Sunday, November 27, 2005

Nutty Day

Simple Trick For Allergic Reactions -- Even Anaphylactic Shock

Food Allergies - gosh those little monsters that seem to have a life/death rhythm of their own.

This afternoon we finally sat down with Tom Turkey stuffed breasts, the usual fixings of dressings, potatoes, green bean caserrole, and yes the cranberry relish that almost did my daugher's boyfriend (maybe future son-in-law) in!

Everything was going wonderfully smoothe and I even managed to get all the food on the table still warm without spilling any of it. Towards the end of the meal, I asked Mitch if he would like some cranberry sauce and he said yes. As I passed it to him and he put it on his plate, took his first bite, and whoola..........I will never forget those eyes looking back at me and asking if this had nuts in it. Oh my GOD!.............I forgot...............(since he doesn't eat here very often) he is terribly allergic to most nuts - especially walnuts.

While I'm rushing for the Benadryl hoping there is some in the house, only to find there is none, the only thing I could find was some claritin with an antihistamine in it. The odd thing was that just a few days ago, I sent him an email with Dr. Mercola's information on an EFT technique that is easy to learn and often helpful even for one experiencing anaphylactic shock. I should have downloaded the free information, but was busy and thought I would do it at a later time.

I did give him a little Reiki while he was sitting there and he did use a visualization technique for his swollen tonsils. In all my years, I have never been with anyone who had a reaction like this to a food. I kept thinking of that email I sent to him and wondered if this was a message to Pay Attention! :-)

All is okay, Mitch survived and we didn't have an ER run, and I'm hoping that is the last "NUT" case I experience.

I do now have Benadryl in my cupboard after a run to the store, and I think I'll buy a few extra for stocking stuffers.

Still Rockin' Around the Tree and Keeping the Lights On............!

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