It has been an interesting few days with the topic of God, religion, death, etc., whirling around. With the Middle East conflict going 24/7, I would imagine most people's nerves are becoming a little frayed. I have recently had communication with a very zealous "Christian" woman spouting bible quotes, while chastizing many. In her having to be right about her beliefs, she spoke so unkindly of others who had a different reference and perception on life. While reading her communication that she sent to me, I had a vision of her holding her bible still preaching that Jonah was eaten by the whale (she did reference this) and her critical remarks were like an AK47 blasting all who did not join in with her beliefs. Then I was shown a woman suicide bomber - they were side by side - both extremists and ready to kill for their perception of the RIGHT GOD. I think the war is helping all of us to rethink our beliefs and just how they have influenced our minds, thus affecting our actions.
Funny - this woman's last name is "West" and it appears she absolutely does not like Eastern philosophy! She sure did rake the philospher Carl Jung over the coals in one of her essays. Poor guy isn't even alive to defend himself. Until such persons have their own "Experience" with the Divine and personal raise in consciousness, they will never fully understand what others who speak of the concept of unity and oneness are referring to.
Last week there was a sidewalk sale in town. I kept getting this inner nudge to go down there for there was something I was to see. I was thinking it was pottery, because I've been looking for some new earth tone designs made by local artists to display in the kitchen. I was arriving at the end of the street and couldn't figure out why I hadn't seen anything in pottery. Then, the second to the last booth, I knew what was waiting for me. An artist had a beautiful display of laser engraved pictures captured on marble and granite. The one with the 8 pointed star jumped out at me. It was surrounded by a circle with the letter directions of N,S,E,W also shown on all four sides. The title was, "Compass Rose." I flashed on a piece of jewelry I had designed and had made a few years ago. The eight pointed star when I wear it reminds me to follow my star. All four directions encompass the Divine plan and the points are balanced. To navigate the emotional waters while traveling in biology, is a little easier if one has more STAR LIGHT within. :-)
A friend emailed me a copy of a newsletter this morning and I found the title, "Our Religious Beliefs are Killing Us," very much in line with my conversations and writings the past few days. I thought I would share with you. I have not personally read any of the authors books, but a few of his book titles caught my eye. Perhaps some of his writings will appeal to you.
As the saying goes, "In the Eye of the Creator, We See Only Love." That is the truth (in my world) is so simple and yet for the enslaved minds of men who need conflict and drama, humans will continue with their follies and building of their killing machines to be used on their brothers and sisters, just so they can feel they are RIGHT and for their EGO's to be satisfied.
When you feel you have had enough of 3D madness, you can always ask Scotty to beam you up! :-)
Our Religious Beliefs Are Killing Us (by Joseph Dispenza)
A titanic collision of core religious beliefs is once again igniting the tinderbox of the Middle East, not only along the borders of Israel, but throughout the entire region. Countries there seem poised to topple like deadly dominoes into an armed conflict which is looking like the apocalyptic nightmare we have been fearing for centuries.
Some of the fundamentalist crazies among us are welcoming the confrontation as the fulfillment of Biblical prophesies about the end of the world, which must unfold in a final and decisive war between the forces of good and the forces of evil. The rest of us are waiting to see if sanity will prevail (something that seems less likely with each passing day), so that more bloodshed and anguish will be prevented.
When religious core beliefs clash, disaster and death follow. In the present conflict we are witnessing, both sides believe that their God is the true God -- and that, therefore, the other side is the "infidel" and must, according to their holy scripture, be killed. Take a close look at the Bible and the Qur'an and you will see numerous injunctions to kill those who do not uphold the "correct" concept of God. And to see just how deep these core religious beliefs can run, recall what is happening in the Iraq civil war, where two branches of Islam, which we had thought was based on a common religious belief, are torturing and murdering each other over minute distinctions of faith.
Religious core beliefs are incredibly powerful -- so powerful that they make us forget the most basic of human needs, that of self-preservation. We rush into battle, swords waving above our heads, ready to kill and be killed in the name of the loving creator of us all. It seems ridiculous, but it has been happening, with devastating consequences, at least since the advent, 4000 years ago, of the sky-god religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Many of us used to think that organized religion, if we didn't subscribe to it, was something we could ignore and go on with our lives. But now we are seeing that religious zealots, guided by their "divinely inspired" scriptures, have become a menace to those of us who want to live peaceful and fulfilling lives. The true believers in all three of the Big Religions cannot be ignored any longer, because they are locked into a nihilistic course to destroy not only each other, but us with them.
The time may be coming when, for the sake of the planet and all living things upon it, the humanistic sane will have to somehow defuse the ticking time bombs of the religious insane. How we do it can be debated; whether it should be done cannot.
This dangerous moment in history does not require of us to be polite, to be politically and religiously correct, but to speak out against the deplorable state of affairs brought on by ignorant people blindly following dysfunctional faiths that need the blood of the enemy to stay alive. - JD
God On Your Own: Finding a Spiritual Path Outside Religion by LifePath Co-Founder Joseph Dispenza, with a
Foreword by Thomas Moore
"An oracle work in which each reader will be challenged to know their calling, define their life, and live on purpose." David A Morehouse, author of Psychic Warrior
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