Sunday, March 19, 2006

Zapped by the Sun

It being another SUNday, I figured this article would be appropriate.

According to renowned scientist/mystic Nassim Haramein the sun has been noticeably changing since 1999.

Solar flares coming to earth from the sun are particles and plasma of sun energy being thrown off and filling our atmosphere. It is a HUGE burst of energy coming our way. He said as an analogy that the difference coming on us is very rapid -- like going from the lowest note on a piano to the highest. That is our vibrational change. These solar waves are full of ions and electrical energy that raise the vibration of everything in and around us. The sun is changing its composition--it is becoming what the ancient Mayans and Egyptians call the 6th Sun. He says there is NO GOING BACK. We've been getting these hits in waves, but soon it will be a constant. He says that global weather changes are not caused by the greenhouse effect. It is the Sun's effect.

This change in the composition of the sun changes the Earth's energy field and all that lives here. We will be in a higher vibration and we will all be more sensitive, telepathic, better healers and experiencing bouts of exhaustion. It's important to rest and assimilate change, then get back to work when you feel impacted. Meditation is very helpful as it raises your vibration. The 6th sun phenomenon is NOT a metaphor. It is an actual change.

The part we play in this change is to ground this higher vibration into earth, to join together in groups for prayer and meditation, support, and to keep our evolution at the forefront--positive, conscious of Love, helping others, and changing our awareness. The heart and crown are points through which these changes cycle in and out of us to earth and the universe. Our thoughts are more and more powerful as creation forces. Our thoughts and words are shaping things to come.
Your one life can make a difference. We can all shape a Humanity that works for everyone compassionately.


Laura said...

Very interesting. And a good reminder to me to keep doing what I'm going with my yoga practice. Just spent an intensive weekend at a workshop aimed to bring our attention into our bodies, tuning in to our energy. It is so easy to live in one's head but in times of such shifting and upheaval, a more integrated approach to health becomes even more critical.
Thanks for keeping this on the radar screen!

Kristie said...

Today I'm spending it "Spring Cleaning" and find it so beneficial to removing the cobwebs within. As I sort through old paperwork and class materials, it brings in this awareness at just how many notes I've played over the years. Harmony.......a continual goal for me. Keep on with Yoga and the magnificence of the Yogini appears....we need all the integrated healers for the changes that are upon us. Thanks for being out there at willing to share with all of us how it's done!