Aside from Roses, there is no flower as beautiful and aromatic as Lilacs - so says the Gardner's Network....
Friday morning on my way out the door, I suddenly had this strong urge to pick some lilacs and take them to my lawyer friend who rents space in our office building. I was already in the car and thinking, "Oh -- I can do it tomorrow." Then, this loud voice inside says, "Take the time and do it now."
So, I got out of the car, found the cutting shears and proceeded to pick her a lovely bouquet. When I arrived at the building, her door was mostly closed so I decided not to bother her, but instead put the vase of flowers on the floor next to her door. (Hey, in this small town, anything goes!) Peg is often known to leave little goodies at our door, so I thought it would be nice to pay her back.
When I stopped into today she came over and gave me a big hug and had a story. She told me that the night before she got the flowers, she was driving home and noticed a beautiful lilac bush outside of someone's home. Oh......she said she wanted some of those so bad. She could almost smell them and even thought of stopping and asking if she could pick some! She said she couldn't get the thought of those lilacs out of her mind. I guess she almost fell over when the next day she stepped outside her office and there she found a vase of her desires sitting on the floor. She asked everyone in the building if they knew who left them for her - and no one did. She figured since I never come in that early, that it couldn't have been me! :-)
I was thinking of something similar that Laura over at Musing of an Ant Watcher, http://www.wellspringcoaching.com/blogs.htm, recently posted on - Synchronicity and Desires, how they do manifest.
I'm really glad my ego didn't win out when it wanted to argue about putting the task off for a little bit, and I allowed myself to be available to help someone's desires come to fruition. Sometimes it's just those little things in life, that are so very meaningful.
1 comment:
...allowed myself to be available...
Such a nice thing to do.
This morning I heard someone say, "It's only a CHOICE away."
struck me as profound also.
Thanks for posting.
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