As our journey continues, it's nice to have reminders for those days when LIFE has some bumps and wiggles.
By Michael Mirdad
The stages of soul transformation are like a death and re-birth. This process is an elaboration on the experience commonly referred to as “The Dark Night of the Soul.” To complete this natural process with any amount of commitment results in a soul transformation that we often call being “born again.” This process is meant to cleanse your soul of illusions and unhealthy attachments, which awakens you to greater realities and to the truth of who you are. Although this process is mostly aimed at your heart and soul, it usually is most noticeable in either your body (and material life), your emotions (and relationships), and/or your mind (and attitudes).
There are five stages within the soul transformation process. They are as follows:
1. Dismantling: Here the process begins. This stage is active in your life whenever your experiencing a shift wherein part or all of your life is changing—perhaps even being taken away.
2. Emptiness: Now that the illusions you held about your life have been exposed and have begun to be dismantled, you’ll feel empty and depressed because of the time, effort, and (what you thought was) love you’ve invested in that illusion. This stage is like a psychological “hang-over” after being drunk on deceptions from self and others.
3. Disorientation: Needless to say, since the life you thought you had was intact and it clearly wasn’t, you will now be in a state of disorientation and doubt everything, including your abilities to do anything right or to make good decisions.
4. Re-building: Now that you seem to have lost something (or maybe everything), you may have learned how to trust & surrender. In so doing, you are probably open to new ideas and inspirations, leading you to the potential of creating a new life.
5. A New Life: This is the stage wherein you reap the obvious fruits of the healing, patience, and humility that you’ve developed. Here you are not made small but great, as you now have released your former identity as a human being with human achievements and see you are far more. Now, having set aside your humanness, you can take your divinity to a whole new level.
There are many reasons the soul has for activating the soul’s transformation process, but generally speaking, it’s the soul’s way of expressing tough love; a way of getting a message across that you are otherwise ignoring. Again, this message is usually around the need to move to a new level of consciousness, but you are being held back by either some lesson you believe you need to learn or healing that is yet incomplete. Nearly all processes of learning and healing that the heart creates and/or experiences result in the opportunity to understand and experience greater levels of unconditional love. So, in the end, it’s all about love.
Besides having many reasons to initiate this process, the soul also has numerous means of making the process manifest. For some people it comes in the form of a health crisis or accident; for others it might come as a death or other form of loss, such as a job; and still others might begin the soul transformation process through a relationship crisis or the entrance into your life of a man or woman who symbolizes your need to wake up to old wounds or perhaps to new possibilities.
So what should you do when the soul transformation process enters your life?
1. Prepare in advance. Living a well balanced life will cause major shifts to occur less often and less dramatically.
2. When it strikes, do what you can to relax into the process and not deny, minimize, or blame. Also observe the natural stages of soul transformation—as outlined in this material. Do your best to work through each stage/phase.
3. Cultivate supportive friends who will NOT distract you but will instead support your process. Let them know you don’t need them to “fix” you nor to tell you that their life is even worse. You just want them to listen and be supportive.
4. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Give yourself credit for each moment of courage and each new insight.
5. Once it blows over, don’t get too cocky, as it can swing back around and humble you. Also, during this phase, it’s wise to listen and observe for either residual stuff that still needs to be processed or new inspirations that begin to appear, offering hints of some new direction.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Roadmap to Enlightenment with Dr. Minh Vo

Roadmap to Enlightenment ...
A Guidebook to Finding Your True Self
A friend of mine, Dr. Minh Vo, has a new book out and it is now available for purchase through I'm sure you will enjoy reading this de-LIGHTFUL material!
Dr. Vo's note to me........
I am so excited to let you know that my new book "Roadmap to Enlightenment" is finally available!!! This book outlines the development of our physical to spiritual consciousness and how it progresses in as we grow and experience life. It provides a literal roadmap to how we learn and develop our own personal, emotional, and social identities that allows us to experience different aspects of our own personalities and how we relate to ourselves and to others. In knowing this information we can recognize when we are out of balance, which then helps us to redirect our focus in order to get back on track. I am excited to share my new project and life journey with you.
A friend of mine, Dr. Minh Vo, has a new book out and it is now available for purchase through I'm sure you will enjoy reading this de-LIGHTFUL material!
Dr. Vo's note to me........
I am so excited to let you know that my new book "Roadmap to Enlightenment" is finally available!!! This book outlines the development of our physical to spiritual consciousness and how it progresses in as we grow and experience life. It provides a literal roadmap to how we learn and develop our own personal, emotional, and social identities that allows us to experience different aspects of our own personalities and how we relate to ourselves and to others. In knowing this information we can recognize when we are out of balance, which then helps us to redirect our focus in order to get back on track. I am excited to share my new project and life journey with you.
Product Description
Your journey towards obtaining enlightenment or higher consciousness begins within you. Every path of spirituality has a general set of rules and instructions that point you in the right direction. However, following general guidelines will give you mediocre results. You are a special person, a perfect expression of creation. Your path to spiritual awakening is specific, unique, and individual to you. There is, however, a process of spiritual progression that everyone must follow.
Achieving any level of success within yourself requires you to understand this process so that you can do the work necessary to achieve your higher potential. Roadmap to Enlightenment: A Guidebook to Finding Your True Self explains the physical-spiritual progression of human consciousness along the way to awakening and connecting to the self. It provides the map of consciousness that we must all travel on, so you can easily recognize where you currently are, and finally understand what is ahead of you. You understand the purpose of your life experiences and the lessons you must master to learn and grow. You are given a map to discover your true and divine self. In the journey of life, you can only experience yourself. As you evolve, you uncover more and more pieces of the puzzle. In learning to unfold the spirit in order to reach your highest expression, you are able to see what many masters have tried to describe throughout the centuries - you see your true self. When you have finally finished seeking, all you really have left is the self and the true power and strength within your own presence. Welcome to the journey toward discovering who you really are.
Eva Vertes and her research on Cancer

When thinking about cancer, Eva Vertes dares to be different. The Princeton undergrad -- only 19 when she gave this talk -- is asking new, important questions about cancer (could it be caused by the body's own repair system going awry?), using cutting-edge techniques and classic critical thinking to pursue a cure. In her inspiring talk, she shares her own story of the people in her life who inspired her to devote her life to medicine.
Why you should listen to her:
Eva Vertes may not yet have the answers she needs to cure cancer, but she's asking some important -- and radical questions: If smoking can cause lung cancer, and drinking can cause liver cancer, is it possible that cancer is a direct result of injury? If so, could cancer be caused by the body's own repair system going awry?
She asks this and other breathtaking questions in her conference-closing 2005 talk- click here. Her approach marks an important shift in scientific thinking, looking in brand-new places for cancer's cause -- and its cure. Her ultimate goal, which even she calls far-fetched, is to fight cancer with cancer.
"Vertes and her colleagues are gifted researchers who realize that stem cells hold an infinite amount of possibility within their amazingly small frames. Unlocking their potential will produce cures that could end the suffering of hundreds of millions of afflicted people."
Digital Journal
Digital Journal
My Stroke of Insight by Jill Bolte Taylor

Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor had an opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: One morning, she realized she was having a massive stroke. As it happened -- as she felt her brain functions slip away one by one, speech, movement, understanding -- she studied and remembered every moment. This is a powerful story about how our brains define us and connect us to the world and to one another. To view this 18 minute video click here will not be disappointed!
"How many brain scientists have been able to study the brain from the inside out? I've gotten as much out of this experience of losing my left mind as I have in my entire academic career."
Jill Bolte Taylor
"How many brain scientists have been able to study the brain from the inside out? I've gotten as much out of this experience of losing my left mind as I have in my entire academic career."
Jill Bolte Taylor
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Don't Blame the Game

SPREAD THE WORD...........
A dear friend Laura Young, fellow blogger and wonderful life coach from Chicago has put out a plea for $donations for her long time quadriplegic friend/mentor (Michael Schwass), who could use some assistance to help fix his ailing wheelchair van. On a recent outing, his chair ramp would not go down and twice in one day a repairman was called to fix it.
Michael has also written a book, "Don't Blame the Game," that is definitely worth reading and can be ordered from his web site. Please check out Laura's web site and find out how you can contribute to this very worthy cause and assist another fellow traveler on his journey.
May each day we feel gratitude for our many blessings.
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