Friday, May 05, 2006

A few coaching tips I saw today on my server

Don't dress for the job you have, rather dress for the job you want.

Don't just have the passion you feel for your current job working for you, have the passion you would feel if you got the next job, that way you will get the next job.

(A universal law in action - or what you think you will create)
Thoughts are powerful - choose the good ones!

And.........perhaps the last one many of us have received wisdom over from learning the hard way is........

Merlot and E-Mail Don't Mix!!!

Tip: if you need to express your thoughts while sipping merlot at the computer, have a rule that you will send your post to "SEND LATER." After 24 hours have passed, and you are merlot free in your system, still like what you wrote after rereading your posts, then it is probably safe to send it on. :-)

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