There are days when my thoughts are rather hum drum, then days when it feels like a rocket is passing through them beyond the speed of light. Today seems to be one of those speed of light days. I will have to check whether there has been another burst off the sun, or where the Full Moon is on the calendar.
This past Easter a friend brought in a beautiful Easter Basket loaded with goodies, lots of fun colored easter bunnies and a bottle of Miracle Bubbles. My inner child was extremely happy! Today's reflections take me back to early childhood. Growing up in the 50's and 60's without the internet or cable, many of us had just a few choices on the TV channels to surf through. It was a Saturday night event of family togetherness that seldom changed its routine that comes to mind today. I would have a bath, followed by my mom pinning my hair up into tight curls and then securing these tightly woven powers to be with a hair pin. (Hair means power in dreams.) She was going to be sure I did not falter or misuse these God given talents until experience would lead me to wisdom. :-) Interesting the Miracle Bubbles says it's for ages 4+!!! Following my cleansing ritual, it seemed the family would sit down and together we would watch Lawrence Welk.
As a child I really enjoyed this program. I love music, dancing and singing. It seemed every cell in my body resonated with this type of entertainment. I would be mesmerized by all the "Bubbles" that would suddenly start rising behind the band during the prelude to commercial time and then Lawrence putting his finger into his mouth and out would come a loud "POP." :-)
My early days were filled with accordion lessons and my fingers enjoyed scanning all the black and white keys and learning new chords to put with them. I practiced moving the bellows in and out as this was no easy feat for a young child. I could barely carry the instrument, let alone push those folds in and out. The color of my accordion was this beautiful blue that reminded me of ocean water.
It is said we leave many clues along our path to awaken us. As I sit and reflect on this bottle of Miracle Bubbles that sits on my desk, the label has so many clues in it. The overall color of the bottle is deep purple (crown chakra), the label has the same color of the ocean water blue (sea of creation) bubbles on it. The wording says, "Miracle Bubbles" and includes a miracle wand inside. There is a picture of the Imperial Bubble (spirit body) wearing a crown on it's head.
This image takes me back to my previous post below on bubble bursting. I now see the Lawrence Welk show was trying to convey many messages to my soul with a purpose that the information contained within would help me to reawaken to a greater truth of my being. As a child it was hard to burst out of the bubble when your hair (power) is all kinked up in curls. I always wanted long flowing hair........now I know why.
I see now that my practicing the accordion was learning to breathe in and breathe out, or to remember that the universe expands and contracts and reality folds in upon itself. The keyboard represented our keys of life, how we play them and learning new ones that will bring the song of our soul back into harmony. The tones of creation or how we create, will be consistent with the type of music we hear or like to play. Have you noticed how dancing is coming back into fashion with many now taking dance lessons and learning the swing, etc. It's like we are recreating the 50's again - but perhaps with a new high 5 dimension. (This is the Age of Aquarius.)
Bursting the bubbles of your ray's out into the cosmos, is like finally attaining that Continuity of Consciousness. With the magic wand of the magician inside the Miracle Bubbles, one now has the ability to not only blow bubbles, but burst them. The White Spirit Bubble that reminds me of Casper the Ghost will show us what we attain when we are able to finally free ourselves - for this energy now wears the Imperial Crown.
So.......thank you Lawrence Welk, the champagne lady or bubbles and elixir of life, for allowing me to dance, sing, and blow bubbles into this new swing of mid-life. I hope to be popping those bubbles on a regular basis.
A one and a two ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!! Added up makes a three - don't you just love that trinity mantra? Lawrence Welk must have been a Grand Master! :-)
To my mother---------thanks for all those Bubble Baths!
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