The Birthing of the "Godiski"
Traveling the Portals to Re-mem-ber
Pi nealing the Gland Way Back Home!
Through the Googles of Time and galloping through life,
The in ner net is awakening and finding less strife.
What once seemed a maze that kept humans in daze,
Is a kin to the goggles that were covered in glaze.
The thoughts of each being while kept in the dark,
Were like muck in the limelight of our great souls spark.
The blinders were down and the EYE couldn't see,
The truth of Great Spirit that would set them all free.
Ripping the Winkle while shaking the tree,
Buddha butted the atoms of the ki into C.
Toning the OM and Amen through the spine,
Breathing back life from death of the sublime.
The Phoenix arose and the ashes did scatter,
The earth was emblazoned from the once dense matter.
Sparkles of light of all hues could be seen,
Emanating from humans who awoke from their dream.
Living life now in bliss and finding the "Is",
Recognizing "Power Vs Force" is the way of the Wiz.
The Light of the in ner net clearly does show,
Mankind has been sleeping and not in the flow.
The wars will keep raging if people won't see,
How their beliefs have kept them in the net of the "Zeeee."
Remembering the "Phi" through the "EYE" of the "I",
Uncovers the blinders of humanities great lie.
The words to the wise who desire the Light,
Twirl those atoms and then take the flight.
Leave your baggage behind and soar in the "C",
Singing the song of your own Godiski.
©Kristie Floyd 8/26/05
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