that said 60 percent of cancer is avoidable by changing lifestyle and diet. So now they are telling us, "It’s the way you live, it’s not your genes."
MAB: So the long sought-after "Fountain of Youth" could be right inside ourselves?
BL: Within every one of our bodies at this very moment, there are billions of stem cells, embryonic cells designed to repair or replace damaged tissues and organs.
However, the activity and fate of these regenerative cells are epigenetically controlled. That means they are profoundly influenced by our thoughts and perceptions about the environment. Hence our beliefs about aging can either interfere with or enhance stem cell function, causing our physiological regeneration or decline.
MAB: What part does evolution play in this?
BL: Well, as it turns out, Darwin was wrong. Current science overrides Darwin’s theories emphasizing competition and struggle, but this information can take years to get into the textbooks. Cooperation and community are actually the underlying principles of evolution, as well as the underlying principles of cell biology. The human body represents the cooperative effort of a community of fifty-trillion single cells. A community, by definition, is an organization of individuals committed to supporting a shared vision.
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck had it right fifty years before Darwin. In 1809, Lamarck wrote the problems that will beset humanity will come from separating ourselves from nature, and that will lead to the dissolution of society. His understanding of evolution was that an organism and its environment create a cooperative interaction. If you want to understand the fate of an organism, you have to understand its relationship to the environment. He recognized that separating ourselves from our environment cuts us off from our source. He was right.
And when you understand the nature of epigenetics, you see his theory is now substantiated. With no mechanism to make sense of his theory before, and especially since we bought the concept of neo-Darwinian biologists who said the human body was subject to genetic control, Lamarck looked stupid. But guess what? New leading-edge science reveals he was right, after all.
MAB: So, how does this play out on the cellular level?
BL: Information from the environment is transferred to the cell via the cell membrane. We used to think that the cell nucleus was the brain of the cell. But in 1985 I discovered that the membrane is actually the brain of the cell. The nucleus, as it turns out, is actually the reproductive center.
The cell membrane (mem-brain!) monitors the condition of the environment and then sends signals to the genes to engage cellular mechanisms, which in turn, provide for its survival. In the human body, the brain sends messages to the cell’s membrane to control its behavior and genetic activity. This is how the mind, via the brain, controls our biology.
For example, an important discipline in the health sciences is referred to as psychoneuroimmunology. Literally this term means: the mind (psycho-) controls the brain (neuro-) which in turn, controls the immune system (immunology). This is how the placebo effect works!
When the mind perceives that the environment is safe and supportive, the cells focus on growth. Cells need growth in order to maintain the body’s healthy functioning.
However, when confronted by stress, cells adopt a defensive protection posture. When that happens, the body’s energy resources, normally used to sustain growth, are diverted to systems that provide protection. The result is that growth processes are restricted or suspended in a stressed system.
While our systems can accommodate periods of acute (brief) stress, prolonged or chronic stress is debilitating because the body’s energy demands interfere with the maintenance it requires, and this is what leads to dysfunction and disease.
For example, the fear that has been propagated in the United States since 9-11 has had a profoundly destructive effect upon the health of our citizens. Every time the government advertises concerns of more terror attacks, the fear alone causes stress hormones to shut down our biology and engage in a protection response.
Since the World Trade Center attack, the health of the country has plummeted and the pharmaceutical companies’ profits have skyrocketed (with a 100% increase in less than five years!)
Our color-coded terror alert system has also been responsible for another serious consequence. In a state of fear, stress hormones change the flow of blood in the brain. Under normal, healthy situations, blood flow in the brain is preferentially focused in the forebrain, the site of conscious control. However, in stress, the forebrain blood vessels constrict, forcing the blood to the hindbrain, the center of subconscious reflex control. Simply, in fear mode we become more reactive and less intelligent.
MAB: In your workshop, you talked about how we receive stress information. Would you elaborate on that?
BL: Sure. The principle source of stress signals is the system’s central voice, the mind. The mind is like the driver of a vehicle.
If we employ good driving skills in managing our behaviors and dealing with our emotions, then we should anticipate a long, happy and productive life. In contrast, ineffective behaviors and dysfunctional emotional management, like a bad driver, stress the cellular vehicle, interfering with its performance and provoking a breakdown.
Stress information can come to the cell from the two separate minds that create the body’s controlling central voice.
The (self-) conscious mind is the thinking you; it is the creative mind that expresses free will. It’s the equivalent of a 40-bit processor in that it can handle the input from about 40 nerves per second.
In contrast, the subconscious mind is a super computer loaded with a database of pre-programmed behaviors. It is a powerful 40-million-bit processor, interpreting and responding to over 40 million nerve impulses every second. Some programs are derived from genetics: these are our instincts. However, the vast majority of the subconscious programs are acquired through our developmental learning experiences.
The subconscious mind is not a seat of reasoning or creative consciousness, it is strictly a stimulus-response "play-back" device. When an environmental signal is perceived, the subconscious mind reflexively activates a previously-stored behavioral response — no thinking required!
The insidious part of the autopilot mechanism is that subconscious behaviors are programmed to engage without the control of, or the observation by, the conscious self. Neuroscientists have revealed that 95%-99% of our behavior is under the control of the subconscious mind. Consequently, we rarely observe these behaviors or much less know that they are even engaged.
While your conscious mind perceives that you are a good driver, it is the unconscious mind that has its hands on the wheel most of the time. And the unconscious mind may be driving you down the road to ruin.
We have been led to believe that by using willpower, we can override the negative programs of our subconscious mind. Unfortunately, to do that, one must keep a constant vigil on one’s own behavior.
There is no observing entity in the subconscious mind reviewing the behavioral tapes. The subconscious is strictly a record-playback machine. Consequently, there is no discernment as to whether a subconscious behavioral program is good or bad, it is just a tape. The moment you lapse in consciousness, the subconscious mind will automatically engage and play its previously-recorded, experience-based programs.
MAB: How did we get our subconscious programming in the first place?
BL: The prenatal and neonatal brain operates predominantly in delta and theta EEG frequencies through the first six years of our lives. This low level of brain activity is referred to as the hypnagogic state.
While in this hypnotic trance, a child does not have to be actively coached into specific behaviors. She obtains her behavioral programming simply by observing parents, siblings, peers and teachers.
In addition, a child’s subconscious mind also downloads beliefs relating to self. When a parent or teacher tells a young child he is sickly, stupid, bad or undeserving, this too is downloaded as a fact into the youngster’s subconscious mind. These acquired beliefs constitute the central voice that controls the fate of the body’s cellular community.
MAB: That’s pretty sobering! It seems to me that our subconscious mind is like a chunk of green kryptonite from Superman’s home planet, the one thing that could strip him of his superpowers. The kryptonite is analogous to the rocky foundations of childhood. As you indicated earlier, the subconscious isn’t evil by nature — and neither is the kryptonite. Yet it’s through these avenues that the programming of our childhood come back to plague us as adults, and — from what you are saying — rob us of our own superpowers! Many people feel so stuck, ineffective and victimized, in spite of the fact that their conscious intentions are focused upon success. So we come to the ultimate question, how can the subconscious mind be reprogrammed?
BL: To change a behavioral tape, you have to push the record button and then re-record the program incorporating the desired changes. There are several ways to do this with the subconscious mind.
First, we can become more self-conscious, and rely less on automated subconscious programs. By being fully conscious, we become the masters of our fates rather than the victims of our programs. This path is similar to Buddhist mindfulness.
Secondly, clinical hypnotherapy directly addresses the issue at the hypnagogic state.
In addition, we can use a variety of new energy psychology modalities that enable a rapid and profound reprogramming of limiting subconscious beliefs. These are forms of Superlearning that open and integrate both hemispheres of the brain at the same time, allowing us to re-write our subconscious programs. Using these processes that are mechanistically similar to pushing the record program on the subconscious mind’s tape player, we are able to release the limiting perceptions, beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors.
Energy psychology modalities include Psych-K, Holographic Repatterning, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and BodyTalk.
MAB: As a labyrinth builder, I find many people report physical sensations of profound well-being and peace as a result of walking a labyrinth, as well as sense of timelessness, such as in an altered or hypnagogic state. Many spontaneous healings seem to be a direct result of labyrinth walking, and I myself have experienced healings and a sense of extraordinary wellness. Do you see this modality as a way to reprogram the subconscious as well?
BL: I believe any process that expands self-consciousness and allows us to observe and interact with our subconscious minds will open the gateway for change. With conscious awareness, we can actively transform our lives so they are filled with love, health and prosperity. The use of these new "rewrite" modalities provides a way to communicate with the cells of your body and is the link to transformative biology as well as psychology.
MAB: This was wonderful, thanks, Bruce, for sharing your insights!
BL: Thank you, I enjoyed it!
Gregg Braden and Bruce Lipton are blazing the trails of awareness of our interconnection with the Quantum Field, guiding us toward new and exciting understandings. Even this dynamic duo’s presentation style is significant — these guys live the co-operation they preach! Braden and Lipton offer their material in an integrated dance of perfectly-timed synergy, as their two distinctive arms of science converge, fittingly, at the heart.
Gregg Braden is a former Senior Aerospace Systems Designer turned New York Times best-selling author. His books include "Walking Between the Worlds", "Awakening to Zero Point", "The Isaiah Effect", "The God Code", "Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer", and "The Divine Matrix". He offers seminars and guides inter-national tours in search of the sacred. (
Dr. Bruce H. Lipton is author of the Los Angeles Times best-selling book, "The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles". A cellular biologist, he is a former Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine and former research scientist at Stanford University’s School of Medicine. He offers workshops throughout the U.S. and internationally. (,
Meryl Ann Butler is a Renaissance woman: artist, author, educator, labyrinth builder and joyful exploress of cutting-edge quantum developments. "90 Minute Quilts" is her handbook for personal and planetary healing through creativity, fun and fabric. She says, "They don’t call quilts ‘comforters’ for nothing!" Trained in New York by one of Norman Rockwell’s students, she tutors adults and children in the greater Los Angeles area in traditional drawing and painting, as well as in quilting and fiber arts. (