Chaos Theory
(my version)
The other day my daughter sent me this site, with the heading: Subject: your driver's license on the internet. Taking the bait, I popped into it just to see what she was playing with. Lo and behold, what showed up was definitely another clue to this monkey puzzle. (You will have to try it for yourself) :-)
Definitely, the picture clearly stated what path we are on, and yet I felt it was scripted this way and all in Divine Timing. One often hears that "Chaos" leads to change, and LIFE IS CHANGE. Often the molecules of the atoms have to be rearranged for a new design to be created so a better foundation can be implemented. So, after witnessing the Monkey Drivers License on the internet site, it seems this is how we are to motor through life. I did happen to notice the expiration date on it, and perhaps that was another message when the chaos will begin to wane, before I renew it. I consider chaos theory to be the expansion mode or out breath, and then we must contract, integrate and solidify all the rearranged molecules into a new pattern. This IS Creation........expansion......contraction..... or out breath....in breath and perhaps even, "The Word of God."
Then this morning I stumbled onto another article while surfing the Drudge Report and read this article title, "Court Reprimands New Delhi Over Growing Monkey Menace."
(Excerpt - Earlier this year the country's Supreme Court ordered wildlife authorities to transport some 300 macaques from New Delhi to the dense jungles of Madhya Pradesh state. The government of that state was to receive $54,000 from the federal government to cover the cost of reintroducing the monkeys to the wild. Other efforts by animal welfare agencies have been defeated, in part, by Hindus who believe that monkeys are manifestations of the monkey god Hanuman. The animals are often fed bananas and peanuts, which encourages them to frequent public places.)
(Clue - Hanuman - remove "an" - it now becomes the word Human. I just looked up the word Hanuman and it said, "This deity is a provider of courage, hope, knowledge, intellect and devotion.)
From this site, my fingers plucked another few keys and I next ventured into another site by Ellie Crystal, and checked out Ellie's World, "Our Lady of Guadelupe Day." I remembered today the Catholic tradition celebrates December 8th as the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. (It seems to me that this Feminine Icon is now linked with Monkey business.)
A few interesting points were in the article published at Crystalinks on our Lady of Guadalupe and the December 12 connection or 12/12.
What caught my attention was the caption above one of her pictures:
Mother Mary as Our Lady of Gaudalupe
Quatlasupe is the feminine balance for QuetZalcoatl
Serpent symbolizes spiraling=DNA.
'Crushing the serpent' is not unlike 'bursting the bubble' to fly free
After seeing the "bursting the bubble" to fly free, it took me back to an earlier post I had written containing the bubble burst affect.
Shortly after all these morning clues, I was busy doing some 3D chores when suddenly I saw the word, "Monkey Business" again in my mind, yet this is what came in....M on key Business. So, this tells me that we are on key or as it should be, yet I was trying to figure out the "M". Oh dah silly, but of course, it is the Feminine Icon "Mary" who is making her essence known (return of the feminine energy) and reminds us to look at the underside of our palms (turn over your hand) you may just see a big "M" in the middle of your palm for you are all Masters with a great big M!
Have a wonderful "M..on..key Day," and may you all conceive your information in a most Immaculate way. For as part of "The Secret" states, "YOU BECOME AND ATTRACT WHAT YOU THINK." As we head to 12/12/2012.........chaos will abound, but it does not have to put you into fear. Choose to think of love, peace, prosperity, excellent health, balance, and the words that contain a higher vibration, for then you will attract to you the same.
While I'm thinking of it, (this thought is very loud :-)) I'm encouraged to share with you this beautiful song by Carrie Hart. You can download it for free if you wish, for it clearly is another clue for us in our Remembering.
Here I Am (Ave Maria)
Carrie states: I asked that I might create a tool for you, so that you would be filled with spirit quickly and easily, simply by listening. What came to me was an invocation to spirit, set it to Schubert's transcendent Ave Maria melody.
The word "Courage" has come through several times in this article, once refering to the word Hanuman, and then again in the song, "Here I AM," by Carrie Hart, and that reminds me of my previous post, "Brave....Who Me?" The courage theme continues on for all of us. We all have different venues that we may play with, many beliefs set in place, yet ultimately it will require our own "Inner Balance" or yin/yang to become friends within, for the ideal conditions to take hold for us to SEE with new eyes, and HEAR with new ears.
May 2007 enCOURAGE us to really look at our beliefs and whether they keep us moving forward, or whether they make us feel stuck inside the box or remain in the bubble.
Courage - C our age or SEE OUR NEW AGE!
Remembering another "C" related post just now, it looks like a similar theme in these messages keeps on saying, "Sing in the KEY or Ki of "C"." Now I wonder if the "Birthing of the Godiski" and the "Immaculate Conception" concept are related. That clue is for another time...to be continued, as this Curious George has some monkeying around to do.
(P.S. I just finished posting this when a cell call came in from a friend telling me he was down at the Spunky Monkey having lunch. Life is great! Come to think of it, he is a little spunky!)
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