Tuesday, December 19, 2006
"A Silent Night' Movie
Monday, December 18, 2006
8 Points to Remember (Keys for the Masters)

As consciousness shifts, there are certain requirements for those who choose to shift as well. Those requirements are of Universal Law, and cannot be denied. These necessities can be done only from the heart, for if from a mental nature will fail as untruth combative with perceived truth. As considered, these are also keys to the ascension process. They are not that which is new, but that which has always been. Only the perceptions of lack, of less than are new.
These keys are based upon the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron, each key being a point of the star. Eight truths which are eternal. Each without the other is only part of the whole, just as you are part of all that is and has ever been.
The Keys are as follows:
Acknowledgement of self perfection – You are and always have been of the One both in Source and within your Journeys.
Acceptance of the journey for which you have come – why fight the very things which you have come to learn?
Personal integrity – That truth which is yours amongst all other things, that opportunity which you give yourselves to find the truth within you, not that which you have been conditioned by others to perceive.
Be that which you are, not that which you perceive others would see you – You are created of light, of Grace, and of that there cannot be imperfection, only that which is of Spirit. You do not need to improve yourselves, only to acknowledge that which is your God self, your perfect being.
Acknowledge your value – This is different than accepting perfection. Your value is how you fit within the world within and the world within which you exist. To perceive that your value is greater than another’s, or less than someone else’s brings you to lack of everything else.
Accept Your Power – You are great and mighty. True Power comes not of ego, but the collective One of your Spirit. True Power is Gentle Power. You are of the light and in its seemingly nebulous construct is the essence from which all things are made. To fear inner power is to suggest that you are less than all other things. In Truth, power is of Grace, not of abusiveness or negative use. True Power is that which is Love, the intentional living as co-creator from within all opportunities that are offered you.
Take your value, your perfection, your power, your Grace into your world – In the Now that always is, change only comes from practice of change. What this means is that to effect change you must embody it. Walk your talk, do not hide that which you know. Historically, that which is hidden is viewed as heresy in relation to the accepted norm. To change this, it is to create a new accepted norm with ease and Grace by virtue of walking within the very light from which you are created.
Love yourself and touch everyone you encounter with love – As all energy exchanges, what will you accept from others and what will you leave behind? See all others as mirrors of yourselves, that their pain resides somewhere within you, that their joy is your heart as well. This is why random acts of kindness make such a difference. Remember that you often say “There by the Grace of God go I”? It is so. It has always been so.
And of course, remember to breathe. Your breath serves more than the purpose of oxygenating your body. Your breath clears and nurtures you energetically. Each breath is a cleansing and as you are cleansed, your energy system moves more easily and with greater clarity of communication within the universal consciousness, communication what is your experience as well as what your experience may be. When you do not breathe because you are tense, your energies compact, becoming more and more sluggish. As a result, your manifestation becomes sluggish or even stalled.
Thanks to Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey for her 8 points to remember!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Power Back On
For a couple years now, many newsletters have advised on having our home prepared with survival goods. This was an excellent mini run that just showed how many are unprepared when Mother Earth has a major cleansing taking place. Around us, there were no markets open or gas to be found. Trees were down everywhere and hanging on power lines. We invested in a generator a couple of years ago, and I have to say, it was well worth it. The house was able to stay warm, a couple of lights were hooked up, and between the furnace on and off, we were able to keep the refrigerator cool. Tonight we have house guests who are still without power.
While listening to the radio the other night, it warmed my heart to hear people call in and offer their homes, firewood, and transportation to those in need. We have been slammed out here in the West the past few months. November brought record rainfall and severe flooding. We had barely recovered from that storm, when the Artic Freeze came in and we just thawed out from that storm, when this last one hit.
The most amazing thing to me is that I slept through this last storm. I can usually hear a pin drop at night and spend many nights awake - how I slept through this is a miracle in and of itself.
Santa really gave me a break. I think my consciousness left for the Milky Way that night and stayed in that galaxy while all the commotion was going on back here.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Cycles Gladiator

I never know who is going to deliver the next clue, yet last night a bottle of Pinot Noir wine with this label arrived in my kitchen; another family member decided to buy it at the last minute. I didn't really look at it until much later, and smiled as this most certainly resonated so much with my soul. Perhaps this is what baring it all or stripping down, leaving baggage behind means. Yesterday was quite a day........!
This seems to be where we are all at presently, trying to hang on to the wheels of balance, yet all the while flying like hell. This is the theme - Balance through Cycling! Nice to see wings even on the pedals.....makes our path a little more tolerable to know we often are getting pushed, or have help peddling when we get tired.
Remember the angelic self; the true self or core is gentle, kind and compassionate. At this time of year, we may tend to forget our core truth of being as chaos abounds. Words to the wise.......Simplify, simplify, simplify. Let go of the old patterns that no longer resonate and keep you in disharmony. Develop new traditions or ways of doing and moving,that will bring less stress into your life, and allow for more time to enjoy or be IN JOY. Don't be afraid to say NO when asked to do things that in your heart you do not feel called to. Being kind can also include the word NO, when honestly stated. Be true to yourself always. This is your journey - no one can do it for you.
Life is about cycles,birth, death, rebirth,and a new cycle for many seems to be coming in. I did take a sip of this wine just to see what I thought of it. Not bad, a little of a bite, but overall pleasant. This new cycle with the help from the vine (grapes -symbol of the harvest; of a redeeming sacrament) makes the bicycle balancing all the worthwhile.
Label information (I always look for clues)
The invention of the bicycle ushered in a new spirit of freedom during the late 19th century. The Golden Age of Cycling reached its pinnacle in 1895 - that same year French painter G. Massias created one of the great Parisian art posters advertising a fashionable new bicycle: 'Cycles Gladiator'. His famed artwork now graces the bottles of our classic wines from California's Central Coast. His mythological image of the 'winged bicycle' captures the stylish grace, beauty, and unfettered freedom of our hillside vineyards. Let Cycles Gladiator whisk you away for the ride of your life.
The wine bottle now is adorned with a crystal wine bottle stopper - with a little of that crystal action - we can also improve with age.
With that.....for all you Curious George's -- enjoy the clues and look to life for your own.......they are all around you! As the words come through now, "Hang on to your Halo." Watch for the tricycle - it's just around the corner.
Who Didn't Remember Their Phi
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Santa Baby give me a break! :-)

Cosmos Reindeer
Too Much "X"mas! :-)
I have been in a writing frenzy for a few days as these solar flares keep beaming down. I'm going to do my last post tonight and this may be my last one for at least the next 12 hours, unless I'm called back to the hot seat for more keyboard clues to decipher. That fat man in the red suit is a task Master! Here's a a few tid bits and places to venture into, in case you have a serious "Curious George" moment.
It's going to be another windy day tomorrow in the Pacific Northwest - lots of cleansing for everyone.
Quote from Urban Survival today and also can be viewed on Earth Changes TV (site below):
"The sun meantime has been acting a little strangely, compared to what it should be doing at this point in the (formerly?) 11-year solar sunspot cycle. We're at about solar minima and still popping off with X-class solar flares (that's big) including an X-3 flare overnight. And it was just last week that an X-9 flare occurred.
(Gosh - look at all those clues - numbers 11. X, 3, 9, it's no wonder)!!!!
"We're sort of waiting to see if the arrival of the latest energy blast from this most recent X-class flare to arrive tomorrow and Friday. If our intuition is correct, we might see some extreme weather over the weekend, or perhaps a large earthquake, as the energetic particles bump into earth's magnetosphere."
Even our astronauts have been ordered into a safe room in Space Station from the Solar Storm. Earth Changes TV
Then there is some interesting information reported in New Scientist with the headline, "The 13 Mysteries of Science That Make No Sense to Conventional Thinkers," that may peak your curiosity. Even I may not look so weird now! (Twelve around the One - 13 here we go - look to the Zodiac for your answers)! :-)
Now for some healthy tips I'm taking you over to Dr. Joseph Mercola's site and his free video update today is entitled, "Essential Step that Nearly Everyone Misses in Treating and Preventing Cancer" (clue- look to the SUN (Vitamin D) for your nourishment). His video update and information might come in handy for you. His newsletters are free and you can sign up on his site.
This Cosmos Reindeer is signing over and out.......the song for tonight was a toss up between "Santa Baby" and "Let the Sunshine In" - Santa Baby came in first - don't know the lyrics, but will have to look them up - probably a few little clues in it.
(After reviewing the lines, looks like this one may benefit from letting the sunshine in a little more.) Still more work to do! :-) Tis the season for more folly? I predict that with more of those X flares coming in over the next few years, the return to the TRUE meaning of Christmas is not far behind!
Santa Baby,
Just slip a sable under the tree
For me
Been an awful good girl
Santa Baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa baby, a '54 convertible too
Light blue
I'll wait up for you, dear
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
Think of all the fun I've missed
Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed
Next year I could be just as good
If you'll check off my Christmas list
Santa Baby, I want a yacht and really thats not
Been an angel all year Santa Baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa honey, one little thing I really need
The deed
To a platinum mine
Santa Baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with a duplex
And cheques
Sign your 'x' on the line
Santa cutie, and hurry down the chimney tonight
Come and trim my Christmas tree
With some decorations bought at Tif-fa-ny
I really do believe in you
Lets see if you believe in me
Santa Baby, forgot to mention one little thing
A ring
I don't mean on the phone
Santa Baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
Hurry down the chimney tonight
"Twelve Around the One" - POWER TO THE PEOPLE

God morning to everyone. The sunrise is up and the light reflects the truth of what is in our heart and mind. Today is December 13th, and also the birthday of a very dear friend (Laura Young), whom I have become acquainted with through "E-mail" or Energy Mass through communication of her written material and exceptional blog abilities. I feel like I've known this woman for eons, as our spirits play together on many days over the communication highway or inner net. It is not a surprise that she would be born on a 12 month and a 13th day - this is how we remember the "ONE," by taking our journey through the 12 dimensions of self or 12 houses of the Zodiac that integrates the body, mind and spirit or the Trinity as known by some, on our way back to the ONE -our true home. Our birthdays often give us clues as to our souls purpose. She sure is a smart lady for choosing that month and day!
Yesterday I was wondering what my blog would be about today, yet I knew I wanted to start out with a great big "Birthday Wish" for this ONE "Courageous" woman, who inspires many to take up their "C" and empower their own lives. Happy Birthday Laura, and may those lights on your wish never go out and burn brightly for all eternity.
I also wondered yesterday what material would come before me to inspire the words to be set forth for today, and yet this place within me knew all would arrive in Divine Timing.
This morning I awoke from my slumber when the power went off (metaphor - power goes out - people usually awake)! :-) The Northwest is again experiencing wind, rain and Mother Nature's Cleansing ritual. Luckily the power outage lasted only minutes, so today's routine or show could go on as usual. I normally at this time turn on the computer to warm it up, grab a warm drink and sit down to check my messages. Still thinking of Laura and wondering what I would write about, it took only seconds before an "IM" appeared from a Master Lion, with me to look at a web site with the headlines, "The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman." Laughing like a Monkey, with the thought it would come from a Lion (Courage) - I new it's back to a trip to OZ for me today. (Please take a look at Joseph's site, the information is fascinating and we ask for his protection, as history has shown what happens to those who come forth with new information that will herald in a new way of thinking for the uplifting of mankind.)
The picture of the CD taken from Joseph Newman's site with the words, "God, Mind, Truth" with the beautiful sun shining brightly, totally captivated me and I knew the blog would begin. As I quickly scanned the site, words started jumping out all over and my mind could hardly take it all in.
Quote: A classic '71 (year I graduated) MG is now running at high speed on low voltage using a Newman Energy Machine, and it demonstrates that a production model can retail for $10K or less. (Whenever a "K" (sharing, exploring, pioneering) shows up, I pay attention and especially with a number - 10, (Hierarchy energies, Saturn, new beginnings) is along side it.
Quote: START UP with Newman Motor Generator has 12 Ft. Lbs torque straight off of shaft using no mechanical advantage. This is done with only one-one (1+1 or 11 physical mastery through PHI) and a half volt C-cell flashlight battery! Try it with a conventional DC Motor - YOU CANNOT DO IT!
Lordy, Lordy, here is the 12, the word one, C-Cell, flashlight battery - how many more clues do we need here? :-) Looks like this Newman Motor Generator or "God, Mind, Truth" when spoken honestly, will help us become a new man (physical mastery) through the Courage (Lion) when we FREE our energies (cells) with a Light Flash - could this be in the "Blink of an EYE"? I once heard Gregg Braden, author of the book entitled, "The God Code," say that our outer technology is a reflection of our inner technology. With Joseph's new invention now available for humanity, it leaves me with hope that humanities future has the possibility to experience the PEACE ON EARTH that so many long and pray for. With FREE energy techniques now available to us, we can let go of the oil resource that has sustained us, yet has caused more human suffering through the oil controlled wars, than this planet has ever known before. With the outer technology on line, it means the inner technology is also on it's way to collectively humming in the monkey-gods, and our hearts are beginning to beat as one, perhaps just not on a conscious level for most yet.
Commercial Break.......
Roman Bath House Tip, from this morning's cleansing ritual found on my counter and brought to us by,"The Natural Dentist." (Teeth - how we speak our Truth or healing of emotions through spoken Truth) Interesting, I just noticed the bottle of Natural Dentist contains the same colors as found on the Noxzema tube (earlier post), those beautiful blues and greens surrounded by all WHITE.
Healthy Gums - the foundation that holds our emotions in place
Daily Oral Rinse - swish and let go of
Peppermint Twist - Pepper (stimulant, hot ideas; heated emotions), Mint - (soothing and refreshing to digestion), Dance the TWIST (a little Chubby Checkers thrown in)
Clinically Proven: Protects and Soothes Gums and Mouth (Spirit Approved)
NO Alcohol, artificial sweeteners, dyes or preservatives (cookies and wine? - guess we will have to redefine how we celebrate the holidays)
8 Fl. OZ - Infinity remembered through being fluid while in the hourglass figure of OZ (TIME) (here we go again)!
My love to you Laura, Joseph and all you Monkey-gods, (Curious George's), for your Courage to embrace and remember the truth of the ONE LIGHT.
The song from yesterday that came through after a session, that still plays round and round in this Monkey Mind or M&M of mine, I leave with you NOW. May your day be filled with great Joy!
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Prospero Ano y Felicidad.
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Prospero Ano y Felicidad.
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
From the bottom- of my heart.
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Prospero Ano y Felicidad.
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad
Prospero Ano y Felicidad.
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
From the bottom- of my heart.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
The Cosmic Force of 12 - a 12-12 Day!

The Cosmic Force of 12 - it's a 12-12 day! "When man understands the cosmic force of 12, graduation will be upon us again!"
This morning, even before I entered into the Roman Bath House (my bathroom), had not even left my bed and with eyes still closed, I was reminded that it is a 12-12 day, also a celebration day of "Our Lady of Guadelupe," and with that the "SONG" came into my mind for the clue of the day...............
Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game
It's easy.
There's nothing you can make that can't be made.
No one you can save that can't be saved.
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be in time
It's easy.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
There's nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
It's easy.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
All you need is love (all together now)
All you need is love (everybody)
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
The line, "Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be in time," stood out as we have come to "Experience" 3rd Dimension or TIME, and it's all about learning how to play in the game. I recently read a wonderful, inspiring book entitled, "Don't Blame the Game," by Michael Schwass who has spent 31 years as a quadrilplegic, one who has demonstrated great "COURAGE" through years of his recovery, and has moved to a place in his beingness of body, mind & spirit that has shown mastery over time (illusion), while still encased in human form; perhaps this what, "I AM IN THIS WORLD, BUT NOT OF IT," represents.
Learning how to walk with or without the use of our legs between two worlds, being fully present in all our multi-dimensional bodies of self takes quite a bit of practice, but can be done. As the picture above of the Angel napping reminds me, that it is okay to catch those inbreath moments and allow our bodies to have rest periods during what may seem as very intense and chaotic days that we find ourselves living in. Remembering to love self and to be gentle with oneself, makes it all the easier to love your neighbors.
Enjoy your 12/12 day, take a spin through the 12 houses of the "Z"odiac, feel the vibration of "LOVE" all around you, and if you need to buy that something special for someone on your list this holiday season, that beautiful napping angel can be found at Design Toscano.
May your wings be cradled in the "Love of the One."
Monday, December 11, 2006
What Now George - What Now My Love?

What Now My Love (song)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"What Now My Love" is a popular song. It started out as a French language song, "Et maintenance" ("And Now") written by composer Gilbert Bécaud and lyricist Pierre Delanoë. English language lyrics and the title were written by Carl Sigman.
(Clues......for the ET to maintain, Free the Ki NOW, and keep your EYE on the EARTH for the Healing of the HEART)
(And NOW for the rest of the story......move over Paul Harvey)
It happened again. I had barely stepped into the tub this morning, turned the water nozzle on for the shower spray, lathered up when the tune started to play in my head, and once again I find myself deep in song singing, "What Now My Love," leaving me with the feeling of an intense urge to inspire during these peak holiday periods where sometimes hope gets lost. I had sent a picture to a friend last night, after she mentioned her two kitties reminded her of yin/yang. I then thought of "George" again, and the picture I had seen the night before. She wrote back and said this morning that, "YIN/YANG George," was surely a piece of the puzzle and part of the blog.
After reading her note, I reflected on this monkey with the yin/yang symbol, and the article, "The Gig Is a Real Grind," about Bush the Organ Grinder with George as his monkey from a previous post,"The Man of My Dreams," and that thought then led to the "White House." With a mischievous smile, I wondered if this was a picture for a Christmas White House Greeting Card. (Do I Dare?) :-)
With that last thought and another Mea Culpa heading in, I then wandered into my cleansing room or perhaps Roman Bath House, that lately is becoming a portal of sorts, and belted out what is to be considered a POPULAR song. (Got to POP that BUBBLE)!
Reflect on these words.........
What now my love?
Now that you left me
How can I live through another day?
Watching my dreams turning to ashes
And my hopes into bits of clay
Once I could see
Once I could feel
Now I am numb
I've become unreal
I walk the night
Without a goal
Stripped of my heart
My soul
What now my love?
Now that it's over
I feel the world closing in on me
Here come the stars
Tumbling around me
There's the sky
Where the sea should be
What now my love?
Now that you're gone
I'd be a fool
To go on and on
No one would care
No one would cry
If I should live or die
What now my love?
Now there is nothing
Only my last goodbye
My love
Whew..........looks like we better get down to some serious Monkey Business here and do some damage control. After stepping out of the shower, and gazing into the mirror, I'm thinking to myself, what's next?
"And then to my wandering eyes should appear, but a Blue and Green tube of NOXZEMA, and a smile of Z cheer ."
With a quick Sherlock move, I beam in on to the colors. The blue and the green represent the throat, third eye and heart chakra rays. There are circles all over the tube and inside one of them in WHITE letters are the words NOXZEMA. Ahhhh to move back into the WHITE of truth and purity and remembrance of the circle of life, one needs to incorporate, balance and open the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions of self with integration into the physical to become the "WHITE HOUSE LIGHT." Next we look to the word and take apart the letters, "NO X Z E M A" and we see, "NO X(box-duality thinking) Z (zero point) E(energy) M(Master) A(Angel).
So this tells me that to live in our own White House, we need to leave the box behind or move out of time (there goes the hour glass figure), and balance to the point of Zero Energy for full remembrance for all of us Master Angels.
"As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man, and when LOVE ECHOes back to you, we will meet FACE TO FACE."
I smile as I look at this tube of Noxzema for it also has words written on it saying, "Long Last Deep Clean," "Continuous Clean," "With Vitamin C," "6 Fl. OZ". I'm beginning to sound like a Noxzema commercial here, but I would enCOURAGE all of you to look to this FACE CLEANSER for a number 6 (guidance, six pointed star symbolizing perfect balance of man, three chakras above and three below heart center) that contains a vitamin "C" (Courage) for your "FACE TO FACE" meeting and return to OZ or Circle of Wholeness at Zero!
After my quick wash I went to put on some moisturizer. I then took a bottle out of the cabinet and remembered that this was empty, but for some reason when I pushed the top down, some white liquid came out for me to use. I thought that was funny, since it had been empty. I remembered keeping the bottle because I liked the design and it felt so good. Then I looked at the bottle and the name on it was, "SEACRET" from the Dead Sea. It contained 1 (ONE) OZ. and is a FACE SERUM. I guess the key or secret back to ONENESS, and finding some of our answers to history's long debated questions, may be contained in the healing properties of the Water from the DEAD SEA located in Israel - or finding the IS through the RA(EYE) of EL(GOD) reflection in the mirror - and what to my wandering EYE should appear, but a picture of SELF as a Cosmos reindeer. Hopefully we can all be a friend to those in need. Remember the 100th Monkey Effect - and we'll all be in the White House!
(Reindeer - To see a reindeer in your dream, signifies your loyalty toward your friends who may be going through a tough time.)
Have a great MONKEYDAY, and it's ok to let the SEACRET out through the waters of creation!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Chuckles - Good Night Z
Still laughing, I then thought of Kate and went to take a peek at her site. On her recent post, Perspective, halfway through it I watched, "Dancing with the Stars."
Good Night Z.........you did it again!
Earthcode - The Clue to our Survival

Today's investigator has been given a reprieve and the clue to the next CODE was waiting for me to read. I saw this morning a report written by Reuters that stated that 5,000 Gorilla's have died from the Ebola virus in Africa. They may even become extinct due to this virus plus man's hunting of them. Africa is where humanities roots lay. The clue today for us is to pay attention to and reflect on whether our own virus', plus hunting of each other through many acts of violence and abuse, may eventually lead to our own extinction.
The earthcode is telling us that if we wish for our species to continue, we MUST use some HEARTMATH here.
The code? Re-arrange the letters of Earth - it spells Heart. Earth is the physical dimension where we learn to master the art of heart-centeredness - HeartMind - through kindness, compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, courage, peacefulness, and global unity . . . in spite of the difficulties and challenges of living here.
Indeed, each of us have had our share of struggles in various forms and situations throughout our lives.
The good news is, life doesn't have to be so difficult! Life can and does become easier and far more enjoyable than any of us ever thought possible. But in order to achieve greater ease and grace with life challenges, we must bravely take those first steps toward changing our thinking, changing the focus of our attention, changing how we interpret our interactions with others, and choosing to respond differently to the events and situations of our lives. Becoming heart-centered helps us achieve these goals.
The following articles offer scientific evidence that explains why being heart-centered is so important to our health, happiness and peace of mind. From the Institute of Heart Math and the research web site of Dr. Glen Rein, we find scientific validation that may finally prove what the mystics have taught us all along - that love is the most powerful force of all and is key to creating lasting peace on earth.
Earthcode article
Saturday, December 09, 2006
The Man of My Dreams :-)

What a way to end the day than with this ONE EYE PEANUT. This morning started out fairly normal until I entered the shower again. They say water has consciousness,(The World of Water) and boy do I believe that! I had barely started scrubbing when suddenly I find myself doing the jive, hands and hips swinging and I'm belting out, "Oh When the Saints Go Marching In"... over and over and over. Oh know ...here we go again and I thought I was done with that one. It's like I was transported to Mars or something. I totally forgot where I was and what I was doing momentarily. It was like a one eye peanut energy totally confiscated my mind and body.
In my mind's eye, I saw myself as an organ grinder with a monkey on my shoulder. NOT AGAIN , another Monkey or M-on-key day. For my friends who really know me well, these lines wouldn't even phase them. It's the one's who don't, that may be raising their eyebrows a little and thinking perhaps I may need some serious help. I thought of yesterday's post and alluding to a connection between Mary the Feminine Icon and Curious George the Monkey. Yes, I admit there was a little hesitancy on my part to even put those two pictures together on the same page, let alone side by side. One part of me remembered the word, "Blasphemy," another part wanted to start the Mea Culpa mantra, and then there was plenty of arguing going on within both hemispheres, all the while I'm praying for the veil to be lifted so the show could go on. Yet deep inside me through it all, I KNEW there was a connection and had to trust the ending. Hey.....if Saint and Ant can go together, I figured a Divine Goddess wouldn't mind being linked to a Curious peanut eating Monkey.
I had lots of chores to do today and so couldn't sit and reflect much on this image of the organ grinder and monkey much, although the thought never seemed to really dissipate. The word "Organ" seemed important, and I flashed back to early teenage years when I had a gig playing the church organ on Sundays. I never took lessons, but that sure didn't stop me from playing. Once I turned that switch on and heard those pipe bellows go whoosh, I was hooked. I figured I could improvise a little, and since the congregation had no other volunteers for this job, had been without music for many months, and my services were free, that they might take it easy on me. As long as I didn't have to read music with left hand notes, I could get by. Thank goodness guitar music was in fashion at that time and newly introduced into the services. Using written left hand chord letters and right hand notes, anything is possible.
I was reminded today while driving and Barbara Streisand was singing to me from the car CD, of one of my very favorite songs. It was one that I would play nearly every Sunday and the congregation would sing to entitled, "ONE GOD." Well, I figured since it was in a guitar book, and the guitar book was in church, this song was safe. It always resonated with me even as a young child. There seems to be a wisdom in the saying that to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, one has to become child-like. It must be like cleaning up and deleting all the old programs on our computers that are filled with virus', totally wiping out all old software off the hard-drive, sometimes crashing intermittingly when the power fails from corruption to our systems, that are engaged in the myths that have been passed down over eons of time being caught in the web, and it requires of us a new downloading of heart software and return to the innocence and purity where we KNOW all is connected in the circle of LIFE.
Tonight as I sat here at the computer I wondered where the Organ Grinder was going to take me. I popped the words into google for a search and found some interesting tidbits. This site headlines, "The Gig Is a Real Grind" is about an Organ Grinder by the name of Bush and his Monkey called George. (I figured that might get your attention!) It is really a cute article, but it was the song that was mentioned in this article, "The Sidewalk of New York," that held meaning for me. It seems that when I see this image of a Peanut Man wearing a Top Hat, it usually has a connection with some people and one is from New York. I checked out the lyrics and laughed when I saw these words,
"East Side, West Side, all around the town
The kids sang "ring around rosie", "London Bridge is falling down"
Boys and girls together, me and Mamie O'Rourke
We tripped the light fantastic on the sidewalks of New York
The "ring around rosie" or love, beauty and innocence, and "trippin the light fantastic" reminded me that I used that same phrase last year for my nephew's report that I did on, "The Wizard of Oz." One may ask how to trip the light ....... by moving through the rainbow of light chakras and balancing oneself again. (Dr. Carolyn Myss has written extensively on this information.) When I see a top hat, it symbolizes for me that one has balanced these energy centers and dimensions of self, and is now consciously connected and working within these higher states of the wizard with the ability to tap his/her magic wand. Reminds me of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The stone can only be commanded when one is pure of heart. This is how miracles occur....but actually it is a natural state of being, only forgotten by the many.
The next site was from Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired with photographer Peter Eckert on his Monacle Man. His written words reflect the single eye vision as he writes, “Losing my eyesight has not diminished how I ‘see’ in my mind's eye. I have worked hard to sharpen my other senses to learn what objects sound like. The sound/object relationship has enabled me to take pictures. Metaphorically, I am slipping my photos under the door from the world of the blind to be viewed in the world of the sighted. My intention is not to portray the world of the sighted, but to show how I interpret the world in my mind's eye. ”
After leaving there, I then find myself at the Hurdy Gurdy Man Antiques and read about Dean (owner) and his caption title, "Who thought they would be an organ grinder when they grew up?"
(Dean did, and he has lived with that idea since seeing an organ grinder perform with his monkey in Bombay, India back in 1968 when he was 12 years old. The experience was such a joy, he never forgot it. Around that time, Donovon, along with the Beatles, had been in India and Donovan wrote the song "Hurdy Gurdy Man." Dean loved the song but it wasn't until years later that he really paid attention to the words, only to discover that they perfectly described his experience of hearing the organ grinder while peering out over the ocean.)
"Thrown like a star in my vast sleep
I opened up my eyes to take a peek
To find that I was by the sea
Gazing with tranquility;
It was there when the hurdy gurdy man
Came singing songs of love."
I sat looking at the picture of Dean with his organ grinder and monkey all the while captivated by Donovon's song, when suddenly there he was standing in Dean's photo next to him, the man of my dreams, the man that shows up during my sessions and I always refer to as the Peanut Man or the M&M guy! Guess this character has been with me for a long time helping with my act and organ grinding music making. This monacle man who sees with his Single Eye, being connected to all that is.........I KNOW....it's in his TOP HAT!
Thank you Z, energy known by many names, (Zoraster - Z - return to Zero Point - when matter and antimatter merge and the cycles of time cease to exist, when all return to balance and consciousness spirals back), I might have known you were playing with me! Now, when does my cup runneth over? :-) (He pays me with manna from heaven.........how do you like that for currency exchange? Not even listed on the NYSE! Oh.........it's on the Sidewalks of New York......I get it!)
"Thus Spoke Zarathrusta" and with the flip of the baton, the "Maestro" starts the music! Let the show begin.
And so another mystery is solved and now Sherlock is a little brain tired. This organ grinder is going to bed!
P.S. Ol Top Hat just winked he wanted to be on "Dancing with the Stars." :-) Ahhh, this mornings shower jive was just to warm me up........!
Link for "Gig Is a Real Grind"
Friday, December 08, 2006
Monkey Business or M on key

Chaos Theory
(my version)
The other day my daughter sent me this site, with the heading: Subject: your driver's license on the internet. Taking the bait, I popped into it just to see what she was playing with. Lo and behold, what showed up was definitely another clue to this monkey puzzle. (You will have to try it for yourself) :-)
Definitely, the picture clearly stated what path we are on, and yet I felt it was scripted this way and all in Divine Timing. One often hears that "Chaos" leads to change, and LIFE IS CHANGE. Often the molecules of the atoms have to be rearranged for a new design to be created so a better foundation can be implemented. So, after witnessing the Monkey Drivers License on the internet site, it seems this is how we are to motor through life. I did happen to notice the expiration date on it, and perhaps that was another message when the chaos will begin to wane, before I renew it. I consider chaos theory to be the expansion mode or out breath, and then we must contract, integrate and solidify all the rearranged molecules into a new pattern. This IS Creation........expansion......contraction..... or out breath....in breath and perhaps even, "The Word of God."
Then this morning I stumbled onto another article while surfing the Drudge Report and read this article title, "Court Reprimands New Delhi Over Growing Monkey Menace."
(Excerpt - Earlier this year the country's Supreme Court ordered wildlife authorities to transport some 300 macaques from New Delhi to the dense jungles of Madhya Pradesh state. The government of that state was to receive $54,000 from the federal government to cover the cost of reintroducing the monkeys to the wild. Other efforts by animal welfare agencies have been defeated, in part, by Hindus who believe that monkeys are manifestations of the monkey god Hanuman. The animals are often fed bananas and peanuts, which encourages them to frequent public places.)
(Clue - Hanuman - remove "an" - it now becomes the word Human. I just looked up the word Hanuman and it said, "This deity is a provider of courage, hope, knowledge, intellect and devotion.)
From this site, my fingers plucked another few keys and I next ventured into another site by Ellie Crystal, and checked out Ellie's World, "Our Lady of Guadelupe Day." I remembered today the Catholic tradition celebrates December 8th as the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. (It seems to me that this Feminine Icon is now linked with Monkey business.)
A few interesting points were in the article published at Crystalinks on our Lady of Guadalupe and the December 12 connection or 12/12.
What caught my attention was the caption above one of her pictures:
Mother Mary as Our Lady of Gaudalupe
Quatlasupe is the feminine balance for QuetZalcoatl
Serpent symbolizes spiraling=DNA.
'Crushing the serpent' is not unlike 'bursting the bubble' to fly free
After seeing the "bursting the bubble" to fly free, it took me back to an earlier post I had written containing the bubble burst affect.
Shortly after all these morning clues, I was busy doing some 3D chores when suddenly I saw the word, "Monkey Business" again in my mind, yet this is what came in....M on key Business. So, this tells me that we are on key or as it should be, yet I was trying to figure out the "M". Oh dah silly, but of course, it is the Feminine Icon "Mary" who is making her essence known (return of the feminine energy) and reminds us to look at the underside of our palms (turn over your hand) you may just see a big "M" in the middle of your palm for you are all Masters with a great big M!
Have a wonderful "M..on..key Day," and may you all conceive your information in a most Immaculate way. For as part of "The Secret" states, "YOU BECOME AND ATTRACT WHAT YOU THINK." As we head to 12/12/2012.........chaos will abound, but it does not have to put you into fear. Choose to think of love, peace, prosperity, excellent health, balance, and the words that contain a higher vibration, for then you will attract to you the same.
While I'm thinking of it, (this thought is very loud :-)) I'm encouraged to share with you this beautiful song by Carrie Hart. You can download it for free if you wish, for it clearly is another clue for us in our Remembering.
Here I Am (Ave Maria)
Carrie states: I asked that I might create a tool for you, so that you would be filled with spirit quickly and easily, simply by listening. What came to me was an invocation to spirit, set it to Schubert's transcendent Ave Maria melody.
The word "Courage" has come through several times in this article, once refering to the word Hanuman, and then again in the song, "Here I AM," by Carrie Hart, and that reminds me of my previous post, "Brave....Who Me?" The courage theme continues on for all of us. We all have different venues that we may play with, many beliefs set in place, yet ultimately it will require our own "Inner Balance" or yin/yang to become friends within, for the ideal conditions to take hold for us to SEE with new eyes, and HEAR with new ears.
May 2007 enCOURAGE us to really look at our beliefs and whether they keep us moving forward, or whether they make us feel stuck inside the box or remain in the bubble.
Courage - C our age or SEE OUR NEW AGE!
Remembering another "C" related post just now, it looks like a similar theme in these messages keeps on saying, "Sing in the KEY or Ki of "C"." Now I wonder if the "Birthing of the Godiski" and the "Immaculate Conception" concept are related. That clue is for another time...to be continued, as this Curious George has some monkeying around to do.
(P.S. I just finished posting this when a cell call came in from a friend telling me he was down at the Spunky Monkey having lunch. Life is great! Come to think of it, he is a little spunky!)
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Brave..... Who Me?

Oh, when the ants go marching in
Oh, when the ants go marching in
Oh, how I want to be in that number
When the ants go marching in
Oh, when the ants come marching in
Oh, when the ants come marching in
Oh yes, I want to be in that number
When the ants go marching in
Mmmmmmm, I’m thinking of Laura Young (pictured) and her "Musings of an Ant Watcher" blog at this moment and her upcoming birthday on December 13th, when that song above started playing in my head. I suspect there is a message in the tune and the FBI of Spirit will need to investigate a little more. I can only wonder where the Saint/Ant similarity is leading to. At this point in my blogging, it's like opening a new book for me and reading it. I never know where the story line is going to go and always look forward to the end to see just where my consciousness has traveled. Today I'm hoping the Higher,Middle and Lower Self will be in good form and able to get along, it makes writing a little easier.
I often refer to my dream books for clues to some of the words that seem to stand out when tunes start playing in my mind or loud thoughts are trying to get my attention. This song stirred a very positive feeling, and so I look to that aspect of the word for the interpretation.
Ants - symbolize hard work, diligence and industry. Increase business activities are expected. According to the biblical interpretations, ants symbolize diligence concerning the things of God. Despite its small size, the ant lays up substance during times of plenty. (Prov 30:25)
Marching - To dream that you are marching to the beat of music, signifies teamwork.
I can’t remember exactly when I first heard of Laura, it seems it must have been about two years ago. It was a client of mine who had first mentioned her name to me. My client had been diagnosed earlier with cancer and Laura’s written words that she had read, inspired her to start writing. I was so touched when she told me that Laura had donated funds to help her take a bike trip on her Harley that summer. I knew this was one woman then that I wanted to check out! I’ve been following Laura’s blogs ever since.
What I witnessed before me almost daily for a number of months as I opened to her site, was a woman who was transforming before my very eyes. I often get to see this in my office sessions, but I have never seen it done through the internet. Day after day I was in total amazement of Laura’s courage to show up and so openly share and allow all of us to witness sides to her being with her mental/emotional angst (normal process for spiritual awakening). There were times when I would think to myself, “I’m not sure that I could do that in such a public way and most certainly did not have the courage of the Lion that my Leo sign was suppose to express.” I was always amazed and bedazzled with her ability to communicate so freely her vast array of feelings, and knew she was a great inspiration to the many readers, let alone clients, to fully allow themselves also the opportunity to share and remember their own wholeness that their soul called forth for them to acknowledge.
As I sit here thinking of Laura’s Carnival of Courage submissions for her blog and suggested title, “What is the bravest thing you have ever done,” I wondered what event or events in my life would be considered acts of courage. I can't remember ever asking myself that question before, so after reading Laura’s suggestion, I sat with this for a few days. I laughed as I thought that it took a little of the “C” word - courage - to give birth to a 10 pound baby all natural and he was my second one I did that way without even a Tylenol, or when I helped a friend "OM" on a meditational spiritual CD he produced and presented it to some of my Catholic family members, yet there is one episode that does come to mind that I experienced a number of years ago during employment at an elementary school that stands out. Although it did not feel like courage at the time, perhaps it was the event that made it very clear to me that I was not to deny my souls purpose and to fully embrace and become myself completely, and most certainly this takes courage for all of us to do. (From the perception I now hold, that to simply show up on planet earth and put on these flesh colored body suits that never really fit well, all the while exhibiting total forgetfulness and dancing in duality with polarity as the main attraction to experience for LIFE, certainly makes all of humanity BRAVE.)
My duties at the school entailed that of a secretary, although I spent half of my time in the health room assisting the health clerk. It was a room that I always felt comfortable in and the motherly instincts were put to good use on a daily basis. I had previously taken classes in Reiki energy healing, and it seemed to come in handy when the children needed their nerves soothed. In fact, as a mother energy healing is common place and used daily, although it is generally not associated as in this venue or terminology.
One day one of our special education children had a seizure on the playground and was brought in. He had fallen and taken a blow to his head. Although he did have his helmet on, there was bleeding from where the helmet made contact with his head. While the health clerk was busy cleaning his wound, I sat on the bed next to him and held his hand and with the other one, laid it over his heart. His pulse was extremely fast, and so I just connected with his spirit and assured him all was fine and to relax. I often heard friends talk about being in the “Zone,” and perhaps this is what I often experience. I remember just being in a state of peace and feeling his pulse slow and calmness return to him; all the while I had totally tuned out the noise in the room. With my eyes closed at some point, I gently did a hand pass over the boys head to check for heat. There was quite a bit of energy disturbance in his fields and so I smoothed it out. Suddenly, a woman’s shrill voice said, “What are you doing, I’m a Christian.” I can remember slowly coming back to present time and turning my head to see who belonged to the voice. It happened to be the boy’s mother. I was completely confused as to why she was even saying this. I vaguely remember saying something like, “I AM also.” I then removed myself from the room and went back to my desk. My heart was thumping loudly as fear then took hold. The thought that came through that totally surprised me was, “I wonder how they will kill me this time?”
I left work that day with some anger building in me. While driving in my car for the next 10 miles and screaming at my Angels for not being there when I needed them, I decided to stop at a café to find some friends and try to recover from this experience. (One can only guess what other drivers on the road witnessed when they saw me yelling and I was all alone in the car.) Upon arriving at the café and climbing the stairs, I watched a woman looking up at something above me as I took each step and wondered what in the world she was doing. I sat down at a table where some familiar faces were seated and then noticed that this same woman got up and approached my table. She came and stood next to me posing with her hands down next to her thighs, head and shoulders held up looking very erect as if mimicking someone and said, “You have a very tall Angel behind you that is saying, STAND UP TALL FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN.” As the heat of the tears rolled down my cheeks, I felt so small in that moment for having had those thoughts where I felt abandoned – thank goodness it didn’t last long. That day was truly pivotal for me and launched me fully on the spiritual path to complete what I felt was my souls purpose. It was shortly after that my intuition told me my work was done there. I thank each and everyone who were present in that health room and cafe' for playing their parts so well, so that I could experience all of it.
That year also was my daughter’s high school senior project in which she was to study, experience and work with a mentor on a subject of her choice. She decided to do hers on alternative medicine and asked if I could be her mentor. Usually the parent is not allowed, but for some reason they gave me permission. We had a fun time as I exposed her to various modalities such as Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Bach Flower Essences, Essential Oils, Massage, Naturopathy and Reiki. After six weeks she had to go in front of the panel of judges and give a presentation. As the word "Synchronicity" comes to mind, one of three judges that she presented to turned out to be the Christian woman who had the outburst at me in the health room. Another was the teacher (who was also present in the health room at the time of the experience) of the special education child who was injured. What are the odds of this happening? Yup – I knew the Angels had their wings flapping in on this one and my daughter received an “A” on her project.
As I reflect back to Laura’s writings during her quantum leap in her personal healing process and sharing her experiences with us, I need to say, “Thank you Laura for allowing us to witness God in Action!” Your Courage ignites the "C" in so many.
Perhaps the Ant Watcher (God) is watching his/her diligent team who lays up substance during times of plenty – wanting to be in the number, “Prov 30:25”, (3+0+2+5) adds up to a “10” (new beginning with experience, a higher frequency of understanding), then 10 breaks down to a 1 (signifying new beginnings, oneness with God, unity of life).
So, I figure if you can’t be a Saint marching in, the next best thing would be as an Ant or Ant Watcher!
"Oh… when the ants, come marching in, oh, when the ants come marching in, oh, I want to be in that number, oh, when the ants come marching in."
Happy Birthday “Musings of an Ant Watcher: aka Laura Young’s Big Blog of Life and Death, Dragon Slayer and coach of great cheer.
I toast to you my dear friend and earth angel, and with a Dragonfly salute, honor you for showing up on my radar screen.
(The only reason I started this blog was so that I could leave comments on Laura's. It is funny how these blogs become the means to journal our personal earth experiences.)
Just when I think I'm done exercising my fingers for the night, the word "BRAVE" suddenly jumped out as I inserted it into the title. I see it as "bra ve". Now what would I look like without the ve? Oh my, a new story line develops just as I'm winding this one down. Seems to me that with a good bra as a solid foundation, a "C" (See with courage) of brave might fill our cups - and of course this leads to, "May your cup runneth over with Love - Ole' Ve."
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Great Tips for Self-Employment
Top 10 Things I Had to Learn on the Road to Full-Time Self-Employment
As we wind down the year, I know many of you are considering your career directions and setting some resolutions to launch your own ventures in 2007. Allow me to give you some food for thought from the other side of that transition. Going from over a decade of salaried work in a licensed profession where I had a clear role and status to full-time self-employment in a profession that is a bit like the Wild West was not without it's challenges. If you are an entrepreneur or considering making the leap, here are a few tips I can offer you from my own insights and dope slaps along the way.
1. Admit it when you need help and then ask for it. Pay for it if you have to. Stubborn independence is not an asset when you are stuck.
2. Accept help and support without worrying that people will think you less of you if you aren't a 100% Self-Made Success. There is no such thing as a successful person who was not given help along the way.
3. Don't overplan. Once you start moving, new energy, new people and new opportunities always show up. You may even discover talents that were previously dormant. Leave some room for synchronicity.
4. Develop work habits that bring out your best. It may take a while to shed old habits and the remnants of burn out. Be patient and persistent with yourself and make sure you don't just substitute one stressful job for another. Experiment with what work flow is best for you.
5. You don't have to catch every ball thrown at you. If you are working from home, it does not mean your schedule is free and that you are on call to fill everyone else's needs. Know the difference between a business and a hobby.
6. Take a look around you once in a while. One's environment is a very strong, clear reflection of your overall life balance. Mix business and pleasure. Your work should support and energize you, not drain and consume you. Not sure if you are balanced? Look around you and take note of areas that are being neglected and make a plan to handle them.
7. Just because you are good at something doesn't mean you ever really enjoyed it. It's natural to gravitate toward our strongest skills, but they may just be overworked muscles. No one likes feeling incompetent, but if there are skills and talents you would like to explore, make it a priority to devote time to developing them.
8. Don't let small stuff serve as a distraction, you will fool no one. We are always making choices, and what we choose to tolerate are the most powerful choices we make in determining how high we will reach in life. Handle the little stuff and be a good gate keeper before clutter accumulates. You may feel like you are busy but is it with the right stuff? If you were on trial for running your business, would you be convicted?
9. You won't do it exactly like anyone else. Don't assume that all the experts know the secrets to your success. Study good models but listen to your gut.
10. Take care of yourself, you are your greatest asset. People are attracted by the person, not the message. You will succeed when you walk the talk because a powerful life is the greatest attractor.
Need help moving from insight to integration and implementation of these concepts? Visit Wellspring Coaching.