Friday, December 09, 2005

Connected by the stories we share

Over the past few days, I have been reflecting on how much I enjoy meeting new people and hearing what they have to say. Finding new bloggers certainly has opened another avenue to explore this. There are times when suddenly I hear a sentence that sticks with me, and today was one of them. Early this morning on the TV one newscaster made this remark, "Everyday we live our life connected by the stories we share."

I guess this was exactly the theme I had been contemplating for a few days now. The interconnected feeling I have with so many people. I marvel at all the beautiful souls that are here to dance and play in this game of life. As we weave this tapestry of story lines, where one story ends another seems to begin. (I ended here and saved as draft, feeling there were words I would be led to - I can feel the energy stiring around me with a message). I closed down and opened another web site and read this sentence from Thoth (yup - that's the energy)..

From Thoth-Here is where your destiny lies; in creating and re-creating. Molding your world is not something to do because you want to play with sticks. This is a lesson about co-creation with each other, going through the central connection you share. Some might call this God or All That Is. Know that it is a central connection in your heart. Know that this connection is growing in size. Know that the time is now to enlarge it.Be still, and it will be so, for each of you is already held within the Godhead of Love.

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