God morning to everyone. The sunrise is up and the light reflects the truth of what is in our heart and mind. Today is December 13th, and also the birthday of a very dear friend (Laura Young), whom I have become acquainted with through "E-mail" or Energy Mass through communication of her written material and exceptional blog abilities. I feel like I've known this woman for eons, as our spirits play together on many days over the communication highway or inner net. It is not a surprise that she would be born on a 12 month and a 13th day - this is how we remember the "ONE," by taking our journey through the 12 dimensions of self or 12 houses of the Zodiac that integrates the body, mind and spirit or the Trinity as known by some, on our way back to the ONE -our true home. Our birthdays often give us clues as to our souls purpose. She sure is a smart lady for choosing that month and day!
Yesterday I was wondering what my blog would be about today, yet I knew I wanted to start out with a great big "Birthday Wish" for this ONE "Courageous" woman, who inspires many to take up their "C" and empower their own lives. Happy Birthday Laura, and may those lights on your wish never go out and burn brightly for all eternity.
I also wondered yesterday what material would come before me to inspire the words to be set forth for today, and yet this place within me knew all would arrive in Divine Timing.
This morning I awoke from my slumber when the power went off (metaphor - power goes out - people usually awake)! :-) The Northwest is again experiencing wind, rain and Mother Nature's Cleansing ritual. Luckily the power outage lasted only minutes, so today's routine or show could go on as usual. I normally at this time turn on the computer to warm it up, grab a warm drink and sit down to check my messages. Still thinking of Laura and wondering what I would write about, it took only seconds before an "IM" appeared from a Master Lion, with me to look at a web site with the headlines, "The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman." Laughing like a Monkey, with the thought it would come from a Lion (Courage) - I new it's back to a trip to OZ for me today. (Please take a look at Joseph's site, the information is fascinating and we ask for his protection, as history has shown what happens to those who come forth with new information that will herald in a new way of thinking for the uplifting of mankind.)
The picture of the CD taken from Joseph Newman's site with the words, "God, Mind, Truth" with the beautiful sun shining brightly, totally captivated me and I knew the blog would begin. As I quickly scanned the site, words started jumping out all over and my mind could hardly take it all in.
Quote: A classic '71 (year I graduated) MG is now running at high speed on low voltage using a Newman Energy Machine, and it demonstrates that a production model can retail for $10K or less. (Whenever a "K" (sharing, exploring, pioneering) shows up, I pay attention and especially with a number - 10, (Hierarchy energies, Saturn, new beginnings) is along side it.
Quote: START UP with Newman Motor Generator has 12 Ft. Lbs torque straight off of shaft using no mechanical advantage. This is done with only one-one (1+1 or 11 physical mastery through PHI) and a half volt C-cell flashlight battery! Try it with a conventional DC Motor - YOU CANNOT DO IT!
Lordy, Lordy, here is the 12, the word one, C-Cell, flashlight battery - how many more clues do we need here? :-) Looks like this Newman Motor Generator or "God, Mind, Truth" when spoken honestly, will help us become a new man (physical mastery) through the Courage (Lion) when we FREE our energies (cells) with a Light Flash - could this be in the "Blink of an EYE"? I once heard Gregg Braden, author of the book entitled, "The God Code," say that our outer technology is a reflection of our inner technology. With Joseph's new invention now available for humanity, it leaves me with hope that humanities future has the possibility to experience the PEACE ON EARTH that so many long and pray for. With FREE energy techniques now available to us, we can let go of the oil resource that has sustained us, yet has caused more human suffering through the oil controlled wars, than this planet has ever known before. With the outer technology on line, it means the inner technology is also on it's way to collectively humming in the monkey-gods, and our hearts are beginning to beat as one, perhaps just not on a conscious level for most yet.
Commercial Break.......
Roman Bath House Tip, from this morning's cleansing ritual found on my counter and brought to us by,"The Natural Dentist." (Teeth - how we speak our Truth or healing of emotions through spoken Truth) Interesting, I just noticed the bottle of Natural Dentist contains the same colors as found on the Noxzema tube (earlier post), those beautiful blues and greens surrounded by all WHITE.
Healthy Gums - the foundation that holds our emotions in place
Daily Oral Rinse - swish and let go of
Peppermint Twist - Pepper (stimulant, hot ideas; heated emotions), Mint - (soothing and refreshing to digestion), Dance the TWIST (a little Chubby Checkers thrown in)
Clinically Proven: Protects and Soothes Gums and Mouth (Spirit Approved)
NO Alcohol, artificial sweeteners, dyes or preservatives (cookies and wine? - guess we will have to redefine how we celebrate the holidays)
8 Fl. OZ - Infinity remembered through being fluid while in the hourglass figure of OZ (TIME) (here we go again)!
My love to you Laura, Joseph and all you Monkey-gods, (Curious George's), for your Courage to embrace and remember the truth of the ONE LIGHT.
The song from yesterday that came through after a session, that still plays round and round in this Monkey Mind or M&M of mine, I leave with you NOW. May your day be filled with great Joy!
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Prospero Ano y Felicidad.
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Prospero Ano y Felicidad.
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
From the bottom- of my heart.
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Prospero Ano y Felicidad.
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Prospero Ano y Felicidad.
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
From the bottom- of my heart.
1 comment:
Hey! I just realized I was so high on birthday vibes that I never actually came over here and posted my thank you!! Did I tell you I was born at 10:10? More clues for you. : )
You always put a smile on my face.
May the alchemists continue their most interesting journey into the New Year!
Love and light,
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