Monday, June 18, 2007
Another "Z" Day
"When you hear the word 'Zaadz,' what comes to mind? If it's enthusiasm and joy, self-empowerment and changing the world, you're in good company.
Actually, the word zaad (pronounced zahd) is Dutch for 'seed.' When Brian Johnson, Philosopher and CEO of Zaadz first sat down with the idea of joining his two great passions—his interest in spirituality, personal growth, and bettering the world with his passion for entrepreneurship and business—the notion of 'seed' kept coming up.
"Amazing how much potential is in a tiny seed," says Johnson. "That power reminds us of the amazing potential within each of us. We thought the idea of creating a company that inspires and empowers you to bring your 'seed' to actualization would be pretty powerful. So, we created 'Zaadz.'"
And Zaadz, now the world's fastest-growing social networking site for socially and spiritually conscious people, is living up to its name."
Sunday, June 10, 2007
X-Coaster Passengers Left Hanging Upside Down

It looks like this group got caught in the loop of time and are left hanging upside down. This sounds like most humans! Fourth Dimension or Time will keep you stuck in the loop, until you ramp up your energy fields into a higher vibration, and travel into the 5th! The Age of Aquarius is upon us!
(HOT SPRINGS, Ark. (June 10) - A dozen riders on a roller coaster spent half an hour hanging upside down - 150 feet above the ground - after a power outage shut down the attraction.
It took about 30 minutes for the city Fire Department to rescue the riders using a ladder truck Saturday evening, said Aundrea Crary, spokeswoman for the Springs & Crystal Falls amusement park.
Spectators cheered when the riders were brought to the ground from the highest point of a loop on the X-Coaster, but one passenger threw up after reaching safety.
The X-Coaster was one of several rides brought to a halt by the outage that originated somewhere near the park.
"You could tell who got off the (X-Coaster) because their faces were red," said Angela Salter. She was riding the Gauntlet, another coaster, and said park employees worked quickly to free her.
The park resumed normal operations, although the X-Coaster remained closed.)
Freedom - Moving out of Time

"X" Marks the Spot!
This past Tuesday was a very synchronistic day. There were many pictures of the "X" appearing before me, and my friend dropped by to give me a present. It was a large round clock with the hands at 10:10. The whole day seemed to want to get my attention. That evening I stopped by to visit a friend and was relating my day, when all of a sudden this "X" started forming on my car. This has happened one other time on July 4th two years ago. The 4th of July always reminds me it is really Freedom of the Soul we long for. This time there is a bright light in the middle of the "X". I believe it is a message that when we power up our energy and center it through the HEART.......we are able to move our awareness out of time, where true Freedom is felt.
This morning I opened a book entitled, "The Eye of the I" to a page and read, "In the Presence, all sense of time disappears, which is a crucial aspect of peace. Once the pressure of time ceases, it is recognized to have been perhaps one of the primary sources of distress that accompanies the human condition. Until the sensation of time stops, one does not have any possibility of knowing what real freedom or peace feels like."