Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Extreme Home Make Over without "Ty"

"Blog" who has got time to blog? I am seriously considering writing to Ty from Extreme Home Make Over, and asking him how he survives the stress. Oh yes, it just dawned on me, he doesn't have to live in the house while it is being reconstructed! I know I am getting plenty of opportunities to practice self-mastery techniques during this kitchen and laundry room remodel.

1. Deep Breathing
2. Keeping a sense of humor
3. Go with the flow
4. Let Go, and Let God...... Or just get out of the way!

We have been living in a state of continual mess for about four weeks and it looks like another month to go. I have a washing machine in the family room, stove under the breezeway, wet towels and dirty clothes waiting to be cleaned, and most of my kitchen stuff is scattered throughout the dining room and living room, along with a few old cupboards. The kitchen really is the hub the of the house, and when that goes down, it seems like eternal camping takes place.

I am still in search of a new refrigerator that will open properly, due to the fact that the designers didn't allow for the doors to open fully without hitting the cupboards. I think new home construction would be a lot easier than remodel. We are working around size limitations, and so it seems like it is always about compromise and limitations. I can't wait until I have the ability to just blink my eyes like Genie, and all will be manifested instantly and perfectly. (This only occurs during dream time.) :-)

Last night though when I laid in bed, suddenly a big smile came over my face and I gave thanks for what has been accomplished, and remembered that a glad heart is a key for allowing the Universe to provide with ease, for one's desires to be fulfilled.

I will just take a deep breath now, and know that a "Ty" clone will soon be at my door, with a hammer in hand and take those new cupboards to a higher level.

So, now you know what I've been up to, and why this blog has been quiet.

Just a little something I read this morning - the messages always show up just when I need them.

"You have a treasure house of experience to call upon that should enable you to overcome any problem. It is not that you can always achieve exactly what you want, but you have sufficient know-how with which to solve them. Life is a continual challenge, and your actions and those of others all come together to create your reality.

Everything is continually changing around you, and you also have a part in it that determines the outcome. Man without realizing it is molding the future, and as you experience your present existence know that you have helped it to manifest. You are not aimlessly sailing through life, although some take little direct interest in what takes place."

I can honestly say I have a big interest in what takes place......so I am really going to call upon my treasure house of experiences to get this job done!!!!!!

Guess this is a good time to practice the insights for manifestation.



Laura said...

Oh my goodness, what memories you bring back! Been there, girl...weeks of washing dishes in the bathroom sink...no flat surface (sometimes including the floor) that wasn't overflowing with stuff. Amazing how much stuff cabinets hold, isn't it?
And always little surprises...like the joists that carpenter ants had decimated.
Sending you buckets of love!

Kristie said...

Thanks Laura! The new cabinets seem to have smaller drawers and are less deep, so it is forcing me to clear the duplicates and stuff I haven't used in years. The dishwasher is back in, but someone forgot to reinforce it and it nearly fell over early this morning. That woke me up fast! Last night the door was down on it and I took out a big chunk of skin off my shin.......mmm wonder what that was all about!

Thanks for checking in!