What Now My Love (song)
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"What Now My Love" is a popular song. It started out as a French language song, "Et maintenance" ("And Now") written by composer Gilbert Bécaud and lyricist Pierre Delanoë. English language lyrics and the title were written by Carl Sigman.
(Clues......for the ET to maintain, Free the Ki NOW, and keep your EYE on the EARTH for the Healing of the HEART)
(And NOW for the rest of the story......move over Paul Harvey)
It happened again. I had barely stepped into the tub this morning, turned the water nozzle on for the shower spray, lathered up when the tune started to play in my head, and once again I find myself deep in song singing, "What Now My Love," leaving me with the feeling of an intense urge to inspire during these peak holiday periods where sometimes hope gets lost. I had sent a picture to a friend last night, after she mentioned her two kitties reminded her of yin/yang. I then thought of "George" again, and the picture I had seen the night before. She wrote back and said this morning that, "YIN/YANG George," was surely a piece of the puzzle and part of the blog.
After reading her note, I reflected on this monkey with the yin/yang symbol, and the article, "The Gig Is a Real Grind," about Bush the Organ Grinder with George as his monkey from a previous post,"The Man of My Dreams," and that thought then led to the "White House." With a mischievous smile, I wondered if this was a picture for a Christmas White House Greeting Card. (Do I Dare?) :-)
With that last thought and another Mea Culpa heading in, I then wandered into my cleansing room or perhaps Roman Bath House, that lately is becoming a portal of sorts, and belted out what is to be considered a POPULAR song. (Got to POP that BUBBLE)!
Reflect on these words.........
What now my love?
Now that you left me
How can I live through another day?
Watching my dreams turning to ashes
And my hopes into bits of clay
Once I could see
Once I could feel
Now I am numb
I've become unreal
I walk the night
Without a goal
Stripped of my heart
My soul
What now my love?
Now that it's over
I feel the world closing in on me
Here come the stars
Tumbling around me
There's the sky
Where the sea should be
What now my love?
Now that you're gone
I'd be a fool
To go on and on
No one would care
No one would cry
If I should live or die
What now my love?
Now there is nothing
Only my last goodbye
My love
Whew..........looks like we better get down to some serious Monkey Business here and do some damage control. After stepping out of the shower, and gazing into the mirror, I'm thinking to myself, what's next?
"And then to my wandering eyes should appear, but a Blue and Green tube of NOXZEMA, and a smile of Z cheer ."
With a quick Sherlock move, I beam in on to the colors. The blue and the green represent the throat, third eye and heart chakra rays. There are circles all over the tube and inside one of them in WHITE letters are the words NOXZEMA. Ahhhh to move back into the WHITE of truth and purity and remembrance of the circle of life, one needs to incorporate, balance and open the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions of self with integration into the physical to become the "WHITE HOUSE LIGHT." Next we look to the word and take apart the letters, "NO X Z E M A" and we see, "NO X(box-duality thinking) Z (zero point) E(energy) M(Master) A(Angel).
So this tells me that to live in our own White House, we need to leave the box behind or move out of time (there goes the hour glass figure), and balance to the point of Zero Energy for full remembrance for all of us Master Angels.
"As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man, and when LOVE ECHOes back to you, we will meet FACE TO FACE."
I smile as I look at this tube of Noxzema for it also has words written on it saying, "Long Last Deep Clean," "Continuous Clean," "With Vitamin C," "6 Fl. OZ". I'm beginning to sound like a Noxzema commercial here, but I would enCOURAGE all of you to look to this FACE CLEANSER for a number 6 (guidance, six pointed star symbolizing perfect balance of man, three chakras above and three below heart center) that contains a vitamin "C" (Courage) for your "FACE TO FACE" meeting and return to OZ or Circle of Wholeness at Zero!
After my quick wash I went to put on some moisturizer. I then took a bottle out of the cabinet and remembered that this was empty, but for some reason when I pushed the top down, some white liquid came out for me to use. I thought that was funny, since it had been empty. I remembered keeping the bottle because I liked the design and it felt so good. Then I looked at the bottle and the name on it was, "SEACRET" from the Dead Sea. It contained 1 (ONE) OZ. and is a FACE SERUM. I guess the key or secret back to ONENESS, and finding some of our answers to history's long debated questions, may be contained in the healing properties of the Water from the DEAD SEA located in Israel - or finding the IS through the RA(EYE) of EL(GOD) reflection in the mirror - and what to my wandering EYE should appear, but a picture of SELF as a Cosmos reindeer. Hopefully we can all be a friend to those in need. Remember the 100th Monkey Effect - and we'll all be in the White House!
(Reindeer - To see a reindeer in your dream, signifies your loyalty toward your friends who may be going through a tough time.)
Have a great MONKEYDAY, and it's ok to let the SEACRET out through the waters of creation!
Do you have one of those water proof radios in your shower? GG
Hi GG - - I'm still laughing - will consider getting me one :-)
Thanks for checking in!
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