Oh, when the ants go marching in
Oh, when the ants go marching in
Oh, how I want to be in that number
When the ants go marching in
Oh, when the ants come marching in
Oh, when the ants come marching in
Oh yes, I want to be in that number
When the ants go marching in
Mmmmmmm, I’m thinking of Laura Young (pictured) and her "Musings of an Ant Watcher" blog at this moment and her upcoming birthday on December 13th, when that song above started playing in my head. I suspect there is a message in the tune and the FBI of Spirit will need to investigate a little more. I can only wonder where the Saint/Ant similarity is leading to. At this point in my blogging, it's like opening a new book for me and reading it. I never know where the story line is going to go and always look forward to the end to see just where my consciousness has traveled. Today I'm hoping the Higher,Middle and Lower Self will be in good form and able to get along, it makes writing a little easier.
I often refer to my dream books for clues to some of the words that seem to stand out when tunes start playing in my mind or loud thoughts are trying to get my attention. This song stirred a very positive feeling, and so I look to that aspect of the word for the interpretation.
Ants - symbolize hard work, diligence and industry. Increase business activities are expected. According to the biblical interpretations, ants symbolize diligence concerning the things of God. Despite its small size, the ant lays up substance during times of plenty. (Prov 30:25)
Marching - To dream that you are marching to the beat of music, signifies teamwork.
I can’t remember exactly when I first heard of Laura, it seems it must have been about two years ago. It was a client of mine who had first mentioned her name to me. My client had been diagnosed earlier with cancer and Laura’s written words that she had read, inspired her to start writing. I was so touched when she told me that Laura had donated funds to help her take a bike trip on her Harley that summer. I knew this was one woman then that I wanted to check out! I’ve been following Laura’s blogs ever since.
What I witnessed before me almost daily for a number of months as I opened to her site, was a woman who was transforming before my very eyes. I often get to see this in my office sessions, but I have never seen it done through the internet. Day after day I was in total amazement of Laura’s courage to show up and so openly share and allow all of us to witness sides to her being with her mental/emotional angst (normal process for spiritual awakening). There were times when I would think to myself, “I’m not sure that I could do that in such a public way and most certainly did not have the courage of the Lion that my Leo sign was suppose to express.” I was always amazed and bedazzled with her ability to communicate so freely her vast array of feelings, and knew she was a great inspiration to the many readers, let alone clients, to fully allow themselves also the opportunity to share and remember their own wholeness that their soul called forth for them to acknowledge.
As I sit here thinking of Laura’s Carnival of Courage submissions for her blog and suggested title, “What is the bravest thing you have ever done,” I wondered what event or events in my life would be considered acts of courage. I can't remember ever asking myself that question before, so after reading Laura’s suggestion, I sat with this for a few days. I laughed as I thought that it took a little of the “C” word - courage - to give birth to a 10 pound baby all natural and he was my second one I did that way without even a Tylenol, or when I helped a friend "OM" on a meditational spiritual CD he produced and presented it to some of my Catholic family members, yet there is one episode that does come to mind that I experienced a number of years ago during employment at an elementary school that stands out. Although it did not feel like courage at the time, perhaps it was the event that made it very clear to me that I was not to deny my souls purpose and to fully embrace and become myself completely, and most certainly this takes courage for all of us to do. (From the perception I now hold, that to simply show up on planet earth and put on these flesh colored body suits that never really fit well, all the while exhibiting total forgetfulness and dancing in duality with polarity as the main attraction to experience for LIFE, certainly makes all of humanity BRAVE.)
My duties at the school entailed that of a secretary, although I spent half of my time in the health room assisting the health clerk. It was a room that I always felt comfortable in and the motherly instincts were put to good use on a daily basis. I had previously taken classes in Reiki energy healing, and it seemed to come in handy when the children needed their nerves soothed. In fact, as a mother energy healing is common place and used daily, although it is generally not associated as in this venue or terminology.
One day one of our special education children had a seizure on the playground and was brought in. He had fallen and taken a blow to his head. Although he did have his helmet on, there was bleeding from where the helmet made contact with his head. While the health clerk was busy cleaning his wound, I sat on the bed next to him and held his hand and with the other one, laid it over his heart. His pulse was extremely fast, and so I just connected with his spirit and assured him all was fine and to relax. I often heard friends talk about being in the “Zone,” and perhaps this is what I often experience. I remember just being in a state of peace and feeling his pulse slow and calmness return to him; all the while I had totally tuned out the noise in the room. With my eyes closed at some point, I gently did a hand pass over the boys head to check for heat. There was quite a bit of energy disturbance in his fields and so I smoothed it out. Suddenly, a woman’s shrill voice said, “What are you doing, I’m a Christian.” I can remember slowly coming back to present time and turning my head to see who belonged to the voice. It happened to be the boy’s mother. I was completely confused as to why she was even saying this. I vaguely remember saying something like, “I AM also.” I then removed myself from the room and went back to my desk. My heart was thumping loudly as fear then took hold. The thought that came through that totally surprised me was, “I wonder how they will kill me this time?”
I left work that day with some anger building in me. While driving in my car for the next 10 miles and screaming at my Angels for not being there when I needed them, I decided to stop at a café to find some friends and try to recover from this experience. (One can only guess what other drivers on the road witnessed when they saw me yelling and I was all alone in the car.) Upon arriving at the café and climbing the stairs, I watched a woman looking up at something above me as I took each step and wondered what in the world she was doing. I sat down at a table where some familiar faces were seated and then noticed that this same woman got up and approached my table. She came and stood next to me posing with her hands down next to her thighs, head and shoulders held up looking very erect as if mimicking someone and said, “You have a very tall Angel behind you that is saying, STAND UP TALL FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN.” As the heat of the tears rolled down my cheeks, I felt so small in that moment for having had those thoughts where I felt abandoned – thank goodness it didn’t last long. That day was truly pivotal for me and launched me fully on the spiritual path to complete what I felt was my souls purpose. It was shortly after that my intuition told me my work was done there. I thank each and everyone who were present in that health room and cafe' for playing their parts so well, so that I could experience all of it.
That year also was my daughter’s high school senior project in which she was to study, experience and work with a mentor on a subject of her choice. She decided to do hers on alternative medicine and asked if I could be her mentor. Usually the parent is not allowed, but for some reason they gave me permission. We had a fun time as I exposed her to various modalities such as Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Bach Flower Essences, Essential Oils, Massage, Naturopathy and Reiki. After six weeks she had to go in front of the panel of judges and give a presentation. As the word "Synchronicity" comes to mind, one of three judges that she presented to turned out to be the Christian woman who had the outburst at me in the health room. Another was the teacher (who was also present in the health room at the time of the experience) of the special education child who was injured. What are the odds of this happening? Yup – I knew the Angels had their wings flapping in on this one and my daughter received an “A” on her project.
As I reflect back to Laura’s writings during her quantum leap in her personal healing process and sharing her experiences with us, I need to say, “Thank you Laura for allowing us to witness God in Action!” Your Courage ignites the "C" in so many.
Perhaps the Ant Watcher (God) is watching his/her diligent team who lays up substance during times of plenty – wanting to be in the number, “Prov 30:25”, (3+0+2+5) adds up to a “10” (new beginning with experience, a higher frequency of understanding), then 10 breaks down to a 1 (signifying new beginnings, oneness with God, unity of life).
So, I figure if you can’t be a Saint marching in, the next best thing would be as an Ant or Ant Watcher!
"Oh… when the ants, come marching in, oh, when the ants come marching in, oh, I want to be in that number, oh, when the ants come marching in."
Happy Birthday “Musings of an Ant Watcher: aka Laura Young’s Big Blog of Life and Death, Dragon Slayer and coach of great cheer.
I toast to you my dear friend and earth angel, and with a Dragonfly salute, honor you for showing up on my radar screen.
(The only reason I started this blog was so that I could leave comments on Laura's. It is funny how these blogs become the means to journal our personal earth experiences.)
Just when I think I'm done exercising my fingers for the night, the word "BRAVE" suddenly jumped out as I inserted it into the title. I see it as "bra ve". Now what would I look like without the ve? Oh my, a new story line develops just as I'm winding this one down. Seems to me that with a good bra as a solid foundation, a "C" (See with courage) of brave might fill our cups - and of course this leads to, "May your cup runneth over with Love - Ole' Ve."
I like the ant thing at the top it reminds me of my ant farm as a kid. I like the biblical refrence at the bottom too.
Thanks Tom - I am now looking at Ants in a whole new LIGHT! :-)
Thanks for checking in.
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