The intention of being in NOW time certainly comes with it's own adventures. Since the "Music Lady" (previous post) was seen coming in, there has been a little butterfly zooming in and out of my stomach area. This energy ALWAYS stirs and churns and whips the fields surrounding us, until one realizes once again, perception as we have come to know it, will never be the same.
While driving the other day into the office, I started singing a Mickey Mouse song. The name "Mickey" was heard over and over. Yesterday I saw a picture on another web site and it reminded me of a session I had done a day earlier. Then the call came from a dear friend that his mother whose name is Mickey had passed at 11:55. I have seen this combination of numbers numerous times lately. To mean it represents balance and moving into a higher vibration. It was a little later that I couldn't help but think the picture was related to Mickey's passing. He had told me that earlier in the morning he had awoken from a dream in which he had seen his mother who was a little girl in a blue dress, skipping down the hallway. He knew he needed to go visit her in the nursing home that morning. She died 20 minutes after he left. The last thing she said to him was, "I am no longer here."
I had just read the night before that right before one dies in situations like this where they have been ill for a long time, there is very little energy left in the physical body. She knew she was leaving as she had given him her purse (represents identification) to take home with him a few days earlier. I guess when one goes from death to new life this certainly can be considered a program change.
I had scheduled a hair cut and color for yesterday as well. The woman who I thought was going to assist me called in sick right before I got there. They did not bother to call me to tell me of the change, but rather called in another stylist to assist me. Mmmmmmm........I chose the first intentionally because she is not known to do wild and noticeable changes. When it comes to my hair, I guess I am rather conservative in my cuts and colors. Hair represents "POWER". I figured I was in for the ride of my life now.
The woman loves horses and our riding the trails together in the chair with the scissors in hand, left many new "LEVELS" surrounding this Atlas that sits on my shoulders. The once lighter ends have now taken on a shade a few colors darker, and the crown which had gone a shade darker, now is surrounded in more light. It is taking some getting used to, to now look at myself. It's not what I had expected, nor what I would have chosen, but I guess the "Music Lady" must know what's BEST for me! The words, "Go with the Flow" stream through..............and let go of the IMAGE you think you are! Perhaps the different levels and layers and colors represent different dimensions of space and time and that is where my travels will take me now, and one is becoming a "Headless" horseman - thinking more with the heart and less with the head.
Mmmmm.... all I know is that getting used to this new image will take some getting used to. Later in the day then, my cell phone started to display a breaking up affect on the screen when I opened it. I was unable to read the numbers and all the colors were fuzzy. Only a butterfly could be seen weaving in and out of the cells that were disintegrating before my very eyes. Since the phone is related to business, I figured I should go and have it looked at. I was given a new phone by verizon since the old one was still under warranty. This too I new was a sign that my cells are being transformed and the new cell phone (communication device) was a message my journey is changing.
Each day we are given a multitude of clues and it's fun to play along in the game we call life. It being a GREEN day, may you all be blessed with good fortune, and energy healing that will help and assist you back home, into the heart, through the open gate that is now being attended to by those little green men for all of us to enter.
May the Luck of the IrISh - help you to remember your "IS" through the "I" (eye). :-)
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