Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Kids' Prescriptions For Anti-Psychotic Drugs Soar

I used to work in an elementary school and often assisted in the health room dispensing medication, etc. Over the five year period I worked in this position, I noticed a huge increase in the number of medications dispensed to very young children. I quit my job because my soul had a hard time being a part of this. I would see those young eyes come in and look deep into mine like, "What are you doing?" I knew these children were having a hard time with the new vibration of the earth, and the toxins in the food chain and environment that are put into their systems, certainly were not helping with their behavior problems. It would be nice to see Yoga or Tai Chi taught as part of their curriculum.

After leaving the position I went on to study energy medicine to assist humanity in a more holistic way. I think my most memorable session was with an autistic child about 14. She would describe to her mother in words via a board (she would point to letters) what she was seeing in the room. Obviously, there were Angels present. She told her mother that she and I had other lifetimes together, and would have more. I remember putting out a Star Tetrahedron a friend made and when she saw that, she really lit up and actually spoke for the first time in years. Oh my ----------this she knew well. Then I showed her a book entitled, "A child of Eternity, An Extraordinary Young Girl's Message from the World Beyond" by Ardriana Rocha and Kristi Jorde and she opened it and read it in minutes. She then started to cry and said she thought she was all alone. From there I asked her to lay on the table and she insisted that I use the Star Tetrahedron over her body for balancing. I did as she requested and she then went into a fetal position and fell asleep. Her mother said she has not seen her like that since she was a baby.

Tonight on Larry King they were discussing the high autism cases and the possible link it has had with the mercury they used to put in children's vaccines. Since they have since reduced this ingredient, autism is finally declining. Again, it does not take a rocket scientist to understand that we are being poisoned and dumbed down.

Tonight I saw this article.


Extra reading on Energy Medicine: http://www.mayanmajix.com/art1961.html


Fuligginoso said...

Hello Kristie, this is the latest I've found in the web about the book "A child of Eternity". I read that book today, and wondered: what happened to Kristi Jorde (which should be a joung woman by now) after 1995? What is she doing today? Maybe you know something more than me about her story...

Kristie said...

I do not know what happened to Kristi, but am curious myself and thank you for bringing this up. Last night on CNN they had a wonderful story on "Amanda" who is also autistic and recently posted her own thoughts on YouTube which had a large viewing. Autism was on my mind last night and so it was interesting to see your post here today.