This week in discussions with friends, the word "bubble" was repeatedly rising to the surface. Then last night a friend sent me a web site on the Gospels of Thomas Collection, and I reflected on one of the paragraphs there that I read:
"Today most students would agree that the Gospel of Thomas has opened a new perspective on the first voice of the Christian tradition. Recent studies centered on GTh have led to a stark reappraisal of the forces and events forming "orthodoxy" during the second and third centuries. But more importantly, the Gospel of Thomas is awakening interest in a forgotten spiritual legacy of Christian culture. The incipit (or "beginning words") of Thomas invite each of us "who has ears to hear" to join in a unique quest:
These are the hidden words that the living Jesus spoke, and that Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down. And He said: "Whoever finds the meaning of these words will not taste death."
I remember years ago reading a book entitled, "New Dimensions in Healing," and the sentence that one has to attain "Continuity of Consciousness," stayed with me and perhaps this means that one will not taste of death.
So how does one attain this state of mind or have Continuity of Consciousness? I think the "Bubble" may have something to do with it. This week there is a magician who has placed himself inside a bubble of water for seven days and seven nights in New York. On May 9th he will then chain his wrists together and has only 9 minutes (the number 9 means completion)to free himself and burst out of the bubble to survive. Pay attention.......this may be the answer for all of us. When we unchain ourselves from our DNA strands that are kinked up, or our chains that bind us to present reality, we will then experience continuity of consciousness and will be able go on to experience alternate realities of existence - thus no death! We need to awaken the "Magician" within, break out of the beliefs of limitation and transform our matter into Spirit.
To see our reality as 'stuck in a bubble', is to see our soul spark stuck inside the box. We have to burst out of our bubble to get out of the box or this 3D way of thinking.
This morning the writing below came over an email and I believe is to be shared. This is what I have been experiencing over the last 12 years and much of it rings to true to me. We must all find our own truth through eXperience- "X" marks the spot - and for you ladies out there, I think the Playtex commercial years ago was trying to tell us something. Think back to the picture of the, "Cross your HEART bra." This is the spot or bridge when crossed will take you out of your Bubble! :-)
(A minister without a pulpit......but I've got a BLOG)!!!!!!!!!!
Have a wonderful Sunday, and at 12:00 noon today join in a worldwide meditation for cleaning up the airwaves by visualizing rainbow colors all over the sky!
The following Chapter was in an email from Earth Rainbow Network.
The email stated:
Amanumenoum - Taken from "Born to Be God"
"In the end, each Seeker has to make the Choice to dive and trust, in a leap of cosmic faith, that the true face of Divine Reality will be revealed, just at the right moment, to show where to next set foot, to inspire the right words as we go along sharing our views, and generally to guide us exactly where we are supposed to be, based on the lessons that still need to be learned and shared in our nearly endless journey from Light to darkness and back."
Born to Be God
Chapter 1
Every time a human being comes to life, in this world or in any other place in this universe where souls have a new opportunity to experience physical "reality", a new cycle begins whereas a spark of God's consciousness enters once again a body and starts afresh a new round of karmic playing towards ever greater awakening. Past threads that were uncompleted are woven into a new set of possibilities, either with the same players who have agreed prior to reincarnation to pursue unfinished evolutionary business within the same group of kindred souls, or within an entirely new context, but with always the same overarching goal: to reach ever higher on the ascending pathway from oblivious ignorance to the penultimate impersonation of Universal Divine Consciousness.
For as this book, this medium of mind to mind/heart to heart communication intends to make abundantly clear, there is just One Purpose to all that exists: coming to the deepest possible realization that we each are an integral, indissociable fragment of the One Being, The Universal Archetypal Essence, the Eternally Existent Presence, The Omniversal Source from which All That Is stems-and to which it will all eventually return.
Discovering the infinitely intricate consequences and overall meaning of this simple fact is what all sentient life is all about. It is pointless to pretend that one-anyone!-has succeeded in wrapping one's mind around what all that means, from stars to flowers, from atoms to super universes, from the invisible realms to the most ethereal of angelic worlds. For no one can comprehend it all. But the odyssey of learning every possible shade and nuance of what conscious awareness can encompass is what makes the Universal One in us happy to Be. Being the All Seeing, sensing all that can be sensed, touching with our mind's grasp every single aspect of experiential knowing is what makes the heart of Omniversal Creator in us throb.
We each are this Force. We each can feel its pulsing Presence in our conscience's loins. Every song ever composed, every word ever uttered, every thought ever formed is but an expression of that same Presence, of that same Joy, of that same blissful Perfection.
Everything hinges on us becoming aware of just Who we are, of just Who everyone is, of just what All That Is really is. And to that end, a nearly infinite numbers of possibilities are offered to experience every aspect of this cornucopia of perceivable realities-a "reality" being anything that appears real to our sensing abilities. From the realm of nirvanic paradise, where we all continue our journey after living a whole existence on Earth, or anywhere else in this universe, where we rest and regenerate between the intensely challenging tests of material embodiment, and where we also learn and exercise new skills that will prove useful at some future point in the Life continuum, to all other possible realities we may encounter in our never-ending journey from blissful Oneness to mindless oblivion and back, we are constantly accruing experiences and seeking to understand WHY, to what end this all IS.
The journey is long, very long indeed, and we sometime may feel very lonely as we try to cope with the endless bombardment of sensations, emotions and perceptions that may or may not help trigger the remembrance of our true nature and of why we are here for.
Usually when one starts awakening from the slumber of material inertia, from the treacherously tempting assaults of life's multifaceted stimulations carrying us from birth to so-called death on a treadmill of seemingly predetermined situations and circumstances, submerged into the morass of trivial trivia that encumbers most everyone's mind and clutters the ascending pathway from ignorance to full-bloomed knowledge, and we look around for like-minded people similarly inclined to question the prevailing narrowly focused paradigm, it takes some time to figure out no one is alone on this eternal quest. But sure enough, the inner resonance of spiritual awakening attracts other like-hearted souls and we realize that more and more beings are in the process of reconnecting with their spiritual roots. Despite the uniqueness of each person's interpretation of "reality", there appears to be enough of a common language to be able to share with someone else what is seen from our respective vantage points, and to mutually appreciate and acknowledge the precious beauty and gifts thus commonly contemplated.
Yet for many this sense of loneliness is an endearing myth that proves hard to dispel. The deeply ingrained habit of carrying on an endless inner dialogue both nurtures the illusion of being the sole witness of our every day, moment by moment, happenings, and perpetuates the disconnection from All That Is around and within our individual bubble of awareness.
In fact, the pervasive sense of being cut off from everything else starts the very moment our umbilical cord is separated from our mother's womb. From this instant on, we are led to believe that none of what constitutes human embodiment has anything to do with the magnificently soothing feeling of oneness we experience between incarnations and, to a lesser degree, while we are still connected to our mother's physical and psychic bodies. From that point on, in each new sojourn in physical reality, we unconsciously crave and long to reconnect our shattered persona back into the cosmic womb where all is felt as One. It is like an ever echoing sensation of Something Primordial that is hurtfully amiss which, even if deeply buried within the psyche of each human, continuously tries to remind us that our separation, our individualization is a mere figment of our collective imagination, and that we ought to find a way back to where the hurt of disconnection is no more.
This inner drive to reestablish the link with Omniversal Source is precisely what propels every single human relationship, from the bond between mother and child to the everlasting love that sometimes develops between two-or more-human beings.
Whether we like it or not, we are forever moved to embrace our spiritual side and trace our way back until we somehow succeed, at some point in the Life Continuum, to fully reconnect with the Source of our very existence, that still small voice within, that place of all Knowingness which knows infinitely much better than what our limited grasp of things usually allows. The very process of walking the path towards rediscovering that pervading sense of blissful Oneness we intuitively remember from the time we were not yet separated from the Source of all is in itself a most joyful experience.
The quest for true happiness, that seemingly unattainable goal, is initiated the moment we separate from the Cosmic Womb, when for the first time we experience individuated thoughts, feelings and consciousness. It is for this return back to the great undivided sense of bliss that we ceaselessly strive throughout all our lives, until we finally remember our way back to Oneness Love, Absolute Perfection and Eternal Serendipity.
Being on this long, infinitely long journey which began so long ago that we invariably forget we have ever embarked upon such an odyssey, we try our best to find some measure of contentment through whatever keeps us interested, captivated, even entranced long enough to forget the missing element to our happiness. We are led through the stimulating influence of our environment-family, school, work-related, volunteered or not-to undertake all kinds of activities and projects that for a time fill our life and offer us a modicum of satisfaction. Through our many relationships with other humans, with preferred animals, even with Nature in all its infinitely diverse forms of expression, we create bonds, enjoy wonderful moments of joy and succeed in most part to alleviate the nagging sense of being alone in our own bubble of consciousness.
For most people, these fleeting moments of shared intimacy along with vague remembrances of being part of a Greater Whole experienced in their dream state is all they will ever know of their true cosmic nature as fragments of the Universal Being who manifests Its Presence in and through all that is. Yet there is now an ever growing number of souls in incarnation who catch increasingly clearer glimpses, while awake, of why they are here and how they can access, while in embodiment, states of consciousness and blissfulness during which they reconnect, through high vibrational resonance, with the Omniversal Force that had been dormant within them ever since they took their first breath. This book is dedicated to those blessed souls who are reaching in to reconnect with their divine essence and rekindle their innate sense of belonging to the One from Whom everything emanates. Through exemplifying how these way-showers manage to open their treasure throve of ecstatic resonance that is embedded within the very fabric of their soul, acting like a holographic crystal of the Greater Whole, this written medium may indeed serve as a reminder of the glories that are everyone's birthright once the vibrational shift in consciousness has been activated.
And that's all it may do. Spiritual cognizance of one's own true nature cannot be taught. It can only be experienced and thus remembered. Reading about it may perhaps trigger a recognition of something similar previously experienced, a sudden dawning of an already felt revelation, like an echo restimulating a preexisting knowledge of one's greatness still reverberating deep within despite aeons of slumbering forgetfulness; vicariously exploring through thoughts and concepts encoding in a written language the evocative offerings of another soul may help sustain one's own quest for higher knowledge and deeper sensory activation of Oneness Consciousness; but in the end, each Seeker has to make the Choice to dive and trust, in a leap of cosmic faith, that the true face of Divine Reality will be revealed, just at the right moment, to show where to next set foot, to inspire the right words as we go along sharing our views, and generally to guide us exactly where we are supposed to be, based on the lessons that still need to be learned and shared in our nearly endless journey from Light to darkness and back.
Activating Sentient Knowledge
There is an old saying that goes like this: "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." What this means is that when a soul is actively seeking the path to spiritual remembrance of one's inner, intuitively felt knowledge in relation to any subject under consideration, as soon as that soul properly attune to the right inner attitude of unquestioned faith in one's own "veritas absolutis", then, as if by magic, the needed answer-whether it is a better grasp of anything observed, or simply a keener sense of direction regarding what, where, how and when our next step, metaphorically speaking, should be-spontaneously comes to mind, illuminating like a powerful beacon what we've known all along, but forgot we knew.
Getting to the point where we are able and unreservedly willing to surrender to our divinely inspired higher knowledge is, for most people, the tricky part, since we are usually convinced we know better and don't need any kind of assistance. And yet, we do it all the time, but just don't recognize it as such. Anytime you open your mouth to express a thought, you surrender to that which in you knows how to move your lips, tongue, vocal chords and lungs in perfect harmony to project sounds that others will translate through their own auditory apparatus and skills learned over years of experience to decipher those sounds into meaningful sentences, more or less representing the thoughts you initially wished to convey. You also surrender to your finely tuned sense of balance anytime you undertake a physical activity that involves synchronously moving thousands of muscles, small and large, to do something as simple as walking on a straight line, or as complex as surfing a wave on a slippery board.
Imagine the level of trust and surrender in one's own balancing abilities a tightrope walker must achieve to avoid falling to an almost certain death in some cases. Now imagine the same level of trust applied to returning to that self-sentient place within you where you can tune into Universal Divine Consciousness, of which you are a holographic fragment, and tap into this infinite Source of all knowledge to extract effortlessly whatever information you may need at any point in time.
First, you don't even begin to question what then comes to mind, for any such questioning, however well intended it may be, introduces an element of doubt. You simply take at face value the nascent thought and the accompanying first few words that spring to mind, seemingly from nowhere, and allow these forming ideas, endowed with corresponding feelings, images and sensations to guide your attention to wherever they may lead, relaxing all along in the well trodden path-once you've walked it often enough to know it always lead you exactly where you are supposed to be-that threads from the awareness of something that needs to be rediscovered/remembered/reactivated, to the unshakeable bedrock of a realization now and again fully exposed to your sentient awareness.
Now, once you got a clear enough glimpse of what it is you had to be appraised of, whether it is a life-saving information-say, a warning about an imminent danger that if you are trusting and wise enough to heed will indeed prevent you from being hurt of killed-or simply an inspiring thought that will make you more buoyant, or make more fun whatever it is you are doing, you can then come back to a more analytical state of mind and assess the value of what was communicated to you through your permanent link with your higher Self.
But if you are to successfully tap deep into your well of inner knowledge, you have to learn to resist the urge to start pondering or mentally reacting to the initial thread of thoughts or images springing to your attention, either tentatively if these are your first steps on this path, or possibly very strongly, depending on your experience at this, along with an array of supportive emotional and psychic feelings surging throughout your whole body to confirm the truthful validity of what is being conveyed to you. Indeed, if you allow too much of your intellectual mind to move into a scrutinizing stance, it will instantly blur your spiritual vision and you may then loose track of the guiding thread thrown at you as a lifeline by your higher Source of Knowledge to show you the way ahead in your journey of self-discovery.
It is precisely through this same process that this book is being written, just following the thread of ideas wherever they may lead, without any actual plan as to its content, except for a general intent of allowing the intuitive guidance of the holder of the pen-the so-called "author"-to express his innate knowledge born of literally lifetimes of experience at this, for the benefit of those you may find an interest in these writings.
Likewise, when a musician endowed with a finely tuned talent at composing music, follows his inner muse and brings forth to this plane of existence a perfectly balanced work of art, he is not in any way the sole originator of his musical creation, as his Source is the same as that which guides every possible creation in this universe. Whenever one creates something that has never existed before, to the knowledge of the creator, one then automatically takes part into the same creative process that has taken place since the very first moment when that manifesting abilities of the Universal Creator has started-if there ever was a starting point!-making All That Is out of the Omnipotent Nothingness. In that sense, and to a considerably lesser degree, we each partake of the same creational urge that has been the originating ferment throughout all times and at the basis of all creations as expressed by the Universal Being, the supremely mysterious and yet all too familiar Presence that writes these words right now, as well as read them through your own eyes, right now, in the ever present time continuum that stretches from infinite past to infinite future, but is ever accessible from the Universal Holographic Matrix at any nano-point in time, each infinitesimal segment of which is always in perfect synchronous coexistence with all others-which is why the human perception of time has no basis in Universal reality.
Likewise, just as humanity's embryonic perception of the true nature of time, the generally acknowledged consensual understanding of the true nature of God, of the Supreme Being who created all that exists, is far from the truth as seen from the perspective of one who has started grasping the awe-inspiring magnitude of this magnificent and yet so simple Reality. A topic so often relegated to the boring indoctrination of believers fed with dogmatic scriptures devoid of any vibrancy and mainly designed to enslave souls under the pretence of liberating them from ignorance, the subject of discovering and truly understanding who and what God is rarely gets the attention it deserves, for if people were to really grasp how central this question is to achieving complete happiness, they would pay far more attention to it.
(To be continued...)
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