Thursday, September 28, 2006

Fear Factor

A few nights ago I watched Oprah and Friends on CNN with Larry King. The morning began for her in celebration of her new venture into satellite radio. Her panel of friends who will host their own radio program via her channel, are very intelligent, and their personal LIGHT quotient I would say was definitely amped up! :-)

One word that was passed around quite a bit was "FEAR." Fear is what holds up back from manifesting our pure potential as a human. Fear is what controls our behavior and actions. Fear.....Fear......Fear and all illusion. Why is it that fear grips us so?

I came across this writing this morning by Ron Van Dyke and thought I would share. May we all work towards eliminating the fears in our life.

"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."

- Albert Einstein

"The human experience has been a fear-based series of events and lifetimes. Everyone ends up dying. When we do not know who we are, that is very frightening and we have all forgotten. Some have called it collective unconsciousness or created amnesia. That's why the leaders can hold up the mirror of terror and generate the fear they desire. It's easy-except among those who are starting to remember, a number that is increasing exponentially, by the way. What is it that WE are remembering? As we peer more deeply into out own fear of mortality, images fade in and out of view. These recollected images reveal something beyond the fear, or perhaps even hidden deep within it. They are images of immortality, images indicating that we are more than mere finite beings having a human experience. We are Spirit. However, unless you are able to sense those images in some manner and accept that they are revealing deeper reality, you won't get it. You're stuck in the surface layers, which offer little hope. That hope comes in the deeper layers, which everyone who is willing can access. In fact, Life keeps on presenting us with mirrors until we become willing. That's called Love, believe it or not. Life Loves life! That's its job. It loves us so much that it never quits; it never gives up on us. We are all Children of Life whose destiny is to rediscover that we are all Masters of Love, too."



Kate Winner said...

I've also heard that, physiologically speaking, fear and excitement manifest in the human body in the same ways.
Perhaps we could just rename the experience...?

There is also the old phrase, "do it scared, but do it, anyway"'ve set conditions on your blog so that I can only sign in with an 'old' blogger know where I 'really' blog, though...

Kristie said...

Thanks for the information on the conditions --- with your help I think I reset it. :-)