Does it seem to you that the current energies are really making people crazier than ever? Maintaining stability in your life, and with those you interact with, is really going to be difficult as things are shifting so quickly now.
Today Australia was under seige and the earth changes occuring there from Cyclone Larry will change the face of planet Earth once again. Remember that Australia has reversed seasons from the northern hemisphere - which now equates to our autumn hurricane season.
Earth and frequency shifts will affect everyone, everywhere, and create physical symptoms in humans that include irritability, disorientation, drowsiness, backache, fatigue, and flu like symtoms.
Earth changes and the mentally ill:
If anything, frequency changes will accelerate mental disorders - especially as we move toward the solar eclipse next week. Hang onto your hat for that one.
For those interested in learning a little more about the Sun and how it affects us, Mitch Battros, Earth Changes TV, has written a new book entitled, "Solar Rain." This is what Mitch has to say....
"This is a book every science oriented mind and institution will want to read. My many interviews with the most prestigious scientists in the world; coming from organizations such as NASA, ESA, JSA, NOAA, JPL, Space Weather Center, AMS (American Meteorological Society), AMS (American Meteor Society) and Sky & Telescope, should quench anyone’s thirst.
For those who are drawn to more spiritual, quantum physics, or metaphysical understandings, you won’t be disappointed. You will find information direct from the Hopi and Mayan elders telling us what has been passed down through generations. Now is the time for purification, preparation, and contemplation. Our ancestors remind us all is not lost. There is still hope and we can make a difference. The famous Hopi Prophecy Rock photo is included in the book, as are photos of unique sacred Mayan sites never before produced publicly. Whether you’re a scientist, archeologist, or metaphysician, there is plenty in this book for you.
In most scientific journals, a description of the Sun and a description of the Earth may go something like what you will see in the introduction chapter of the book. The Sun-Earth connection is not a new theory. It has long been known there is some method of relation between what happens on the Sun, and its slow methodical effect in the way of climate on Earth.
What this book lays out with empirical scientific data will turn current charts, graphs, and formulas on its head. The word that groups all scientific methodologies into one is “Paradigm”. Webster’s Revised Dictionary definition: Paradigm – “A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them, especially in an intellectual discipline.”
Solar Rain brilliantly lays out chapter by chapter a Sun-Earth causal effect which occurs within hours of its initial event. It develops so rapidly, that what happens on the Sun, can effect what happens on the Earth before many of you will finish the first three chapters.
In the famous venue of the slow awakening giant, the worlds solar scientists are playing ‘catch-up’ to a new (which is old) understanding of the symbiotic and closely knit relationship between what happens on the Sun, and what can cause almost immediate problems on Earth. Until now, and partly due to my ‘Equation’ published in 1997, scientists would measure causal events in “decades and centuries”. My Equation suggest what occurs on the Sun is made manifest on Earth within “hours and days”. This new concept shifts the current paradigm from what has traditionally been measured in the way of “climate” as it relates to cycles, to what is now being measured in the way of “weather”. Weather indicates causal events which is measured in hours, days, and weeks.
Sunspots => Solar Flares => Magnetic Field Shift => Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents => Extreme Weather and Human Disruption (mitch battros)
I have taken intense precautions to carefully weave the threads of science (new), with ancient text (old), to deliver the most accurate and factual science based material bringing you to the window of change. Here you will see the making of a new paradigm which is rare and is unfolding in our lifetime."
If you have never thought of learning to meditate or get some body work done to assist in lightening up your density, I cannot stress how important it is for you to do so now. It is not going to get any easier!
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