Friday, November 25, 2005

Thanksgiving - Massage of the Heart

At this very moment, I am sitting here with my heart in glee and tears wanting to wander down over this middle-aged face (will think of it as a hot sauna facial). I have just finished reading a most heart-warming story by an incredible woman who lives in Chicago. Laura Young who truly does rise to every experience that presents itself to her, once again proved that love does conquer all.

It is the day after Thanksgiving, and I as a fellow traveler on this path, am thankful that another human being was able to move through a fear, thus adding to her own healing and the healing of others. As each one of us does our part towards the healing of self, it contributes greatly to the overall healing of this earth. When we can let go of negativity rooted in fear, the energy is transformed all around us and greater light enters into our sphere.

Relationships mirror to us in a variety of ways and bring to us some of the greatest tests of our soul. My own observation of others, and having the personal experiences of different spirits posing in human biology around me to help reflect back to me my own fears and also of theirs, I can only conclude feels like the great human experiment just might be around opening the heart more fully so one can truly live "Heaven on Earth."

As we have agreed to this experiment steeped in duality, and consequently arise and awaken in earth school and recognize that these tests are given to us to learn to forgive not only ourself but others, to understand the roles we play for each other and find ourselves in a compassionate way, perhaps then one is allowed onto the next grade level. After reading my friend Laura's blog today, I would place a bet on it that she has jumped another level! :-)

Bless you Laura and your family, and once again your truthful blogging leaves me humbled. This is truly the Thanksgiving I believed was possible, and it didn't take chopping the head off a turkey, only hot hands, an open heart and willingness to put your differences aside and gently massage the illusion away.

As one rises, we all do!

Buddha your way to love - living only very evolved from the center of your heart.

1 comment:

Kristie said...

"And the Lion shall lay down with the lamb" ------- friendly Lions are high on my list, it will contribute to "Peace on Earth" that much faster!

I love the blogger lingo - "Thanks for showing up." :-)