When we speak about healing, we speak about the process of attunement just as an orchestra tunes every musical instrument with the keynote. Our physical-etheric, emotional, and mental bodies are like musical instruments. The whole individuality is an orchestra.
The healing process is the process of tuning each instrument to the fixed note. Often in our musical rehearsals we have the "tuning fork" which gives the standard pitch on which all instruments are tuned. But what is the standard pitch -- the standard frequency -- in man on which all his bodies must be tuned?
Medicine, psychology, and psychiatry do not give us any information about this pitch. The only source we have is in the Ageless Wisdom.
According to the Ageless Wisdom, there exists the standard pitch in the Core of man and it is called by various names:
The radiation of the Divine Spark in man
The creative AUM
The note of the Soul, the note of the Self
The note that resounds with the Cosmic Magnet
The note that opens the gates for Higher Realms
The note that makes all things new
The note that regenerates or harmonizes, uplifts, transforms, and even shatters the form side of life when the form is no longer cooperating with it.
Every human being in his Core has that keynote on which he is supposed to tune all his mental, emotional, etheric, and physical systems. Every step in tuning our systems to that keynote is the healing process. That inner sound stands for our highest visions - the "hope of glory," the archetype of perfection. This inner note, or the key sound, not only tunes our atoms, cells, organs, and system, but it also tunes us to the keynote of the Universe which, as a Cosmic Sound, tries to harmonize and attune all parts of Creation.
For some people, the Inner Sound, the Core Sound, is the Voice of God. If any one hears this sound, he enters into an intense process of transfiguration. For others, it is the Will of God to which every thought, emotion, action, and motive must be tuned. For still others it is the supreme vision of beauty, harmony, joy, and bliss which must penetrate into all the vehicles and expressions of man. Still for others it is the source of Creativity, the currents of which bring transmutation and transfiguration in man. Still for others it is the Inner Architect, the Inner Conductor who builds the new Temple of Spirit out of the world of matter and orchestrates its relationship with the Universe.
The Ageless Wisdom says that before conception takes place, the human soul releases his creative note upon which his vehicles form themselves. And when the time of departure comes, the human stops sounding the note and the disintegration of the bodies takes place.
The Ageless Wisdom says that 'the ONE began to sound His note and the manifestation of the Universe began." Soon we will find that all manifestations is a condensed sound. It is on the keynote of creation that all forms of life are striving in order to reach perfection -- latent in every human being.
For some people this inner keynote is the highest standard of spirituality and morality -- without which there can be neither health nor happiness. The healing process is not only related to the physical and etheric bodies but also to the emotional and mental bodies. Many people are apparently healthy in their physical body but are really sick in their emotions and thinking.
You can heal the physical body for a while, but if you forget to heal the rest of the man, the physical body does not stay healthy. The health of a human being is the sum total of the degrees of attunement that his vehicles reach. This is why more and more we are entering in an era of holistic healing.
People have thought that man is a chemical compound, while others thought that man is a pool of emotions or nothing else but a machine producing thoughts. These may be true, but a human being is also a spirit, a beauty, a condensed bliss, a source of Cosmic Creativity -- he is the microcosm within the macrocosm.
The healing process also includes the process of elimination of those elements from the physical, etheric, astral, and mental nature which create discord and cannot attune with the principles that are not of our Core.
Many habits, vices, dark urges and drives coming from our past, our negative emotions; thoughts based on self-interest, exploitation, and greed -- these are elements that prevent the expansion of consciousness; elements that cause separation and discord. All these elements are seeds of disease in our various vehicles for which we pay a very high price.
The keynote, the nature of our essential pitch, the pure sound of our being is ever expanding, liberating, and inclusive. To discover this note and to create harmonious cords within all our systems is the process of advanced healing of the future.
The healing process through which a person must go was defined by one of the greatest thinkers, the Christ, Who said, "Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect."
The process of perfection, the striving toward perfection, is the process of attunement with your Conscience, with the heartnote of the entire humanity, with the standard note of the planet, with the keynote of the solar system, and with the AUM of the Universe.
The AUM is the symbol of energy which sustains life in manifestation. All diseases are the result of dissonance. Healing is a process carried out by every life form trying to attune its vehicles of expression to its essential purpose of life.
(Taken from "New Dimension in Healing")
With the start of a New Year and many making new resolutions, setting goals, etc., perhaps the greatest resolution we could make would be to strive for attuning ourselves to the perfect keynote that will allow for the song of our soul to sing in the right key.
Happy New Year!
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