What a way to end the day than with this ONE EYE PEANUT. This morning started out fairly normal until I entered the shower again. They say water has consciousness,(The World of Water) and boy do I believe that! I had barely started scrubbing when suddenly I find myself doing the jive, hands and hips swinging and I'm belting out, "Oh When the Saints Go Marching In"... over and over and over. Oh know ...here we go again and I thought I was done with that one. It's like I was transported to Mars or something. I totally forgot where I was and what I was doing momentarily. It was like a one eye peanut energy totally confiscated my mind and body.
In my mind's eye, I saw myself as an organ grinder with a monkey on my shoulder. NOT AGAIN , another Monkey or M-on-key day. For my friends who really know me well, these lines wouldn't even phase them. It's the one's who don't, that may be raising their eyebrows a little and thinking perhaps I may need some serious help. I thought of yesterday's post and alluding to a connection between Mary the Feminine Icon and Curious George the Monkey. Yes, I admit there was a little hesitancy on my part to even put those two pictures together on the same page, let alone side by side. One part of me remembered the word, "Blasphemy," another part wanted to start the Mea Culpa mantra, and then there was plenty of arguing going on within both hemispheres, all the while I'm praying for the veil to be lifted so the show could go on. Yet deep inside me through it all, I KNEW there was a connection and had to trust the ending. Hey.....if Saint and Ant can go together, I figured a Divine Goddess wouldn't mind being linked to a Curious peanut eating Monkey.
I had lots of chores to do today and so couldn't sit and reflect much on this image of the organ grinder and monkey much, although the thought never seemed to really dissipate. The word "Organ" seemed important, and I flashed back to early teenage years when I had a gig playing the church organ on Sundays. I never took lessons, but that sure didn't stop me from playing. Once I turned that switch on and heard those pipe bellows go whoosh, I was hooked. I figured I could improvise a little, and since the congregation had no other volunteers for this job, had been without music for many months, and my services were free, that they might take it easy on me. As long as I didn't have to read music with left hand notes, I could get by. Thank goodness guitar music was in fashion at that time and newly introduced into the services. Using written left hand chord letters and right hand notes, anything is possible.
I was reminded today while driving and Barbara Streisand was singing to me from the car CD, of one of my very favorite songs. It was one that I would play nearly every Sunday and the congregation would sing to entitled, "ONE GOD." Well, I figured since it was in a guitar book, and the guitar book was in church, this song was safe. It always resonated with me even as a young child. There seems to be a wisdom in the saying that to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, one has to become child-like. It must be like cleaning up and deleting all the old programs on our computers that are filled with virus', totally wiping out all old software off the hard-drive, sometimes crashing intermittingly when the power fails from corruption to our systems, that are engaged in the myths that have been passed down over eons of time being caught in the web, and it requires of us a new downloading of heart software and return to the innocence and purity where we KNOW all is connected in the circle of LIFE.
Tonight as I sat here at the computer I wondered where the Organ Grinder was going to take me. I popped the words into google for a search and found some interesting tidbits. This site headlines, "The Gig Is a Real Grind" is about an Organ Grinder by the name of Bush and his Monkey called George. (I figured that might get your attention!) It is really a cute article, but it was the song that was mentioned in this article, "The Sidewalk of New York," that held meaning for me. It seems that when I see this image of a Peanut Man wearing a Top Hat, it usually has a connection with some people and one is from New York. I checked out the lyrics and laughed when I saw these words,
"East Side, West Side, all around the town
The kids sang "ring around rosie", "London Bridge is falling down"
Boys and girls together, me and Mamie O'Rourke
We tripped the light fantastic on the sidewalks of New York
The "ring around rosie" or love, beauty and innocence, and "trippin the light fantastic" reminded me that I used that same phrase last year for my nephew's report that I did on, "The Wizard of Oz." One may ask how to trip the light ....... by moving through the rainbow of light chakras and balancing oneself again. (Dr. Carolyn Myss has written extensively on this information.) When I see a top hat, it symbolizes for me that one has balanced these energy centers and dimensions of self, and is now consciously connected and working within these higher states of the wizard with the ability to tap his/her magic wand. Reminds me of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The stone can only be commanded when one is pure of heart. This is how miracles occur....but actually it is a natural state of being, only forgotten by the many.
The next site was from Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired with photographer Peter Eckert on his Monacle Man. His written words reflect the single eye vision as he writes, “Losing my eyesight has not diminished how I ‘see’ in my mind's eye. I have worked hard to sharpen my other senses to learn what objects sound like. The sound/object relationship has enabled me to take pictures. Metaphorically, I am slipping my photos under the door from the world of the blind to be viewed in the world of the sighted. My intention is not to portray the world of the sighted, but to show how I interpret the world in my mind's eye. ”
After leaving there, I then find myself at the Hurdy Gurdy Man Antiques and read about Dean (owner) and his caption title, "Who thought they would be an organ grinder when they grew up?"
(Dean did, and he has lived with that idea since seeing an organ grinder perform with his monkey in Bombay, India back in 1968 when he was 12 years old. The experience was such a joy, he never forgot it. Around that time, Donovon, along with the Beatles, had been in India and Donovan wrote the song "Hurdy Gurdy Man." Dean loved the song but it wasn't until years later that he really paid attention to the words, only to discover that they perfectly described his experience of hearing the organ grinder while peering out over the ocean.)
"Thrown like a star in my vast sleep
I opened up my eyes to take a peek
To find that I was by the sea
Gazing with tranquility;
It was there when the hurdy gurdy man
Came singing songs of love."
I sat looking at the picture of Dean with his organ grinder and monkey all the while captivated by Donovon's song, when suddenly there he was standing in Dean's photo next to him, the man of my dreams, the man that shows up during my sessions and I always refer to as the Peanut Man or the M&M guy! Guess this character has been with me for a long time helping with my act and organ grinding music making. This monacle man who sees with his Single Eye, being connected to all that is.........I KNOW....it's in his TOP HAT!
Thank you Z, energy known by many names, (Zoraster - Z - return to Zero Point - when matter and antimatter merge and the cycles of time cease to exist, when all return to balance and consciousness spirals back), I might have known you were playing with me! Now, when does my cup runneth over? :-) (He pays me with manna from heaven.........how do you like that for currency exchange? Not even listed on the NYSE! Oh.........it's on the Sidewalks of New York......I get it!)
"Thus Spoke Zarathrusta" and with the flip of the baton, the "Maestro" starts the music! Let the show begin.
And so another mystery is solved and now Sherlock is a little brain tired. This organ grinder is going to bed!
P.S. Ol Top Hat just winked he wanted to be on "Dancing with the Stars." :-) Ahhh, this mornings shower jive was just to warm me up........!
Link for "Gig Is a Real Grind"
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