Monday, November 28, 2005

Messages from Water

The infinite power of the Universe
has gathered itself to create a world
with true and grand harmony.
Messages from Water - Dr. Masaru Emoto
I have a friend, spiritual teacher and former English professor, who has spent many years traveling to Japan and teaching the Shinto people metaphysical principles. He is also a channel for Dr. Peebles! I am very lucky to know such a grande array of personalities who have inhabited earthly form. My friend William brought back Dr. Emoto's book, "Messages From Water" a number of years ago, and since reading the book and looking at the water crystal pictures, I have since come to view how our thoughts affect our biology, since our bodies contain around 76% water. Dr. Emoto was also intereviewed in the recent release of the video, "What the bleep do we know?"
I have a water cooler in my office which I've nicknamed, "Bubbles". Everytime I add a new bottle to the cooler, I Reiki and attune it for good measure. Often times during sessions with clients and when truth is spoken, it just starts to bubble up on its own and it makes the client laugh.
I hope you'll take a look at Dr. Emoto's work and remember to "Bless" your water each and every day!
I'll be back soon..................

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