When I was a teenager, I played the organ in church for a few years after we lost our organist. Although I was not very proficient at it, I loved playing it! I found that playing in the Key of "C" was always the easiest for me, and it seemed to be a better key for people to sing in.
Yesterday I received an email with information from Dr. Horowitz's findings. It resonated with me, and so I thought I would share.Health Science Communications for People Around the World
Make Healing Happen With "Love Songs" Played to Your "Heart Strings"
Sandpoint, ID - We stand on the threshold of a massive global "healing,"
says Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, the internationally famed author of more than fifteen health science books. He says all healing, regardless of disease, happens from "Love Songs" pulling on your "Heart Strings" by mathematical-musical design, apparently divine.
According to the award-winning investigator, all healing occurs from sonic waves or vibrations, specific frequencies of sound, resonating throughout the universe. Your cells use DNA, like radios use antennae, to receive these cosmic "Love Songs" which pull on your "heart strings" to attune your body's beat and blood rhythm to the "cosmic health broadcasting network." "Miraculous healing results if your 'receiver' is well tuned or you are receptive," he explains in his latest book, Walk on Water ($16.55; ISBN: 0-923550-37-2).
The healing power of love is widely known. Heartaches kill people most quickly when they lose their loved ones, life purpose, and/or desire to live. "The blockage in this love flow of health energy through the human heart is the number one cause of disease and death on this planet," Dr. Horowitz asserts, "and the primary reason we stand, as a planet, on the brink of extinction." In Walk on Water, the Harvard graduated public health expert, advances unprecedented revelations including the "core creative frequencies of divinity," and "the mathematical matrix of the universe."
He explains why the cosmos repeatedly and eternally resonates nine specific sounds with two central tones transmitting the energies of love and family-energies, he submits, are increasingly influencing people and planetary politics. "It turns out that love, 528 Hertz, is central to the core creative frequencies, converts to 518 nanometers of light-the middle of the rainbow and center of the green color-which in Eastern theologies and healing practices resonates the center of your heart, or 'heart chakra,' and is most important for healing," Dr. Horowitz says. "New revelations in mathematics, physics, and water science connect the vibrations of your heart to the center of the universe wherein love is both divine messenger and healing message." The green color of love, the "middle C" of the "Creator's musical scale," is "the reason why botanicals are generally green. Chlorophyll convert this energy, central to life, best. It's not 'green with envy,' like humans tend to be. It is green with love, the miracle frequency.
These discoveries hold tremendous potential for the future of civilization. Energy technologies (http://www.3epower.us), new musical CDs (http://www.healthyworlddistributing.com), and a globally simulcast concert, "LΦVE H2O" (http://www.liveh2o.org) are being advanced to apply these healing revelations worldwide. Horowitz initially studied "healing codes" in the Bible. Verse numbers in a section of the Book of Numbers showed repeating patterns of three digit numbers determined to be the original musical scale or ancient Solfeggio.
Serendipitously, Horowitz met mathematician Marko Rodin whose life's work produced a matrix composed of precisely the same three repeating number sequences-396, 417, 528, 638, 741, 852, 963, 174, and 285 to infinity. (See: Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse; $26.45; ISBN: 0-923550-39-9.) "Given these special sounds proving intelligent design, the opportunity now exists to use these to heal ourselves and our planet, quite simply, as they were intended," Dr. Horowitz concludes. "By recording, amplifying, and broadcasting these universal 'love songs,' and realizing our 'heart strings' are all interconnected and pulled musically from the core of creation, we may just bring more heaven to Earth."