BY: Nancy Detweiler
Date Published: 2006-06-30
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. With these lofty ideals in mind, a small group of North American colonies declared their independence from Great Britain.
And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. Mindful of Divine Providence and for the purpose of building an independent nation, the colonists pledged to work together, to share their fortunes, and to honor each other. Together, they would learn what it means to be free, sovereign beings while living within a national community.
July 4, 2006 marks the 230th year Americans have celebrated our independence. Have we learned how to be free while living within a national community? We call our nation's founding documents inspired, but are we inspired by them? Do we recognize, in the words of Mortimer J. Adler, that citizenship is the only permanent political office? Are we fulfilling our office of citizenship in ways that honor the unalienable rights bestowed on all human beings by our Creator?
We cannot know how to be free without understanding and implementing every human being's unalienable (natural) rights. Rights bestowed by our Creator are for the purpose of taking every human being to the highest possible level of individual expression.
Have Americans learned how to rise above the categories-Democratic, Republican, conservative, liberal, Christian, Muslim, Jew, ad infinitum-that separate us and hamper our working together to achieve the unalienable rights for all human beings? Have we learned to use our intellect and intuition to seek Truth for ourselves, rather than simply accepting the orthodox answers of the so-called authorities? Have Americans comprehended how to live together in love and mutual respect, while assisting all human beings to manifest their true potential in accordance with our Creator's gifts of unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?
Do Americans know that life is using our talents for the good of all? Do we know that liberty provides the milieu for all to live in accordance with their life purpose? Do we know that the pursuit of happiness means having the abundance, education, and loving acceptance to pursue the happiness found in positive self-expression and well-being? Do we know that freedom to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is possible only when all are free to do the same?
If not, Americans are still learning how to be free.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Sound Therapy Could Help Cancer Patients

Sound Therapy Could Help Cancer Patients
By Marry Ann Childers- CBS2 Chicago
Jun 24, 2006, 14:49
Oncologist Mitchell Gaynor wrote a book on sound therapy. He says the body normally vibrates at certain frequencies, and when people are sick, they are out of tune. Vibrations from music or instruments work to reharmonize.
Along with yoga, acupuncture, meditation, sound therapy is another of the mind-body approaches to medicine that are growing in popularity. But in this case, there's some sound science behind it.
Cancer survivor Rosemary Hernandez says going through chemotherapy was rough on her body and mind. So when her oncologist suggested a new alternative therapy to treat both, it was music to her ears.
"It takes away depression. It even takes away pain," Rosemary said of the sound therapy.
Patients listen to soothing music and chant while meditating and doing yoga-like breathing.
"I feel like I've been to heaven and back," Rosemary said.
Oncologist Mitchell Gaynor wrote a book on sound therapy. He says the body normally vibrates at certain frequencies, and when people are sick, they are out of tune. Vibrations from music or instruments work to reharmonize.
"The body is composed of 70percent water. It's an excellent conductive medium for sound and vibration," Gaynor said.
Dr. Gaynor stresses sound therapy won't cure illness, but he says it has a powerful impact on the body. He points to studies that show music can reduce burn victims' pain and lower the anxiety of surgical and cancer patients.
"We know that heart rate and blood pressure are affected by music. We know that stress hormones are lowered by pleasant music," Gaynor said.
But you don't need to be sick. Amrita Cottrell, director of the Healing Music Organization, says people also attend sound pods and meditation sessions for wellness.
"Happy, relaxed, vibrant -- those are many of the things that people have said to me that they feel after a session," Cottrell said.
As with many treatments, even some medications, there's always a chance some of the benefit derived from sound therapy could be attributed to the placebo effect. But Dr. Gaynor, who is a cancer therapist and professor at Cornell, says he stands behind sound therapy as one of the most powerful alternative therapies he's seen.
A little more information that may explain the article above, and why sound and light therapy are alternative treatments that do work, and hopefully will become mainstream thinking in the not too distant future.
The only way we can perceive our reality is if the cells within our organs of perception resonate in sympathy with the frequency we are perceiving whether it be light, sound, etc. The energy transfer ultimately ends up as electrical data to the brain. We actually have subtle organs of perception that can pick up higher frequencies - i.e third eye or pineal gland, but these have atrophied over the years as we have not been taught to use them.
As mentioned, our physical reality is a condensation of a myriad of pure waveforms from the electron to the atom - to the periodic table of elements - to molecules - to organic and inorganic matter. Instead of looking at everything as solid matter start to imagine it as a pure illusion of intelligently organized resonating waveforms with a fundamental frequency. Some say that these waveforms have been holographically projected by the thoughtforms of a higher being. Other evidence suggests that the fundamental wavelength / vibratory signature of our reality is 7.62 mm / - but we'll leave that alone for the moment.
Our bodies have multidimensional anatomy with higher frequencies layers [ethereal / astral / mental / spirit self] existing parallel with the physical. The physical is an expression of the outer fields [as above - cause, so below - effect] thus formation of the physical plane is guided by an etheric blueprint. What happens above in the higher frequency realms governs the physical plane.
Now let us consider the chakras before we bring it all togethor. These are spinning vortices of energy within the etheric field, aligned from the base of the spine to the head. There are seven major primary chakras and each appears to be associated with a major nerve plexus [i.e Solar Plexus ] and a major endocrine gland [ i.e adrenals in the case of the solar plexus]. Their function is to step down the frequencies and energies from the higher order realms to a level utilizable in the physical plane. This energy is distributed to the physical body through subtle energy channels supplying glands and cellular structures with life force and thus animating the body. Each chakra has a natural resonant frequency that denotes normal function in order for it to supply the correct energy. Too little and the area associated with the chakra becomes underactive - too much and over-stimulation and damage can occur.
The organs and glands of the body, briefly mentioned already above, are effectively complex biological oscillators with a vibration & frequency signature related to the vibratory signature or electrical bio-resonance of the individual cells. We could even think of them as crystalline in nature since crystals have a highly uniform structure based on identical molecular sub-components and also a pure vibratory signature - useful in crystal healing.
When the frequency of any cell deviates from the normal it will have an effect on the whole organ and consequently the whole body. A state of pathology sets in, and the tissue is said to be diseased. This frequency deviation first takes place as an imbalance in the magneto-electric field within the frequency realm associated with our thoughts and feelings [mental & emotional plane] - hence illness is very much pyschosomatic. Thoughts and emotions have waveform and frequency signatures associated with them also and effect the normal vibration of healthy cells. It has been shown that the waveform of emotion has a direct effect on the DNA of cells. As our thoughts and emotions tend toward higher frequencies - i.e towards a state of pure love - there are positive effects on our health.
Our physical bodies emit a sound and as such can be thought of as an orchestra playing a magnificent chord. Each cell and substructure is analogous to an individual player and instrument. For the whole sound to be harmonious, each instrument must be in tune relative to a fundamental note or key signature. If any instrument is out of key or any player looses his way then an obvious dischordant sound emerges - we are then out of balance.
Within the body the various biological oscillators must have frequency signatures that are harmonically related to each other. When everything is in tune a system of standing waves will be produced throughout the entire crystalline structure of the body. All the vibratory components of our bodies should be in tune and in synch with each other or else disharmonic waveforms will try to fight with and destroy the standing waves. If this happens the body ages quickly and dies.
Let us think of the Life Force as the ultimate vibration that never changes or needs tuning and governs the frequency and geometric characteristics of all the harmonically related dimensional realms that are born out of it. Everything in creation must be synchronized with and in harmony with it to exist and to maintain this existence. By this rationale everything in creation including our bodies should be in perfect balance at all times because the original blueprints relate back to the highest vibrations possible.
Because of free-will, many of our thoughts and lifestyle choices [i.e poor toxic diets] introduce dis-harmony and non-sustainable waveforms which affect the normal resonant frequency of our bodies. Consequently as we introduce destructive waveforms into our being, entropy [chaos] starts to set in at the spark gap junction of the DNA, and we age and die. This is not entirely necessary to the extent that we accept - provocative as this might sound to conventional science and philosophy.
Another important phenomena within the physics of the universe is entrainment. A sequence by which the frequency or motions of one system influences and brings about a harmonically related synchronicity of a second system.
E.G. The motions of the planets are inertially related to the motions of the sun around another central sun which is itself inertially related to the neutral & central point of the universe [zero time / zero motion].
The magnetic fields of the earth are entrained by that of the sun. The magnetics of the earth entrain the magnetics of our cells.
The waveforms and frequencies contained in the hearts electricity creates a phonon wave that entrains the brainwaves, the bio-resonace of cells and even influences activity in the DNA.
Look to Google and type in Sound's nice to see these ancient modalities of healing returning. A phrase I like is, "Everything comes back full circle."
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Rare Rainbow Spotted over Idaho

June 19, 2006—It looks like a rainbow that's been set on fire, but this phenomenon is as cold as ice.
Known in the weather world as a circumhorizontal arc, this rare sight was caught on film on June 3 as it hung over northern Idaho near the Washington State border.
The arc isn't a rainbow in the traditional sense—it is caused by light passing through wispy, high-altitude cirrus clouds. The sight occurs only when the sun is very high in the sky (more than 58° above the horizon). What's more, the hexagonal ice crystals that make up cirrus clouds must be shaped like thick plates with their faces parallel to the ground.
When light enters through a vertical side face of such an ice crystal and leaves from the bottom face, it refracts, or bends, in the same way that light passes through a prism. If a cirrus's crystals are aligned just right, the whole cloud lights up in a spectrum of colors.
National Geographic
Friday, June 23, 2006
Lady Liberty, July 4th and X marks the spot!

Flame Your Own Personal Inner net and Achieve That Balance........
"As Above, So Is Below"
(This "X" suddenly appeared on my car last year on July 4th.)
As what is becoming a normal occurrence or what we would consider a synchronistic event, I found this story yesterday of the Adventures of Samantha and the Stone to be an exciting read. The contents of the story include the Statue of Liberty and July 4th. A little excerpt..........
(Hello. My name is Samantha Stone ... but you can call me Sam.
I'm a 29-year-old freelance photojournalist living in Manhattan. My life has been one giant adventure with a feeling that the best is yet to come.
I've always been a free spirit having traveled the world in my quest to take that special photo, the one that opens the minds of humanity to endless possibilities.
In recurring dreams since childhood, I have seen a photo whose image remains hazy, as if waiting to be developed, like an old Polaroid picture that was just beginning to focus. I can make out the faint outline of some kind of ancient inscription on a large stone, but that is all.)
As she travels back in time she meets a family member who created the Statue of Liberty and now...... you will have to read the rest of the story for yourself. For those who dream of time travel, this story will peek your interest. There really is something special about this 7/04 day that is fast approaching.
Will this Lady Liberty holding the Flame (Light) bring the balance of the Divine Feminine's energy back in, to help offset the energies of the "Masculine" that seemed to have permeated and untipped the scale of balance on this earth?
The "X" speaks of the balance that all of us should work toward attaining. Merging the spiritual with the physical or the saying, "As Above, So Below", with the energies meeting and balancing in the heart center, will bring the LIGHT back into the World. As we have often read in some of the Great Books written a passage that states, ..... "On Earth as it is in Heaven" or Bringing Heaven to Earth". It would be nice to not have to leave the body to discover this dimension of self. :-)
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
The Birthing of the "Godiski"

The Birthing of the "Godiski"
Traveling the Portals to Re-mem-ber
Pi nealing the Gland Way Back Home!
Through the Googles of Time and galloping through life,
The in ner net is awakening and finding less strife.
What once seemed a maze that kept humans in daze,
Is a kin to the goggles that were covered in glaze.
The thoughts of each being while kept in the dark,
Were like muck in the limelight of our great souls spark.
The blinders were down and the EYE couldn't see,
The truth of Great Spirit that would set them all free.
Ripping the Winkle while shaking the tree,
Buddha butted the atoms of the ki into C.
Toning the OM and Amen through the spine,
Breathing back life from death of the sublime.
The Phoenix arose and the ashes did scatter,
The earth was emblazoned from the once dense matter.
Sparkles of light of all hues could be seen,
Emanating from humans who awoke from their dream.
Living life now in bliss and finding the "Is",
Recognizing "Power Vs Force" is the way of the Wiz.
The Light of the in ner net clearly does show,
Mankind has been sleeping and not in the flow.
The wars will keep raging if people won't see,
How their beliefs have kept them in the net of the "Zeeee."
Remembering the "Phi" through the "EYE" of the "I",
Uncovers the blinders of humanities great lie.
The words to the wise who desire the Light,
Twirl those atoms and then take the flight.
Leave your baggage behind and soar in the "C",
Singing the song of your own Godiski.
©Kristie Floyd 8/26/05
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Extreme Home Make Over without "Ty"
"Blog" who has got time to blog? I am seriously considering writing to Ty from Extreme Home Make Over, and asking him how he survives the stress. Oh yes, it just dawned on me, he doesn't have to live in the house while it is being reconstructed! I know I am getting plenty of opportunities to practice self-mastery techniques during this kitchen and laundry room remodel.
1. Deep Breathing
2. Keeping a sense of humor
3. Go with the flow
4. Let Go, and Let God...... Or just get out of the way!
We have been living in a state of continual mess for about four weeks and it looks like another month to go. I have a washing machine in the family room, stove under the breezeway, wet towels and dirty clothes waiting to be cleaned, and most of my kitchen stuff is scattered throughout the dining room and living room, along with a few old cupboards. The kitchen really is the hub the of the house, and when that goes down, it seems like eternal camping takes place.
I am still in search of a new refrigerator that will open properly, due to the fact that the designers didn't allow for the doors to open fully without hitting the cupboards. I think new home construction would be a lot easier than remodel. We are working around size limitations, and so it seems like it is always about compromise and limitations. I can't wait until I have the ability to just blink my eyes like Genie, and all will be manifested instantly and perfectly. (This only occurs during dream time.) :-)
Last night though when I laid in bed, suddenly a big smile came over my face and I gave thanks for what has been accomplished, and remembered that a glad heart is a key for allowing the Universe to provide with ease, for one's desires to be fulfilled.
I will just take a deep breath now, and know that a "Ty" clone will soon be at my door, with a hammer in hand and take those new cupboards to a higher level.
So, now you know what I've been up to, and why this blog has been quiet.
Just a little something I read this morning - the messages always show up just when I need them.
"You have a treasure house of experience to call upon that should enable you to overcome any problem. It is not that you can always achieve exactly what you want, but you have sufficient know-how with which to solve them. Life is a continual challenge, and your actions and those of others all come together to create your reality.
Everything is continually changing around you, and you also have a part in it that determines the outcome. Man without realizing it is molding the future, and as you experience your present existence know that you have helped it to manifest. You are not aimlessly sailing through life, although some take little direct interest in what takes place."
I can honestly say I have a big interest in what takes I am really going to call upon my treasure house of experiences to get this job done!!!!!!
Guess this is a good time to practice the insights for manifestation.
1. Deep Breathing
2. Keeping a sense of humor
3. Go with the flow
4. Let Go, and Let God...... Or just get out of the way!
We have been living in a state of continual mess for about four weeks and it looks like another month to go. I have a washing machine in the family room, stove under the breezeway, wet towels and dirty clothes waiting to be cleaned, and most of my kitchen stuff is scattered throughout the dining room and living room, along with a few old cupboards. The kitchen really is the hub the of the house, and when that goes down, it seems like eternal camping takes place.
I am still in search of a new refrigerator that will open properly, due to the fact that the designers didn't allow for the doors to open fully without hitting the cupboards. I think new home construction would be a lot easier than remodel. We are working around size limitations, and so it seems like it is always about compromise and limitations. I can't wait until I have the ability to just blink my eyes like Genie, and all will be manifested instantly and perfectly. (This only occurs during dream time.) :-)
Last night though when I laid in bed, suddenly a big smile came over my face and I gave thanks for what has been accomplished, and remembered that a glad heart is a key for allowing the Universe to provide with ease, for one's desires to be fulfilled.
I will just take a deep breath now, and know that a "Ty" clone will soon be at my door, with a hammer in hand and take those new cupboards to a higher level.
So, now you know what I've been up to, and why this blog has been quiet.
Just a little something I read this morning - the messages always show up just when I need them.
"You have a treasure house of experience to call upon that should enable you to overcome any problem. It is not that you can always achieve exactly what you want, but you have sufficient know-how with which to solve them. Life is a continual challenge, and your actions and those of others all come together to create your reality.
Everything is continually changing around you, and you also have a part in it that determines the outcome. Man without realizing it is molding the future, and as you experience your present existence know that you have helped it to manifest. You are not aimlessly sailing through life, although some take little direct interest in what takes place."
I can honestly say I have a big interest in what takes I am really going to call upon my treasure house of experiences to get this job done!!!!!!
Guess this is a good time to practice the insights for manifestation.
Friday, June 02, 2006
10 Insights for Manifestation

This is all about manifesting what you want in life. The whole subject of manifesting in the physical is far more complicated than meditating, praying, rituals, or others methods people employ to get what they want.
Insight #1 ... We attract by grid connections if the soul accepts that which the physical mind requests.
Insight #2 ... If you are emotionally balanced you will attract that which will keep you in balance. If you have emotional problems - and are in denial - you will attract drama!
Insight #3 ... Think outside the box. Observe what, when, and how you sabotage the patterns of your life. This is a form of manifestation by your soul after its energy reserve with existing patterns is depleted.
Insight #4 ... We all search for different things ... love, power, money, recognition, healing, etc. Manifesting the desired result goes to one's programming and the DNA code they came here to play out.
Insight #5 ... Healing systems cannot teach you how to manifest, but can give perspective about your emotional body and soul decisions. Psychologically speaking, it is the subconscious mind that is the driver of it all, therefore you have to link to that part of who you are to understand your patterns past, present, and future.
Insight #6 ... When trying to manifest, one must consider a whole host of peripheral streams of interconnected energies based on attaining that which one thinks they want.
Insight #7 ... Learning to manifest and shift grids creates synchronicities, which may have underlying repercussions.
Insight #8 ... Observe your patterns and face the truth about limitations, so manifestation can evolve within the guidelines of your life.
Insight #9 ... Self-awareness will help you unfold your true potential and heal old wounds.
Insight #10 ... The nature of reality is an ever evolving hologram that is about to manifest souls into their ture essence, the Shiny Ones.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
US Mandatory MILITARY DRAFT 18-42 quietly snuck in
Many of us have children and grandchildren and perhaps even some of you are under 42 who could be affected. I question this bill - is this the Bill of Rights or the Bill of Wrong?
Your voice and letters do make a difference! Interesting this is also a 666 day. Just makes one wonder the nature of the Beast!
US Mandatory MILITARY DRAFT 18-42 quietly snuck in! As described at on February 14, 2006, Congressman Charles Rangel (NY) introduced a bill (Universal National Service Act of 2006 - HR 4752 IH) aiming at drafting everyone - men and women alike - from the ages of 18 to 42 into the military for a minimum period of 2 years. Or to quote the bill: "To provide for the common defense by requiring all persons in the United States, including women, between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform a period of military service or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes." The House is to convene on June 6 (06/06/06] to debate and possibly adopt this bill, that is, unless a vast public outcry succeeds in derailing this insanity, which you can do by writing a letter of protest to your congress person through or
Your voice and letters do make a difference! Interesting this is also a 666 day. Just makes one wonder the nature of the Beast!
US Mandatory MILITARY DRAFT 18-42 quietly snuck in! As described at on February 14, 2006, Congressman Charles Rangel (NY) introduced a bill (Universal National Service Act of 2006 - HR 4752 IH) aiming at drafting everyone - men and women alike - from the ages of 18 to 42 into the military for a minimum period of 2 years. Or to quote the bill: "To provide for the common defense by requiring all persons in the United States, including women, between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform a period of military service or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes." The House is to convene on June 6 (06/06/06] to debate and possibly adopt this bill, that is, unless a vast public outcry succeeds in derailing this insanity, which you can do by writing a letter of protest to your congress person through or
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