Sound Therapy Could Help Cancer Patients
By Marry Ann Childers- CBS2 Chicago
Jun 24, 2006, 14:49
Oncologist Mitchell Gaynor wrote a book on sound therapy. He says the body normally vibrates at certain frequencies, and when people are sick, they are out of tune. Vibrations from music or instruments work to reharmonize.
Along with yoga, acupuncture, meditation, sound therapy is another of the mind-body approaches to medicine that are growing in popularity. But in this case, there's some sound science behind it.
Cancer survivor Rosemary Hernandez says going through chemotherapy was rough on her body and mind. So when her oncologist suggested a new alternative therapy to treat both, it was music to her ears.
"It takes away depression. It even takes away pain," Rosemary said of the sound therapy.
Patients listen to soothing music and chant while meditating and doing yoga-like breathing.
"I feel like I've been to heaven and back," Rosemary said.
Oncologist Mitchell Gaynor wrote a book on sound therapy. He says the body normally vibrates at certain frequencies, and when people are sick, they are out of tune. Vibrations from music or instruments work to reharmonize.
"The body is composed of 70percent water. It's an excellent conductive medium for sound and vibration," Gaynor said.
Dr. Gaynor stresses sound therapy won't cure illness, but he says it has a powerful impact on the body. He points to studies that show music can reduce burn victims' pain and lower the anxiety of surgical and cancer patients.
"We know that heart rate and blood pressure are affected by music. We know that stress hormones are lowered by pleasant music," Gaynor said.
But you don't need to be sick. Amrita Cottrell, director of the Healing Music Organization, says people also attend sound pods and meditation sessions for wellness.
"Happy, relaxed, vibrant -- those are many of the things that people have said to me that they feel after a session," Cottrell said.
As with many treatments, even some medications, there's always a chance some of the benefit derived from sound therapy could be attributed to the placebo effect. But Dr. Gaynor, who is a cancer therapist and professor at Cornell, says he stands behind sound therapy as one of the most powerful alternative therapies he's seen.
A little more information that may explain the article above, and why sound and light therapy are alternative treatments that do work, and hopefully will become mainstream thinking in the not too distant future.
The only way we can perceive our reality is if the cells within our organs of perception resonate in sympathy with the frequency we are perceiving whether it be light, sound, etc. The energy transfer ultimately ends up as electrical data to the brain. We actually have subtle organs of perception that can pick up higher frequencies - i.e third eye or pineal gland, but these have atrophied over the years as we have not been taught to use them.
As mentioned, our physical reality is a condensation of a myriad of pure waveforms from the electron to the atom - to the periodic table of elements - to molecules - to organic and inorganic matter. Instead of looking at everything as solid matter start to imagine it as a pure illusion of intelligently organized resonating waveforms with a fundamental frequency. Some say that these waveforms have been holographically projected by the thoughtforms of a higher being. Other evidence suggests that the fundamental wavelength / vibratory signature of our reality is 7.62 mm / - but we'll leave that alone for the moment.
Our bodies have multidimensional anatomy with higher frequencies layers [ethereal / astral / mental / spirit self] existing parallel with the physical. The physical is an expression of the outer fields [as above - cause, so below - effect] thus formation of the physical plane is guided by an etheric blueprint. What happens above in the higher frequency realms governs the physical plane.
Now let us consider the chakras before we bring it all togethor. These are spinning vortices of energy within the etheric field, aligned from the base of the spine to the head. There are seven major primary chakras and each appears to be associated with a major nerve plexus [i.e Solar Plexus ] and a major endocrine gland [ i.e adrenals in the case of the solar plexus]. Their function is to step down the frequencies and energies from the higher order realms to a level utilizable in the physical plane. This energy is distributed to the physical body through subtle energy channels supplying glands and cellular structures with life force and thus animating the body. Each chakra has a natural resonant frequency that denotes normal function in order for it to supply the correct energy. Too little and the area associated with the chakra becomes underactive - too much and over-stimulation and damage can occur.
The organs and glands of the body, briefly mentioned already above, are effectively complex biological oscillators with a vibration & frequency signature related to the vibratory signature or electrical bio-resonance of the individual cells. We could even think of them as crystalline in nature since crystals have a highly uniform structure based on identical molecular sub-components and also a pure vibratory signature - useful in crystal healing.
When the frequency of any cell deviates from the normal it will have an effect on the whole organ and consequently the whole body. A state of pathology sets in, and the tissue is said to be diseased. This frequency deviation first takes place as an imbalance in the magneto-electric field within the frequency realm associated with our thoughts and feelings [mental & emotional plane] - hence illness is very much pyschosomatic. Thoughts and emotions have waveform and frequency signatures associated with them also and effect the normal vibration of healthy cells. It has been shown that the waveform of emotion has a direct effect on the DNA of cells. As our thoughts and emotions tend toward higher frequencies - i.e towards a state of pure love - there are positive effects on our health.
Our physical bodies emit a sound and as such can be thought of as an orchestra playing a magnificent chord. Each cell and substructure is analogous to an individual player and instrument. For the whole sound to be harmonious, each instrument must be in tune relative to a fundamental note or key signature. If any instrument is out of key or any player looses his way then an obvious dischordant sound emerges - we are then out of balance.
Within the body the various biological oscillators must have frequency signatures that are harmonically related to each other. When everything is in tune a system of standing waves will be produced throughout the entire crystalline structure of the body. All the vibratory components of our bodies should be in tune and in synch with each other or else disharmonic waveforms will try to fight with and destroy the standing waves. If this happens the body ages quickly and dies.
Let us think of the Life Force as the ultimate vibration that never changes or needs tuning and governs the frequency and geometric characteristics of all the harmonically related dimensional realms that are born out of it. Everything in creation must be synchronized with and in harmony with it to exist and to maintain this existence. By this rationale everything in creation including our bodies should be in perfect balance at all times because the original blueprints relate back to the highest vibrations possible.
Because of free-will, many of our thoughts and lifestyle choices [i.e poor toxic diets] introduce dis-harmony and non-sustainable waveforms which affect the normal resonant frequency of our bodies. Consequently as we introduce destructive waveforms into our being, entropy [chaos] starts to set in at the spark gap junction of the DNA, and we age and die. This is not entirely necessary to the extent that we accept - provocative as this might sound to conventional science and philosophy.
Another important phenomena within the physics of the universe is entrainment. A sequence by which the frequency or motions of one system influences and brings about a harmonically related synchronicity of a second system.
E.G. The motions of the planets are inertially related to the motions of the sun around another central sun which is itself inertially related to the neutral & central point of the universe [zero time / zero motion].
The magnetic fields of the earth are entrained by that of the sun. The magnetics of the earth entrain the magnetics of our cells.
The waveforms and frequencies contained in the hearts electricity creates a phonon wave that entrains the brainwaves, the bio-resonace of cells and even influences activity in the DNA.
Look to Google and type in Sound Therapy.......it's nice to see these ancient modalities of healing returning. A phrase I like is, "Everything comes back full circle."
1 comment:
Sound therapy is popularizing these days because it is a very efficient and 100% natural therapy which has no side effects. Sound therapy can not only be used in such cases but can heal lung diseases, Cancer
, ADD ADHD, heart troubles etc. There is no doubt the power of Sound Healing and positive thinking is astonishing.
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