Minutes ago as I was awakening from dream time, I drifted back and reflected on the words -SUN, son, that I wrote as a comment in Laura's blog, http://antwatching.blogspot.com/, on December 8th, and how it ties in with the new IPO stock (SunPower) that my son Joey recommended that I investigate for purchase. SunPower is a company working with Solar Energy. I know from past experience that all these words are constant metaphors to help us further awaken, I just never know how it will play out in the story line each day. :-) Normally I refrain from new stock issues without a track record, but the name SunPower carries such a powerful vibration, that I figured it was worth the risk. Even though the Gold may not show up in this physical reality, the real goal is the Goldpower attained with the Sunrise in each of us.
I figured if I was willing to gamble on a new issue that contains the power of the SUN, then perhaps this free energy (Universal Life Force) would be an excellent pay off in all areas of my life.
I sat down at the computer right after getting out of bed, and was greeted by an email from a friend in Seattle, with a forwarded newsletter that I had not previously seen. The picture posted reminds me of an egg that has been cracked open, and displaying the life force intact - the YOLK or SUNPOWER.
The EGG is a symbol of fertility and seed of new life ready to open. The greater cosmic egg relates to cosmos creation.
The persons last name who sent me the email is "Stockwell." :-) He is an acupuncturist in the Seattle area. (http://www.drstockwell.net) How appropriate the word SUNPOWER and Stockwell go together.
The poem below that went with this picture sums up so much of what I have wanted to express, and has been beautifully written by
~ Sri Chinmoy
Art by: Vladimir Kush. Title: 'Sunrise by the Ocean'Found at: http://www.visionsfineart.com/kush/sunrise_by_the_ocean.html
The newsletter that it came in is
Awakening to the Dream web site: http://www.awakeningtothedream.com/ , if you would like to take a peek for yourself.
The morning SUNrise now greets me shining powerfully in through the window, and I KNOW this will be a truly beautiful SUNday!
Thank you Dr. Kris Stockwell for sending me this timely newsletter. You have the Kris Kringle energy flowing!
Poem by Sri Chinmoy (He definitely has harnessed his Chi)
The Absolute
No mind, no form, I only exist;
Now ceased all will and thought;
The final end of Nature's dance,
I am it whom I have sought.
A realm of Bliss bare, ultimate;
Beyond both knower and known;
A rest immense I enjoy at last;
I face the One alone.
I have crossed the secret ways of life,
I have become the Goal.
The Truth immutable is revealed;
I am the way, the God Soul.
My spirit aware of all the heights,
I am mute in the core of the Sun.
I barter nothing with time and deeds;
My cosmic play is done.
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