Friday, March 31, 2006

"Love Songs" Played to Your "Heart Strings"

"Now where is that "C"????

When I was a teenager, I played the organ in church for a few years after we lost our organist. Although I was not very proficient at it, I loved playing it! I found that playing in the Key of "C" was always the easiest for me, and it seemed to be a better key for people to sing in.

Yesterday I received an email with information from Dr. Horowitz's findings. It resonated with me, and so I thought I would share.

Health Science Communications for People Around the World

Make Healing Happen With "Love Songs" Played to Your "Heart Strings"

Sandpoint, ID - We stand on the threshold of a massive global "healing,"
says Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, the internationally famed author of more than fifteen health science books. He says all healing, regardless of disease, happens from "Love Songs" pulling on your "Heart Strings" by mathematical-musical design, apparently divine.

According to the award-winning investigator, all healing occurs from sonic waves or vibrations, specific frequencies of sound, resonating throughout the universe. Your cells use DNA, like radios use antennae, to receive these cosmic "Love Songs" which pull on your "heart strings" to attune your body's beat and blood rhythm to the "cosmic health broadcasting network." "Miraculous healing results if your 'receiver' is well tuned or you are receptive," he explains in his latest book, Walk on Water ($16.55; ISBN: 0-923550-37-2).

The healing power of love is widely known. Heartaches kill people most quickly when they lose their loved ones, life purpose, and/or desire to live. "The blockage in this love flow of health energy through the human heart is the number one cause of disease and death on this planet," Dr. Horowitz asserts, "and the primary reason we stand, as a planet, on the brink of extinction." In Walk on Water, the Harvard graduated public health expert, advances unprecedented revelations including the "core creative frequencies of divinity," and "the mathematical matrix of the universe."

He explains why the cosmos repeatedly and eternally resonates nine specific sounds with two central tones transmitting the energies of love and family-energies, he submits, are increasingly influencing people and planetary politics. "It turns out that love, 528 Hertz, is central to the core creative frequencies, converts to 518 nanometers of light-the middle of the rainbow and center of the green color-which in Eastern theologies and healing practices resonates the center of your heart, or 'heart chakra,' and is most important for healing," Dr. Horowitz says. "New revelations in mathematics, physics, and water science connect the vibrations of your heart to the center of the universe wherein love is both divine messenger and healing message." The green color of love, the "middle C" of the "Creator's musical scale," is "the reason why botanicals are generally green. Chlorophyll convert this energy, central to life, best. It's not 'green with envy,' like humans tend to be. It is green with love, the miracle frequency.

These discoveries hold tremendous potential for the future of civilization. Energy technologies (, new musical CDs (, and a globally simulcast concert, "LΦVE H2O" ( are being advanced to apply these healing revelations worldwide. Horowitz initially studied "healing codes" in the Bible. Verse numbers in a section of the Book of Numbers showed repeating patterns of three digit numbers determined to be the original musical scale or ancient Solfeggio.

Serendipitously, Horowitz met mathematician Marko Rodin whose life's work produced a matrix composed of precisely the same three repeating number sequences-396, 417, 528, 638, 741, 852, 963, 174, and 285 to infinity. (See: Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse; $26.45; ISBN: 0-923550-39-9.) "Given these special sounds proving intelligent design, the opportunity now exists to use these to heal ourselves and our planet, quite simply, as they were intended," Dr. Horowitz concludes. "By recording, amplifying, and broadcasting these universal 'love songs,' and realizing our 'heart strings' are all interconnected and pulled musically from the core of creation, we may just bring more heaven to Earth."

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Return Home

The Return Home

Venus Sequence

I found this information useful. It does correlate to the "Keys of Enoch - The Book of Knowledge." It is time for humanity to awaken their genes with the Keys!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Broadband Learning Channel

This came to my attention today. Conscious Videos and Enlightenment from the Broadband Learning Channel.

WELCOME The Broadband Learning Channel is the only hosted network on the web giving you direct access to some of the most insightful spiritual and holistic thinkers on the planet.Whether your interest is in healing, health and wellness, green issues, feng shui or government cover-ups or you're just curious to hear different perspectives on the increasingly complex world we live in, BBLC provides direct access to the scientists, doctors, researchers, and spiritual teachers who have all the answers.Hosted by Emmy award winning documentarian and respected TV host Regina Meredith, BBLC covers many topics that the traditional media doesn't want to talk about. Best of all, these videos are FREE after our short registration and available for immediate viewing right here on our site. So take a look at each series, watch a few episodes, investigate our interviewees websites and above all, dare to Think Again!We do not currently accept commercial advertising or sponsorship which means that our programming is free from political, religious or economic bias.

World Water Day

To learn more about how water affects us go here - it contains some incredible pictures of water crystals:

On this day the focus is on a 'thirsty planet' and governments taking responsibility for getting water to their people. As with all global events - we will read about the water crisis - consider how it affects our lives - store it in our 'memory banks' - then move on to our personal dramas hoping it will never affect our lives.

"The colossal numbers behind the world water crisis are daunting: 1.1 billion people don't have clean water, causing diseases that kill 3.1 million people a year; 1.7 million deaths could be prevented just with better sanitation."

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Kids' Prescriptions For Anti-Psychotic Drugs Soar

I used to work in an elementary school and often assisted in the health room dispensing medication, etc. Over the five year period I worked in this position, I noticed a huge increase in the number of medications dispensed to very young children. I quit my job because my soul had a hard time being a part of this. I would see those young eyes come in and look deep into mine like, "What are you doing?" I knew these children were having a hard time with the new vibration of the earth, and the toxins in the food chain and environment that are put into their systems, certainly were not helping with their behavior problems. It would be nice to see Yoga or Tai Chi taught as part of their curriculum.

After leaving the position I went on to study energy medicine to assist humanity in a more holistic way. I think my most memorable session was with an autistic child about 14. She would describe to her mother in words via a board (she would point to letters) what she was seeing in the room. Obviously, there were Angels present. She told her mother that she and I had other lifetimes together, and would have more. I remember putting out a Star Tetrahedron a friend made and when she saw that, she really lit up and actually spoke for the first time in years. Oh my ----------this she knew well. Then I showed her a book entitled, "A child of Eternity, An Extraordinary Young Girl's Message from the World Beyond" by Ardriana Rocha and Kristi Jorde and she opened it and read it in minutes. She then started to cry and said she thought she was all alone. From there I asked her to lay on the table and she insisted that I use the Star Tetrahedron over her body for balancing. I did as she requested and she then went into a fetal position and fell asleep. Her mother said she has not seen her like that since she was a baby.

Tonight on Larry King they were discussing the high autism cases and the possible link it has had with the mercury they used to put in children's vaccines. Since they have since reduced this ingredient, autism is finally declining. Again, it does not take a rocket scientist to understand that we are being poisoned and dumbed down.

Tonight I saw this article.

Extra reading on Energy Medicine:

Monday, March 20, 2006

Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut, Sometimes You Don't

I was reflecting on a song that repeated a few days ago in my head, "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't, Almond Joy has nuts, Mars don't. (Perhaps those Martians are looking better and better.) Then later on in the evening I opened a site that I frequent often, and the author decided to put the country music song, "Crazy" on it. She said that the next day she was swamped by people relating to that song and her volume of mail was about the same as after the 911 episode. So what does that tell us? PAY ATTENTION! :-)

Does it seem to you that the current energies are really making people crazier than ever? Maintaining stability in your life, and with those you interact with, is really going to be difficult as things are shifting so quickly now.

Today Australia was under seige and the earth changes occuring there from Cyclone Larry will change the face of planet Earth once again. Remember that Australia has reversed seasons from the northern hemisphere - which now equates to our autumn hurricane season.

Earth and frequency shifts will affect everyone, everywhere, and create physical symptoms in humans that include irritability, disorientation, drowsiness, backache, fatigue, and flu like symtoms.

Earth changes and the mentally ill:

If anything, frequency changes will accelerate mental disorders - especially as we move toward the solar eclipse next week. Hang onto your hat for that one.

For those interested in learning a little more about the Sun and how it affects us, Mitch Battros, Earth Changes TV, has written a new book entitled, "Solar Rain." This is what Mitch has to say....

"This is a book every science oriented mind and institution will want to read. My many interviews with the most prestigious scientists in the world; coming from organizations such as NASA, ESA, JSA, NOAA, JPL, Space Weather Center, AMS (American Meteorological Society), AMS (American Meteor Society) and Sky & Telescope, should quench anyone’s thirst.

For those who are drawn to more spiritual, quantum physics, or metaphysical understandings, you won’t be disappointed. You will find information direct from the Hopi and Mayan elders telling us what has been passed down through generations. Now is the time for purification, preparation, and contemplation. Our ancestors remind us all is not lost. There is still hope and we can make a difference. The famous Hopi Prophecy Rock photo is included in the book, as are photos of unique sacred Mayan sites never before produced publicly. Whether you’re a scientist, archeologist, or metaphysician, there is plenty in this book for you.

In most scientific journals, a description of the Sun and a description of the Earth may go something like what you will see in the introduction chapter of the book. The Sun-Earth connection is not a new theory. It has long been known there is some method of relation between what happens on the Sun, and its slow methodical effect in the way of climate on Earth.

What this book lays out with empirical scientific data will turn current charts, graphs, and formulas on its head. The word that groups all scientific methodologies into one is “Paradigm”. Webster’s Revised Dictionary definition: Paradigm – “A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them, especially in an intellectual discipline.”

Solar Rain brilliantly lays out chapter by chapter a Sun-Earth causal effect which occurs within hours of its initial event. It develops so rapidly, that what happens on the Sun, can effect what happens on the Earth before many of you will finish the first three chapters.

In the famous venue of the slow awakening giant, the worlds solar scientists are playing ‘catch-up’ to a new (which is old) understanding of the symbiotic and closely knit relationship between what happens on the Sun, and what can cause almost immediate problems on Earth. Until now, and partly due to my ‘Equation’ published in 1997, scientists would measure causal events in “decades and centuries”. My Equation suggest what occurs on the Sun is made manifest on Earth within “hours and days”. This new concept shifts the current paradigm from what has traditionally been measured in the way of “climate” as it relates to cycles, to what is now being measured in the way of “weather”. Weather indicates causal events which is measured in hours, days, and weeks.

Sunspots => Solar Flares => Magnetic Field Shift => Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents => Extreme Weather and Human Disruption (mitch battros)

I have taken intense precautions to carefully weave the threads of science (new), with ancient text (old), to deliver the most accurate and factual science based material bringing you to the window of change. Here you will see the making of a new paradigm which is rare and is unfolding in our lifetime."

If you have never thought of learning to meditate or get some body work done to assist in lightening up your density, I cannot stress how important it is for you to do so now. It is not going to get any easier!

This is the Best Day of My Life

Nice way to begin the day!

"This is the Best Day of My Life."

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Zapped by the Sun

It being another SUNday, I figured this article would be appropriate.

According to renowned scientist/mystic Nassim Haramein the sun has been noticeably changing since 1999.

Solar flares coming to earth from the sun are particles and plasma of sun energy being thrown off and filling our atmosphere. It is a HUGE burst of energy coming our way. He said as an analogy that the difference coming on us is very rapid -- like going from the lowest note on a piano to the highest. That is our vibrational change. These solar waves are full of ions and electrical energy that raise the vibration of everything in and around us. The sun is changing its composition--it is becoming what the ancient Mayans and Egyptians call the 6th Sun. He says there is NO GOING BACK. We've been getting these hits in waves, but soon it will be a constant. He says that global weather changes are not caused by the greenhouse effect. It is the Sun's effect.

This change in the composition of the sun changes the Earth's energy field and all that lives here. We will be in a higher vibration and we will all be more sensitive, telepathic, better healers and experiencing bouts of exhaustion. It's important to rest and assimilate change, then get back to work when you feel impacted. Meditation is very helpful as it raises your vibration. The 6th sun phenomenon is NOT a metaphor. It is an actual change.

The part we play in this change is to ground this higher vibration into earth, to join together in groups for prayer and meditation, support, and to keep our evolution at the forefront--positive, conscious of Love, helping others, and changing our awareness. The heart and crown are points through which these changes cycle in and out of us to earth and the universe. Our thoughts are more and more powerful as creation forces. Our thoughts and words are shaping things to come.
Your one life can make a difference. We can all shape a Humanity that works for everyone compassionately.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE - New Online Radio Broadcast

Host: Patricia Diane Cota- Robles
Direct links to the radio show on websites: and
Date: April 4, 2006Time: 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time

Friday, March 17, 2006

Program Change "Happy St. Patrick's Day"

The intention of being in NOW time certainly comes with it's own adventures. Since the "Music Lady" (previous post) was seen coming in, there has been a little butterfly zooming in and out of my stomach area. This energy ALWAYS stirs and churns and whips the fields surrounding us, until one realizes once again, perception as we have come to know it, will never be the same.

While driving the other day into the office, I started singing a Mickey Mouse song. The name "Mickey" was heard over and over. Yesterday I saw a picture on another web site and it reminded me of a session I had done a day earlier. Then the call came from a dear friend that his mother whose name is Mickey had passed at 11:55. I have seen this combination of numbers numerous times lately. To mean it represents balance and moving into a higher vibration. It was a little later that I couldn't help but think the picture was related to Mickey's passing. He had told me that earlier in the morning he had awoken from a dream in which he had seen his mother who was a little girl in a blue dress, skipping down the hallway. He knew he needed to go visit her in the nursing home that morning. She died 20 minutes after he left. The last thing she said to him was, "I am no longer here."

I had just read the night before that right before one dies in situations like this where they have been ill for a long time, there is very little energy left in the physical body. She knew she was leaving as she had given him her purse (represents identification) to take home with him a few days earlier. I guess when one goes from death to new life this certainly can be considered a program change.

I had scheduled a hair cut and color for yesterday as well. The woman who I thought was going to assist me called in sick right before I got there. They did not bother to call me to tell me of the change, but rather called in another stylist to assist me. Mmmmmmm........I chose the first intentionally because she is not known to do wild and noticeable changes. When it comes to my hair, I guess I am rather conservative in my cuts and colors. Hair represents "POWER". I figured I was in for the ride of my life now.

The woman loves horses and our riding the trails together in the chair with the scissors in hand, left many new "LEVELS" surrounding this Atlas that sits on my shoulders. The once lighter ends have now taken on a shade a few colors darker, and the crown which had gone a shade darker, now is surrounded in more light. It is taking some getting used to, to now look at myself. It's not what I had expected, nor what I would have chosen, but I guess the "Music Lady" must know what's BEST for me! The words, "Go with the Flow" stream through..............and let go of the IMAGE you think you are! Perhaps the different levels and layers and colors represent different dimensions of space and time and that is where my travels will take me now, and one is becoming a "Headless" horseman - thinking more with the heart and less with the head.

Mmmmm.... all I know is that getting used to this new image will take some getting used to. Later in the day then, my cell phone started to display a breaking up affect on the screen when I opened it. I was unable to read the numbers and all the colors were fuzzy. Only a butterfly could be seen weaving in and out of the cells that were disintegrating before my very eyes. Since the phone is related to business, I figured I should go and have it looked at. I was given a new phone by verizon since the old one was still under warranty. This too I new was a sign that my cells are being transformed and the new cell phone (communication device) was a message my journey is changing.

Each day we are given a multitude of clues and it's fun to play along in the game we call life. It being a GREEN day, may you all be blessed with good fortune, and energy healing that will help and assist you back home, into the heart, through the open gate that is now being attended to by those little green men for all of us to enter.

May the Luck of the IrISh - help you to remember your "IS" through the "I" (eye). :-)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Rant for the day!

Has anyone noticed what it says on the back of their toothpaste?

Mine says.....WARNINGS - Keep out of the reach of children under 6 years of age. If more than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away.

Now I have to ask - why would makers of toothpaste put something that could be poisonous into their product, that people use on a daily basis and have to put directly into their mouth? Has anyone researched fluroide? Where it came from, and what it used to be used for? Some pretty interesting information is now out there that the government does not want you to know about.

How many ways can we be dumbed down? Mmmmmm - I guess it's unlimited!

My rant for today........:-)

On March 8, despite massive public opposition, including 50,000 calls and letters from supporters of the Organic Consumers Association, the House of Representatives passed the controversial "national food uniformity" labeling law, which would eliminate over 200 state food safety labeling laws. The law basically takes away local government and states' power to require food safety labels such as those required in California and other states on foods or beverages that are likely to cause cancer, birth defects, allergic reactions, or mercury poisoning. The bill would also prevent local municipalities and states from passing laws requiring that genetically engineered foods and ingredients be labeled. Under the bill, hundreds of state laws and regulations would be eliminated, including those relating to the safety of milk, fish, and shellfish. In order to become law, the bill will now have to go to the Senate for a vote. Because of the enormous public backlash against the bill, Washington analysts believe the bill will have great difficulty passing in the Senate. OCA and other public interest organizations have vowed to go "all out" to stop this anti-democratic, anti-consumer bill in the Senate. Take action here:

In the 2006 election cycle, big agribusiness has already given $14,562,681 in campaign contributions to members of Congress.


Monday, March 13, 2006

The Living Garden

This is a very unique site. It REALLY takes you back to nature.

Inner Balance and Purification


The true alignment of the spiritual with the physical vehicle. One triangle is pointed down representing Heaven, and one triangle is pointed up representing earth. Where they meet in the center is considered to be your Inner Balance.

Earlier today on other blog postings, inner and outer balance was being discussed. Minutes ago I found myself in another website and stumbled onto this picture. There is no copyright and they ask that it be distributed freely as the picture represents "Purification."

Purify yourSelf!
The tension in the world is growing. Open up a random newspaper, watch the evening news and what we see if we look closely is a world in transition. The distance between the light and the dark side in the world is growing rapidly. But wouldn't we all like to be surrounded by light and love?

As the Earth is purifying itself with water, wind and rain so do we need to purify ourselves to prepare us for our own individual transition. As the Earth 'hurts' itself, so must we realize that we might feel 'hurt' if we dare start this process of purification. Get rid of old habits, so-called programs, we run day in day out without realizing it.

A powerful way of doing this is by using Sacred Geometry. Science has proven long ago that our bodies are geometrically designed systems. Our subconsciousness recognises complex Sacred Geometrical symbols that have been used since time immemorial. Although our conscious minds will not understand, and even might think them strange, Sacred Geometry has a powerful effect on our mental state and also our physical body.

This code, called Purification, has been published with the sole purpose of helping people with this purifcation.

It has no copyrights!

This is our birthright and blueprint, and I thank whomever took the time to publish it.

Out With The Old, In With The New

Upon awakening this morning, I knew the song posted yesterday needed a few modifications.

Mommy told me something a little girl should know
It's all about the SHADOW and I've learned to SEE it so
She says it causes trouble when you let it in the room
It will never ever leave you if your heart is filled with gloom

So, let the sun shine in, face it with a grin
Smiler's never lose and frowners never win
So, let the sun shine in, face it with a grin
Open up your heart and let the sun shine in

When you are unhappy, the SHADOW wears a grin
But oh, it starts a-running when the light comes pouring in
I know it'll be unhappy 'cause I'll never wear a frown
Maybe if we keep on smiling it'll get tired of hangin' around

So, let the sun shine in, face it with a grin
Smiler's never lose and frowners never win
So, let the sun shine in, face it with a grin
Open up your heart and let the sun shine in

If I forget to MEDITATE, the SHADOW jumps with glee
But it feels so awful, awful, when it sees me in LOTUS SEAT
So if you're full of trouble and you never seem to win
Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in

So, let the sun shine in, face it with a grin
Smiler's never lose and frowners never win
So, let the sun shine in, face it with a grin
Open up your heart and let the sun shine in

Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Music Lady Has Arrived

"I'm the Leader of the Band Who Has Come To Save The Day."
Yep, Dolly/Dali is back in town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My friends know when she's back, because her music gets the energies stirred up once again. I was sitting here quite peacefully looking out my window at Mt. Rainier that is allowing all parts and sides to be shown to us today. The SUN has definitely risen, and now this intense light fills my room within and without with the heat and brightness of this solar activity. The day definitely seems to be starting out magnificently.

Earlier I had a vision of the Music Lady's arrival. She was seen at the head of the parade leading the music makers who were following her step. She wears a bright red coat (Life Force Energy) and high headdress, the emerald green ray shines out from her heart, while she twirls her baton to the right and to the left and then high up into the sky. The crowd claps and cheers! She is seen leading the song being played. Suddenly, with a twirl of her baton, the Symbols/Cymbals clang and crash, the atoms and molecules are dispersed and rearranged, and a whole new composition is starting to take form. There is a program change. Her heart says, "It's time for a new song, the old one has gone sour." The children of the earth have forgotten to tune up their instruments and the melody now hums in discord.

I now see a picture of an old skeleton key (ancient information) being inserted into a keyhole. The door begins to open and the air in the room fills once again with the harmony of a song now being played in a new key. The earth and all her children have shaken their booties and removed the layers of denseness that have kept them in duality. With greater LIGHTNESS of BEING, and new eyes to see and ears to hear with, a grandeur vision takes hold. The Music Lady has opened the door for a song to be played in the new key; earth and all her children begin to dance to a new tune.

When the Music Lady arrived I saw a sheet of music. The Musical clef, God/Goddess that is the letter/symbol that holds all the dimensional spaces and times lines together, was at the beginning. I remembered reading that it's the spaces in between the lines, where the answers are to be found. The spaces on the musical staff contain the letters FACE. IS it when we meet Face to Face or see the Face of the G clef, that we know our notes have been rearranged and the song of our soul is finally in the right KEY?

This morning I read an article posted by a young 17 year old boy named Rudy Takala who amazed me with his insights.

Stimulus and Response by Rudy Takala

Quote: "Nazi death camp survivor Viktor E. Frankl once wrote, “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.” Republicans could respond to the situation with truthfulness, openness and humility – or they can continue in the spirit of “deny everything.” The prior choice will lead to their growth and our freedom. The latter scenario will lead to this nation’s downfall."

Perhaps if we would all find that "Space" between the lines, our choices now and in the future would stem from a new place of "Empowerment" that contains truthfulness, openness and humility, and our growth and freedom will be our new love song.

This thought just now came through. Is the Music Lady, the Full Moon and Eclipse scheduled this month all tied together?

"Open Up Your Heart and Let the Sunshine In."

An Old Song worth singing in a new KEY!)

Mommy told me something a little girl should know
It's all about the Devil and I've learned to hate him so
She says he causes trouble when you let him in the room
He will never ever leave you if your heart is filled with gloom

So, let the sun shine in, face it with a grin
Smiler's never lose and frowners never win
So, let the sun shine in, face it with a grin
Open up your heart and let the sun shine in

When you are unhappy, the Devil wears a grin
But oh, he starts a-running when the light comes pouring in
I know he'll be unhappy 'cause I'll never wear a frown
Maybe if we keep on smiling he'll get tired of hangin' around

So, let the sun shine in, face it with a grin
Smiler's never lose and frowners never win
So, let the sun shine in, face it with a grin
Open up your heart and let the sun shine in

If I forget to say my prayers the Devil jumps with glee
But he feels so awful, awful, when he sees me on my knees
So if you're full of trouble and you never seem to win
Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in

So, let the sun shine in, face it with a grin
Smiler's never lose and frowners never win
So, let the sun shine in, face it with a grin
Open up your heart and let the sun shine in

Happy Sunday from my heart to yours,

Friday, March 10, 2006

New recipe to stomach life! :-)

This morning I posted over at one of my favorite blog authors, Laura Young,, and then she suggested that I put the Brownie recipe I wrote about onto my blog .... dah..........great idea. My friend Jeri Mills who lives in Loveland (hint) loves to bake, and one of her friends sent her this recipe so she passed it along to me. Its making the rounds and obviously wants to be posted. When I see words in print, often the words found inside of those words, contain the secret ingredients to mastering life. Perhaps this also goes with my recent posting below on sugar and another key. :-)

Those of you who are familiar with the "Chakras" and energy centers of the body, will understand this. For those of you who have not heard of them, perhaps you might find the information interesting to study.

Chipotle Brownies (I see the Chi in Brow - has to be a great recipe for life.) I notice the brownies are to be baked at 375. According to David R. Hawkins, M.D. and in his book, "Power vs. Force," one has to reach 350 or level of awareness that is needed to solve problems and not create additional ones! :-) I could think of a few people who perhaps need to go back into the oven.

The Pillsbury Doughboy now shows himself (he pops in occasionally), reminding me not to take him out of the oven to early or underbake, or we will eat lots of gooey dough that has not risen into the beautiful Golden hugh that deLIGHTS our stomach (solar plexus).

Thanks Jeri for passing along the recipe! You may also want to check out her website.

Chipotle Brownies

8 oz unsweetened chocolate

8 oz butter

Melt in double boiler

5 eggs

3 cups sugar

beat 10 minutes

combine chocolate and egg mixtures

1 ½ cups flour

1 tsp chipotle powder

1 tsp. instant espresso

Fold dry into wet ingredients then add

2 cups coarsely chopped walnuts

Bake in 13X9 inch pan 375 degrees 35-45 minutes

Jeri Mills, M.D
P.O. Box 2963, Loveland, CO 80539

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Takes More than Sugar to Stomach This! :-)

DeLay Wins Four-Way Battle for Nomination

SUGAR LAND, Texas (AP) -- Rep. Tom DeLay won the GOP nomination to the House on Tuesday, beating three challengers in his first election since he was indicted and forced to step aside as majority leader.

With 14 percent of precincts reporting, DeLay had 10,005 votes, or 64 percent. His closest challenger, environmental attorney Tom Campbell, had 4,049 votes, or 26 percent.

SUGAR LAND.......Looks like OZ to me!!!

Someone is still asleep in the poppy fields or is that spelled poopy?

Does it seem to be getting just a little more ludicrous out there these days?

NEXT we have this in the news....this should really make you feel good!

ECONOMY -- BUSH ADMINISTRATION MAXES OUT FEDERAL GOVERNMENT'S CREDIT CARD: Treasury Secretary John Snow notified Congress yesterday that the administration had taken "all prudent and legal actions" to keep from hitting the $8.2 trillion national debt limit. In urging Congress to raise the debt ceiling, Snow said the Treasury had already hit a crisis point because it had exhausted the $15 billion Exchange Stabilization Fund and is now tapping the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund which should provide a "few billion" dollars in extra borrowing money.

Looks like a SNOW JOB to me!

Anyway, click those red shoes and you'll find your way home!

Monday, March 06, 2006

The Number 12 and Maori Elder's Prophecies

Today the number "12" again comes in. From emails and dreams of others, to internet searching on the number 12 and string theory, it has kept me busy. I happened to run across an article of an interview by someone I had actually met years ago. I was still a newbie in the metaphysics arena and this elder from the Maori tribe of New Zealand was speaking at a meeting I attended. I can remember him coming up to me and smudging with sage - whew.........Different from the frankincense of church services, and giving me a reading. I have written often of the number 12, and today I found Macki's 12 prophecies so figured it was perhaps words to share.

New Zealand - Maori Elder - Macki Wirema and the 12 prophecies... 1996 Interview

A great changes is about to come to the brothers and sisters of the planet. The trees are dying from the tops down. Frogs are being born with deformities. We see the animal kingdom all changing. This is not just in one country but through out the world. We see coming towards us all these strange diseases and sicknesses. We see how the very air we breathe is destroying us. All this is part of the great prophecy of all time. We see the coming of new energies in the solar system. We see what they bring for us. We believe whatever the situation that you are in that you vibrate to creates cause and effect...Karma.

You'll get back whatever you give out. If you give out love, it will come back ten fold. This applies for other emotions. Now is the time to find the beauty of our hearts, that soul seat. Time to start repairing it.... that torn thread of the soul. The spirit has been tattered and now it is up to us to find that. Find the golden thread and needle and use it to heal the torn thread of the garment. The thread comes from the sacred garment of Creator. Repair the soul with the love of the creator. Then you dance with the beauty of "self", you become the enhancer. You have the memory of knowing your past lives of ancient times.

First we must become One with ourselves. We say that the longest journey is from the mind to the heart. Longer still, is that very journey that takes us back from the heart to the mind. Here begins the sacred of all journeys.... all experiences in one's life. This is a teaching.

We see great changes in the weather. We see water upon water upon water. The changing of the climate of the great mother earth, and the shifting. We see the changes in the structures of government and the fall of the monetary system.

We are living in the time of chaos, technology, where technology has left man behind.

There are 12 prophecies....

The first prophecy is the unity with self and the universe.

The second prophecy is to begin as the seperation of the witnesses. You be the witnesses. You stand there and witness the great unification that you are doing with people, with your friends and family, with other people that you come in contact with. With the God child within each one of us.

The third prophecy is honoring that God child within yourself thereby honoring other people that come in contact with you.

The fourth prophecy is to see through meditation, the artistic works of great spirit. That is the ecosystem or mother nature. Use mother nature to heal the hurts within ourselves. There the witnessing begins of the unification.

The fifth prophecy is the free gift of grace given to man. Grace is that femininity within the feminine. Grace is the Goddess, Shekinah, Sophia the Goddess of compassion.

The sixth prophecy is the most beautiful gift of all is unconditional love. Honor one another in the way we love. Learn when to let go. Learn not to possess or control.

The seventh prophecy is the Holy Trinity ... the great number of creator...the beauty that is enhancing the divine in all....brings in the joy and the love and the light of great spirit.

The eighth prophecy is the forever energy of the Christ Consciousness....the vibration and love that we have for one another...Unconditional love.

The nineth prophecy is now, now and forever more.

The tenth prophecy is the perfection of great spirit.

The eleventh prophecy is the chaos we are going through and yet we will find the balance.

The twelfth prophecy is the order of perfection of what is to come to this beautiful mother Earth to make heaven on Earth.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Someday's are Diamonds - Someday's are DAMP

Life in the fast lane......NOT! Each day I tell myself to be in the NOW, for this moment is all there is. The office that I work out of has been undergoing some major leak problems. We have an absent landlord who can never be found. The building has undergone foreclosure twice and once again we may be facing eviction. The maintenance guy has no money to fix the problems, and I would say probably little incentive or motivation at this stage of the game and I don't blame him.

I have spent the past two weeks preparing for a class I am to teach this coming Sunday. A few days ago I ran off hundreds of copy materials and had them in my office laid out to compile at a later date. It was a few hours later when I had this nagging feeling to go down there and get those papers in binders. Well, thank God for intuition 101, because the next day I had a very wet room with a major leak coming from the ceiling. This is the second time in a month this has happened and today it was still leaking. I am really get a test in patience........passing so far, but......everyone has a limit.

Then the guy who moved into the office next to me a couple months ago, who duly informed me on our very first meeting that he doesn't believe in what I do (Reiki), that he is very conservative, an Evangelist and was at one time in medical school. Whew - nice to share! He has been after my office to claim as his own because it has an adjoining door and he needs more room. DAH!!!!!!!!!! I think he fully expects me to relocate. I showed him the pail full of rusty water that has been collecting for a few days now - don't know if that deterred him or not. He then proceeded to look at the stuff in my room (some Chinese/Japanese symbols) and said he doesn't believe it works.

I am now looking at him, the Evangelist, of which he duly noted once again, who can barely stand because of hip problems that have flared up and his eyes look wild like he's on major pain medication. He then promptly showed me his biceps that he is proud of because he used to take steroids. Now, all the while I'm looking at him like, "You got to be kidding."!!!

He said there is no way that I just use my hands for healing.....he was sure I had a trick or tool. He could not fathom that people would benefit by lying on a massage table fully clothed with only another person's hands lightly touching them. I told him that the energy goes through everything. Then I said, "Doesn't prayer go through walls?" Mmmmm - he got quiet.

Looking at him, he's a dear soul, just one who is still asleep and stuck in the muddy illusion of 3D.

I think Spirit has other plans for certainly is never boring. "On the road again" - oh there's Johnny again!