A few nights ago I watched Oprah and Friends on CNN with Larry King. The morning began for her in celebration of her new venture into satellite radio. Her panel of friends who will host their own radio program via her channel, are very intelligent, and their personal LIGHT quotient I would say was definitely amped up! :-)
One word that was passed around quite a bit was "FEAR." Fear is what holds up back from manifesting our pure potential as a human. Fear is what controls our behavior and actions. Fear.....Fear......Fear and all illusion. Why is it that fear grips us so?
I came across this writing this morning by Ron Van Dyke and thought I would share. May we all work towards eliminating the fears in our life.
"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
- Albert Einstein
"The human experience has been a fear-based series of events and lifetimes. Everyone ends up dying. When we do not know who we are, that is very frightening and we have all forgotten. Some have called it collective unconsciousness or created amnesia. That's why the leaders can hold up the mirror of terror and generate the fear they desire. It's easy-except among those who are starting to remember, a number that is increasing exponentially, by the way. What is it that WE are remembering? As we peer more deeply into out own fear of mortality, images fade in and out of view. These recollected images reveal something beyond the fear, or perhaps even hidden deep within it. They are images of immortality, images indicating that we are more than mere finite beings having a human experience. We are Spirit. However, unless you are able to sense those images in some manner and accept that they are revealing deeper reality, you won't get it. You're stuck in the surface layers, which offer little hope. That hope comes in the deeper layers, which everyone who is willing can access. In fact, Life keeps on presenting us with mirrors until we become willing. That's called Love, believe it or not. Life Loves life! That's its job. It loves us so much that it never quits; it never gives up on us. We are all Children of Life whose destiny is to rediscover that we are all Masters of Love, too."
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Wake Up a-little Suzy
The rainy Monday that started the week, ended with the rays of the sun bursting through. Earlier in the day, I met with a friend and we exchanged energy sessions. I always enjoy my time spent with this friend and usually leave with renewed vigor and clarity.
When it was her turn for table time I barely began when the song, "Wake Up a-little Suzy" started playing in my mind and not very quiet. Smiling, I relay what I'm hearing. She informed me that her middle name is Sue and it was also that of her mothers who transitioned a number of years ago. The pictures in my mind's eye that followed during the session were that of a lock and then a locket. I asked her if someone had given her a locket and she said, "Yes, her Great Grandmother gave her one many years ago." She had it inscribed with the name, "Peach Blossom" on it as it was her nickname for her. She told me later that inside the locket contained a mustard seed. When I thought of her Great Grandmother the words, "Symphony of Love" streamed through. This energy brought tears to my eyes, as it flowed through my energy channels.
My sessions sometimes are like playing clue. Often random pictures are shown which make little sense to me at the time. One of the funniest ones today was the picture of licorice. Later we went for lunch and my friend ate cheese and drank a glass of wine, thus she said her nose was stuffing up. I guess the combination of foods do that to her. Later on in the evening I looked up licorice in one of my dream books and it says, "Licorice - Egyptian memory; for circulation; for the nostrils." Looks like we were also given a remedy for the upcoming physical symptom she was to experience.
While thumbing through the dream book I opened to the page, "Peach Blossom" and it said these words meant "A symbol of a promise of new and pure events." Tonight I was searching for meanings of the mustard seed and ran across this following article. Although the usual interpretation is that of having faith and moving mountains, this one written by Fr. Thomas Keating felt more aligned for me.
My thought....When we unlock the locket (our heart and mind) to the grace of the mustard seed sown, we will know and live each ordinary day as the Kingdom of God, due to a change in our attitude and perception on reality, without having to wait for an apocalypse or someone to deliver us from our difficulties, as Fr. Thomas writes.
On one web site as I looked at a picture of a peach blossom, it also said that it was of China origin and a member of the rose family. The Peach Blossom is always welcomed in my garden. :-)
The Kingdom of God is Like . . .
By Fr. Thomas Keating
The Parable of the Mustard Seed
He said therefore, "What is the kingdom of God like? And to what shall I compare it? It is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in the garden; it grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air made nests in its branches." (Luke 13:18-19)
The thrust of the parables is to subvert the distorted myths in which people live their lives. To understand what we mean by "living in a myth" just think of a couple of our own contemporary myths. Take the myth of "the All American Boy," for example. This is the young man who gets straight A's in college and graduate school, climbs the executive ladder, and perhaps becomes the head of a multinational. Or the "American Dream:" two cars in every garage, vacations in Florida, houses in Spain, and so forth. On a more serious level, the American dream has been a vision of America's invincibility, of its absolute entitlement in the eyes of God.
A myth is often what holds people's lives together. It is an attempt to resolve the tensions of everyday life by promising an idealized future in which one will be rescued from all the problems of ordinary life. When a myth begins to falter, great leaders may try to find ways to recapture the glory of earlier days, like John F. Kennedy's effort to rekindle the American dream by sending a man to the moon. American astronauts did go to the moon, but meanwhile the Vietnam war devastated the prestige of American invincibility and with it the American dream.
For the Israelites of Jesus' time, the tension between everyday reality and a mythical vision of Israel as God's chosen people was felt with particular urgency. From the heyday of national power and prestige during the reigns of King David and King Solomon, Israel had been on a downhill slide for several centuries, its kingdom conquered and divided several times over. If one lives in occupied territories, as the Israelites of Jesus' time did, the question naturally arises, "Is this ghastly oppression by the Romans a punishment from God, or is our suffering just part of the human condition?" In the particular myth in which the people of first-century Israel were living, the kingdom of God had specific connotations of power, triumph, holiness, and goodness. The kingdom, when it came, would introduce a glorious new age of universal peace, with God's chosen people at the head of the nations.
The cultural symbol for this myth was the great cedar of Lebanon. Cedars of Lebanon were comparable to the huge redwood trees of California. They grew straight up for two or three hundred feet or more. Every kind of bird could enjoy their shade. This image was deeply embedded in the cultural conditioning of the Jewish people. The kingdom of God as a nation would be the greatest of all nations just as the great cedar of Lebanon was the greatest of all trees.
Instead, Jesus proposed this parable, "What is the kingdom of God really like? It is like a mustard seed"--proverbially the smallest and most insignificant of all seeds--"that someone took and sowed in his garden." for an alert hearer of Jesus' day, the detail about the garden would be a tip-off. In the Jewish view of the world, order was identified with holiness and disorder with uncleanness. Hence there were very strict rules about what could be planted in a household garden. The rabbinical law of diverse kinds ruled that one could not mix certain plants in the same garden. A mustard plant was forbidden in a household garden because it was fast spreading and would tend to invade the veggies. In stating that this man planted a mustard seed in his garden, the hearers are alerted to the fact that he was doing something illegal. An unclean image thus becomes the starting point for Jesus' vision of the kingdom of God in this parable.
If the starting point is an unclean image, the rest of the parable becomes even more perplexing. What do we know about a mustard seed, botanically speaking: it is a common, fast-spreading plant, which grows to about four feet in height. It puts out a few branches, and with some stretch of the imagination, birds might build a few down-at-the-heel nests in its shade.
Steeped in their cultural images of the great cedar of Lebanon, the hearers would be expecting the mustard seed, Jesus' symbol of the kingdom, to grow into a mighty apocalyptic tree. Jesus' point is exactly the opposite. It just becomes a bush. Thus the image of the kingdom of God as a towering cedar of Lebanon is explicitly ridiculed. According to Jesus, the kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, which some man illegally planted in his garden. It became a shrub and a few birds nested in its modest branches. That's all. The parable subverts all the grandiose ideas about what the kingdom is going to be like when it finally arrives.
One of the most firmly held Israelite expectations was that the kingdom of God would manifest the final triumph of God in history. Its arrival, heralded by the long-awaited Messiah, would rescue Israel from its miserable subservience to the Roman Empire. It was a future kingdom, not one in the here-and-now. Jesus' parable implies that if we accept the God of everyday life, we can find God in everyday life. We do not have to wait for an apocalyptic deliverance. We do not have to wait for a grandiose liberation. The kingdom is available right now.
The parables, according to Scott, are like handles on the mystery of the kingdom, pointers suggesting both what it is and what it is not. We cannot fully understand the kingdom because it is a mystery that transcends any possibility of being contained in a concept. But by rotating the wisdom of Jesus' sayings in our mind's eye and with the help of the parables, we can at least get a glimpse of it.
A parable points to something we only gradually come to know as we absorb the teaching of Jesus. In this parable he intimates that God is not necessarily going to intervene in this world for the triumph of the just. He may not intervene in an apocalyptic manner to deliver Israel or bring about justice and peace. He has entrusted the latter to us. We are not to wait around for an apocalyptic intervention to do the job.
If we lead a holy life--as opposed to a merely respectable one--we are likely to lose most of our friends and relatives. We might get one or two of them to follow our example, but it is like the mustard seed. We may get a modest result, but it is not in the nature of cedar of Lebanon. All we are likely to get is an inconspicuous shrub of which there are plenty of others all around in great variety. The mustard seed is just one step ahead of being an ordinary weed.
How are we to understand this deliberate use by Jesus of the unclean and insignificant as images of his kingdom? It suggests that God's greatest works are not done on a grandiose level. Not in cathedrals, big buildings, or large mausoleums. Cathedrals can become museums rather than sources of inspiration for the Christian community. The kingdom is in everyday life with its ups and downs, and above all, in is insignificance. Such is where most people actually live their lives. The kingdom is thus readily accessible to everybody.
The parable affirms that grace is like a mustard seed sown in us, the smallest of all seeds. It is growing, but it is not going to turn us into a cedar of Lebanon. We will be doing well if we become a modest shrub.
So hard was it for people of Jesus' time to get over their idea of the kingdom of God as a triumphant institution that even the evangelists tried to change it into something great anyway. In other words, the myth recaptured the parable. The parable was meant to change one's idea about the kingdom, but what happened was that the old mindset began to interpret the parable in a way that was consistent with its former mythical expectations. There are four versions of this parable in the Gospels, three in the synoptics and one in the Gospel of Thomas, a document recovered about fifty years ago in the Nag Hammadi Gnostic Collection, which many exegetes think is closer in some places to the original oral tradition. For Luke and Matthew, contrary to all botanical good sense, the mustard seed does turn into a tree. In Mark, it turns into the greatest of shrubs. In Thomas, it turns into a great branch so that a lot of birds can rest in its shade. All of these expectations are contrary to the facts A mustard seed does not become a tree, the greatest of shrubs, or put forth a great branch, however much one may want it to. The oral tradition was evidently influenced by the old expectations of grandeur as people gradually slipped back into their former mindsets. They lost the radical thrust and the incredible freedom to which the parable called them. For us too, it is a threat to our preconceived ideas and mythical belief systems, and hence there is a strong tendency to resist its stark realism.
If we are looking for a great expansion of our particular religion, nation, ethnic group, social movement, or whatever, into some great visible organization that fills the earth, we are on the wrong track. This is not God's idea of success. Where are the mightiest works of the kingdom accomplished? in our attitudes and hence in secret. Where there is charity, there is God. Opportunities to work for the homeless, the starving, the aging, are all readily available. No one may notice our good deeds, including ourselves. The kingdom of God manifests itself in the modest changes in our attitudes and in the little improvements in our behavior that no one may notice, including ourselves. These are the mighty works of God, not great external accomplishments.
"To what shall I liken the kingdom of God?" Jesus asked. The kingdom is manifested in ordinary daily life and how we live it. Can we accept the God of everyday life? If we can, then we can enjoy the kingdom here and now, without having to wait for an apocalypse or someone to deliver us from our difficulties.
When it was her turn for table time I barely began when the song, "Wake Up a-little Suzy" started playing in my mind and not very quiet. Smiling, I relay what I'm hearing. She informed me that her middle name is Sue and it was also that of her mothers who transitioned a number of years ago. The pictures in my mind's eye that followed during the session were that of a lock and then a locket. I asked her if someone had given her a locket and she said, "Yes, her Great Grandmother gave her one many years ago." She had it inscribed with the name, "Peach Blossom" on it as it was her nickname for her. She told me later that inside the locket contained a mustard seed. When I thought of her Great Grandmother the words, "Symphony of Love" streamed through. This energy brought tears to my eyes, as it flowed through my energy channels.
My sessions sometimes are like playing clue. Often random pictures are shown which make little sense to me at the time. One of the funniest ones today was the picture of licorice. Later we went for lunch and my friend ate cheese and drank a glass of wine, thus she said her nose was stuffing up. I guess the combination of foods do that to her. Later on in the evening I looked up licorice in one of my dream books and it says, "Licorice - Egyptian memory; for circulation; for the nostrils." Looks like we were also given a remedy for the upcoming physical symptom she was to experience.
While thumbing through the dream book I opened to the page, "Peach Blossom" and it said these words meant "A symbol of a promise of new and pure events." Tonight I was searching for meanings of the mustard seed and ran across this following article. Although the usual interpretation is that of having faith and moving mountains, this one written by Fr. Thomas Keating felt more aligned for me.
My thought....When we unlock the locket (our heart and mind) to the grace of the mustard seed sown, we will know and live each ordinary day as the Kingdom of God, due to a change in our attitude and perception on reality, without having to wait for an apocalypse or someone to deliver us from our difficulties, as Fr. Thomas writes.
On one web site as I looked at a picture of a peach blossom, it also said that it was of China origin and a member of the rose family. The Peach Blossom is always welcomed in my garden. :-)
The Kingdom of God is Like . . .
By Fr. Thomas Keating
The Parable of the Mustard Seed
He said therefore, "What is the kingdom of God like? And to what shall I compare it? It is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in the garden; it grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air made nests in its branches." (Luke 13:18-19)
The thrust of the parables is to subvert the distorted myths in which people live their lives. To understand what we mean by "living in a myth" just think of a couple of our own contemporary myths. Take the myth of "the All American Boy," for example. This is the young man who gets straight A's in college and graduate school, climbs the executive ladder, and perhaps becomes the head of a multinational. Or the "American Dream:" two cars in every garage, vacations in Florida, houses in Spain, and so forth. On a more serious level, the American dream has been a vision of America's invincibility, of its absolute entitlement in the eyes of God.
A myth is often what holds people's lives together. It is an attempt to resolve the tensions of everyday life by promising an idealized future in which one will be rescued from all the problems of ordinary life. When a myth begins to falter, great leaders may try to find ways to recapture the glory of earlier days, like John F. Kennedy's effort to rekindle the American dream by sending a man to the moon. American astronauts did go to the moon, but meanwhile the Vietnam war devastated the prestige of American invincibility and with it the American dream.
For the Israelites of Jesus' time, the tension between everyday reality and a mythical vision of Israel as God's chosen people was felt with particular urgency. From the heyday of national power and prestige during the reigns of King David and King Solomon, Israel had been on a downhill slide for several centuries, its kingdom conquered and divided several times over. If one lives in occupied territories, as the Israelites of Jesus' time did, the question naturally arises, "Is this ghastly oppression by the Romans a punishment from God, or is our suffering just part of the human condition?" In the particular myth in which the people of first-century Israel were living, the kingdom of God had specific connotations of power, triumph, holiness, and goodness. The kingdom, when it came, would introduce a glorious new age of universal peace, with God's chosen people at the head of the nations.
The cultural symbol for this myth was the great cedar of Lebanon. Cedars of Lebanon were comparable to the huge redwood trees of California. They grew straight up for two or three hundred feet or more. Every kind of bird could enjoy their shade. This image was deeply embedded in the cultural conditioning of the Jewish people. The kingdom of God as a nation would be the greatest of all nations just as the great cedar of Lebanon was the greatest of all trees.
Instead, Jesus proposed this parable, "What is the kingdom of God really like? It is like a mustard seed"--proverbially the smallest and most insignificant of all seeds--"that someone took and sowed in his garden." for an alert hearer of Jesus' day, the detail about the garden would be a tip-off. In the Jewish view of the world, order was identified with holiness and disorder with uncleanness. Hence there were very strict rules about what could be planted in a household garden. The rabbinical law of diverse kinds ruled that one could not mix certain plants in the same garden. A mustard plant was forbidden in a household garden because it was fast spreading and would tend to invade the veggies. In stating that this man planted a mustard seed in his garden, the hearers are alerted to the fact that he was doing something illegal. An unclean image thus becomes the starting point for Jesus' vision of the kingdom of God in this parable.
If the starting point is an unclean image, the rest of the parable becomes even more perplexing. What do we know about a mustard seed, botanically speaking: it is a common, fast-spreading plant, which grows to about four feet in height. It puts out a few branches, and with some stretch of the imagination, birds might build a few down-at-the-heel nests in its shade.
Steeped in their cultural images of the great cedar of Lebanon, the hearers would be expecting the mustard seed, Jesus' symbol of the kingdom, to grow into a mighty apocalyptic tree. Jesus' point is exactly the opposite. It just becomes a bush. Thus the image of the kingdom of God as a towering cedar of Lebanon is explicitly ridiculed. According to Jesus, the kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, which some man illegally planted in his garden. It became a shrub and a few birds nested in its modest branches. That's all. The parable subverts all the grandiose ideas about what the kingdom is going to be like when it finally arrives.
One of the most firmly held Israelite expectations was that the kingdom of God would manifest the final triumph of God in history. Its arrival, heralded by the long-awaited Messiah, would rescue Israel from its miserable subservience to the Roman Empire. It was a future kingdom, not one in the here-and-now. Jesus' parable implies that if we accept the God of everyday life, we can find God in everyday life. We do not have to wait for an apocalyptic deliverance. We do not have to wait for a grandiose liberation. The kingdom is available right now.
The parables, according to Scott, are like handles on the mystery of the kingdom, pointers suggesting both what it is and what it is not. We cannot fully understand the kingdom because it is a mystery that transcends any possibility of being contained in a concept. But by rotating the wisdom of Jesus' sayings in our mind's eye and with the help of the parables, we can at least get a glimpse of it.
A parable points to something we only gradually come to know as we absorb the teaching of Jesus. In this parable he intimates that God is not necessarily going to intervene in this world for the triumph of the just. He may not intervene in an apocalyptic manner to deliver Israel or bring about justice and peace. He has entrusted the latter to us. We are not to wait around for an apocalyptic intervention to do the job.
If we lead a holy life--as opposed to a merely respectable one--we are likely to lose most of our friends and relatives. We might get one or two of them to follow our example, but it is like the mustard seed. We may get a modest result, but it is not in the nature of cedar of Lebanon. All we are likely to get is an inconspicuous shrub of which there are plenty of others all around in great variety. The mustard seed is just one step ahead of being an ordinary weed.
How are we to understand this deliberate use by Jesus of the unclean and insignificant as images of his kingdom? It suggests that God's greatest works are not done on a grandiose level. Not in cathedrals, big buildings, or large mausoleums. Cathedrals can become museums rather than sources of inspiration for the Christian community. The kingdom is in everyday life with its ups and downs, and above all, in is insignificance. Such is where most people actually live their lives. The kingdom is thus readily accessible to everybody.
The parable affirms that grace is like a mustard seed sown in us, the smallest of all seeds. It is growing, but it is not going to turn us into a cedar of Lebanon. We will be doing well if we become a modest shrub.
So hard was it for people of Jesus' time to get over their idea of the kingdom of God as a triumphant institution that even the evangelists tried to change it into something great anyway. In other words, the myth recaptured the parable. The parable was meant to change one's idea about the kingdom, but what happened was that the old mindset began to interpret the parable in a way that was consistent with its former mythical expectations. There are four versions of this parable in the Gospels, three in the synoptics and one in the Gospel of Thomas, a document recovered about fifty years ago in the Nag Hammadi Gnostic Collection, which many exegetes think is closer in some places to the original oral tradition. For Luke and Matthew, contrary to all botanical good sense, the mustard seed does turn into a tree. In Mark, it turns into the greatest of shrubs. In Thomas, it turns into a great branch so that a lot of birds can rest in its shade. All of these expectations are contrary to the facts A mustard seed does not become a tree, the greatest of shrubs, or put forth a great branch, however much one may want it to. The oral tradition was evidently influenced by the old expectations of grandeur as people gradually slipped back into their former mindsets. They lost the radical thrust and the incredible freedom to which the parable called them. For us too, it is a threat to our preconceived ideas and mythical belief systems, and hence there is a strong tendency to resist its stark realism.
If we are looking for a great expansion of our particular religion, nation, ethnic group, social movement, or whatever, into some great visible organization that fills the earth, we are on the wrong track. This is not God's idea of success. Where are the mightiest works of the kingdom accomplished? in our attitudes and hence in secret. Where there is charity, there is God. Opportunities to work for the homeless, the starving, the aging, are all readily available. No one may notice our good deeds, including ourselves. The kingdom of God manifests itself in the modest changes in our attitudes and in the little improvements in our behavior that no one may notice, including ourselves. These are the mighty works of God, not great external accomplishments.
"To what shall I liken the kingdom of God?" Jesus asked. The kingdom is manifested in ordinary daily life and how we live it. Can we accept the God of everyday life? If we can, then we can enjoy the kingdom here and now, without having to wait for an apocalypse or someone to deliver us from our difficulties.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
C. G. Jung and words for today

That I feed the hungry,
forgive an insult, and love my enemy -
these are great virtues.
But what if I should discover
that the poorest of the beggars
and most impudent of offenders
are all within me,
and that I stand the need
of all the alms of my kindness;
that I myself am the enemy
who must be loved -
what then?
- C. G. Jung
Friday, September 15, 2006
Ghost Tree Has Human Face

Markings on a five-metre tall betal nut tree in Kampung Paya clearly resemble human eyes, teeth and a nose, according to the New Strait Times.
Zainol Nayan, 54, spotted the curves emerging a month ago but said the resemblence to a human face only became obvious last week.
He told the paper: "Since then, villagers have gathered around the tree to see for themselves and the news spread like wildfire, attracting outsiders."
Housewife Noraziah Zakaria added: "I was curious and shocked to find that the curves indeed look like a human face."
Villagers, who call it the 'ghost tree, claim the face changes each day and they are selling photographs to visitors.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Zero Point Technology

Today was a surfing day while flying over the internet looking for interesting articles that peeked my interest. The work of Nikola Tesla has always captured my attention, and today's article made reference of this free energy that is available right now, but not for us. (Can you imagine if oil was no longer a contributing factor to our energy related wars?)
The Truth
About ZP
A Wake-Up Call to
the American People
an interview with Adam Trombly
by Celeste Adams
Adam Trombly is one of the top scientists in the world in the development and creation of Zero Point Energy technology. Devices that he built are working today in other parts of the world. And yet, instead of using Zero Point Energy, Adam Trombly's own house in Maui is being fitted with a bank of expensive solar panels.
Why can't Trombly use his own expertise to fuel his own home? Trombly has spent most of his professional life under one gag order or another. But he decided, he told us, "that if I was going to give an interview for this particular publication, I wasn't going to pull any punches."
If much of this seems overly negative, keep reading. Trombly wants to wake us up, and to shine a light upon things that have been kept dark. But his grounding is deeply spiritual. It's just that the Divine forces that seek to assist us cannot do so unless we call upon them. "Now, in this moment," he tells us, "we must come out and ask for help. When we can ask for help, we get it."
Adam Trombly's revelations will shock you to the depths. But it is his hope, and ours, that it will help you to awaken, or to assist you in your task of awakening others.
Trombly's ultimate vision is the "redreaming of the American Dream."
For further information on this interview, here is the web site.
Physics set for monster revolution

Just another day of uncovering bits of news.
This article caught my eye.
Physics set for monster revolutionPhysics could be turned on its head by a monster machine that can make black holes and may provide the first real evidence that extra dimensions exist.
Scientists have no idea what they will find when the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) starts smashing elementary particles together next year at energies never reached before.
One possibility is that it will create Higgs particles, which some theorists think may be involved in giving objects mass.
It might also verify Professor Stephen Hawking's theory that black holes "evaporate" over time, or produce mysterious "dark matter".
But physicists are most excited about the prospect of finding the "fingerprints" of other dimensions.
If that happened, it would lead to the biggest upheaval in physics since an apple bounced off Sir Isaac Newton's head and got him wondering about gravity.
Alternatives to the "Standard Model" that describes universe's particles and forces, such as String Theory, require more than the three familiar spatial dimensions of length, breadth and height. Some call for 11 or more dimensions, which may be tightly curled up and hidden from our world.
But these theories are founded on nothing but complex arithmetic. The LHC could provide the first solid evidence that one or more really do reflect the nature of reality.
Dr Brian Cox, from the University of Manchester, who will be working at the LHC in Geneva, said: "We've built a machine that operates beyond the energy where we really know what's happening. In the history of particle physics, there's never been such a jump. It could uncover some of the really big questions."
The circular-shaped LHC is the biggest machine ever built and cost in excess of £4.26 billion. Measuring 27km across, it sits 100m below the French-Swiss border. The machine has just one purpose, to collide beams of high energy protons and recreate conditions that existed less than a billionth of a second after the Big Bang at the dawn of creation.
Monday, September 11, 2006
I awoke remembering part of my dream that occured around 5:00 am today. In the remembrance of working with and preparing others for upcoming events, I told them they should listen for the song, "Moon River" sung by Andy Williams. When they heard it playing, it would mean that the angels were contacting them.
It is a day of quiet reflection as the event of 9/11 lingers in our hearts and soul. One just has to put themselves in another's place who lived the loss of a loved one on that day, to get a feeling of what it must be like. I then think of what it must be like for the families of the 50,000 innocent civilians who have been killed in Iraq, part of what America has inflicted on them. I wonder if they are able to hold services and vigils for the traumas that surely they must endure as well. One has to wonder where the insanity that holds and grips the minds of men will eventually lead to. How many more wake-up calls are we going to get before we truly awaken to a greater truth of reality? How many more families will suffer tremendous grief of the retaliations that are done from the unbalanced minds of our world leaders and labeled justified actions?
Truly if our educational systems would teach about "Universal Laws" and how they apply in our every day lives, we might just have a chance of surviving this insanity.
This morning in a newsletter I read the following:
"Love your enemies; forgive those who ill-use you; pray for those who speak evil of you, ... and if you cannot do this in your own strength, seek by all possible means to do it in the power of spirit - Divine Consciousness.
PRAY and MEDITATE and ask for help. It will be given you if you persist.
If the ego persists in forcing your thoughts downward again to virulence and anger and raising all kinds of arguments as to why you should condemn someone who has deeply hurt and even wounded you physically, go into meditation again and again, seeking insight and relief from your dilemma, asking to have these troublesome recurring angry and vindictive thoughts removed from you......
NOT to please God
as you have been taught by the churches
but to protect yourself from the whiplash of your angry thoughts which rebound in your lives bearing violent upheavals and further rows and arguments to deal with.
FOR - whatever power you give to resentful thoughts, that power will send a direct electrical stream of consciousness to the person who hurt you, - AND the stream of consciousness returns, zinging its way back to you in due course, like a boomerang.
You must know that every electrical field creates a like magnetic field - the two always work together - so that WHAT GOES OUT EVENTUALLY RETURNS.
This is a scientific law of existence but what science does not yet admit is this:
Electrical force powers the mind; it is the consciousness impulse of 'Get Going' in the mind.
Electrical force is a facet of consciousness.
Two-faced Magnetism powers the human and animal emotions - it 'attracts' and it 'repels'. It is the impulse of human love and the impulse of hatred.
Magnetism is experienced by all living things as emotion - feeling.
Are Americans shedding tears for the innocents who died under the hail of bombs deposited night after night for no good reason other than a vitriolic hatred of Hussein? Do they hold services for the Iraqian dead? Do they even consider that they have murdered innocents - who had no protection against the USA horrific weapons and had never done them a moment's harm?
Just consider the weight of the emotional distress unleashed by all of this insufferable and arrogant destruction of another country - destruction which has freed all the rebel fighting groups which Hussein had kept in check. Unleashed a most foul mode of killing others - the suicide bombs. Every time such bombs go off - thus killing innocent bystanders, the Americans who supported war against Iraq, should realize that it was their support which made such suicide bombing possible.
Just consider the unleashing of the gigantic, untold emotional vibrations of horror, hate, revenge, and retaliation that is now directed at America.
How do the Americans think that all this 'Hatred Energy' will be manifested against them?
Because it will be manifested as death and destruction. It is a law of existence. Even 'Christian' churches claim to believe this law.
Where there is no FORGIVENESS there is retribution in the form of Cause and Effect.
FORGIVENESS, complete and total and LOVING, dispels the violent hatred energies.
Without forgiveness, they gather momentum from the ongoing resentment of the opponent.
Read the article on 'Cracks in your planet' and then ask yourselves how all this terrifying load of hate will be manifested. Who, in America, will - SOONER OR LATER -be the targets?
Therefore I tell you clearly: In your home, in your community, in your town, in your State, in your country - FORGIVE whoever has injured you in any way - big or small. Let this word ring out across your land through any means you have.
And if you cannot forgive easily because your ego will not let you - then bring your hurt and anger to Divine Consciousness (which I termed the 'Father' when in Palestine) and ask for Its inflow of Spiritual Directing Power to gently ease and remove the burden from your minds.
Indeed, those who occupy the highest positions in the most powerful nations, and cause the most horrific damage in the world are received with pomp and ceremony, smiles and handshakes by the religious leaders of the various 'Christian' religions. The blind grip hands and give blessings to the blind."
I would like to add, "Wake-Up" for the time of slumber has passed. This earth and our survival depends upon us becoming Spiritual Adults.
It is a day of quiet reflection as the event of 9/11 lingers in our hearts and soul. One just has to put themselves in another's place who lived the loss of a loved one on that day, to get a feeling of what it must be like. I then think of what it must be like for the families of the 50,000 innocent civilians who have been killed in Iraq, part of what America has inflicted on them. I wonder if they are able to hold services and vigils for the traumas that surely they must endure as well. One has to wonder where the insanity that holds and grips the minds of men will eventually lead to. How many more wake-up calls are we going to get before we truly awaken to a greater truth of reality? How many more families will suffer tremendous grief of the retaliations that are done from the unbalanced minds of our world leaders and labeled justified actions?
Truly if our educational systems would teach about "Universal Laws" and how they apply in our every day lives, we might just have a chance of surviving this insanity.
This morning in a newsletter I read the following:
"Love your enemies; forgive those who ill-use you; pray for those who speak evil of you, ... and if you cannot do this in your own strength, seek by all possible means to do it in the power of spirit - Divine Consciousness.
PRAY and MEDITATE and ask for help. It will be given you if you persist.
If the ego persists in forcing your thoughts downward again to virulence and anger and raising all kinds of arguments as to why you should condemn someone who has deeply hurt and even wounded you physically, go into meditation again and again, seeking insight and relief from your dilemma, asking to have these troublesome recurring angry and vindictive thoughts removed from you......
NOT to please God
as you have been taught by the churches
but to protect yourself from the whiplash of your angry thoughts which rebound in your lives bearing violent upheavals and further rows and arguments to deal with.
FOR - whatever power you give to resentful thoughts, that power will send a direct electrical stream of consciousness to the person who hurt you, - AND the stream of consciousness returns, zinging its way back to you in due course, like a boomerang.
You must know that every electrical field creates a like magnetic field - the two always work together - so that WHAT GOES OUT EVENTUALLY RETURNS.
This is a scientific law of existence but what science does not yet admit is this:
Electrical force powers the mind; it is the consciousness impulse of 'Get Going' in the mind.
Electrical force is a facet of consciousness.
Two-faced Magnetism powers the human and animal emotions - it 'attracts' and it 'repels'. It is the impulse of human love and the impulse of hatred.
Magnetism is experienced by all living things as emotion - feeling.
Are Americans shedding tears for the innocents who died under the hail of bombs deposited night after night for no good reason other than a vitriolic hatred of Hussein? Do they hold services for the Iraqian dead? Do they even consider that they have murdered innocents - who had no protection against the USA horrific weapons and had never done them a moment's harm?
Just consider the weight of the emotional distress unleashed by all of this insufferable and arrogant destruction of another country - destruction which has freed all the rebel fighting groups which Hussein had kept in check. Unleashed a most foul mode of killing others - the suicide bombs. Every time such bombs go off - thus killing innocent bystanders, the Americans who supported war against Iraq, should realize that it was their support which made such suicide bombing possible.
Just consider the unleashing of the gigantic, untold emotional vibrations of horror, hate, revenge, and retaliation that is now directed at America.
How do the Americans think that all this 'Hatred Energy' will be manifested against them?
Because it will be manifested as death and destruction. It is a law of existence. Even 'Christian' churches claim to believe this law.
Where there is no FORGIVENESS there is retribution in the form of Cause and Effect.
FORGIVENESS, complete and total and LOVING, dispels the violent hatred energies.
Without forgiveness, they gather momentum from the ongoing resentment of the opponent.
Read the article on 'Cracks in your planet' and then ask yourselves how all this terrifying load of hate will be manifested. Who, in America, will - SOONER OR LATER -be the targets?
Therefore I tell you clearly: In your home, in your community, in your town, in your State, in your country - FORGIVE whoever has injured you in any way - big or small. Let this word ring out across your land through any means you have.
And if you cannot forgive easily because your ego will not let you - then bring your hurt and anger to Divine Consciousness (which I termed the 'Father' when in Palestine) and ask for Its inflow of Spiritual Directing Power to gently ease and remove the burden from your minds.
Indeed, those who occupy the highest positions in the most powerful nations, and cause the most horrific damage in the world are received with pomp and ceremony, smiles and handshakes by the religious leaders of the various 'Christian' religions. The blind grip hands and give blessings to the blind."
I would like to add, "Wake-Up" for the time of slumber has passed. This earth and our survival depends upon us becoming Spiritual Adults.
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